Current time: 03-11-2025, 01:05 PM
The Rant/Rave Topic
belated happy b-day twin-skies~

rave~ I think i can bring one of my laptop tom~ finally~!

rant~ It has a few problems... so~ i need some help fixing it~

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
Last thursday, While going home riding the LRT, my front tooth broke. I was so pissed off as I was planning to have it extracted this January and I also have an assessment the next day which is friday. The good thing is I passed the assessment while wearing a mask to hide my already -hiding somewhere- tooth and guess what I aced it with a 51.2sec/70sec AHT and perfect search accuracy. There are faster, but they have lesser accuracy the lowest at 70%. Anyways, as I type, I'm still waiting for the dentist's call if the dentures are ready, and damn, I just recieved my sign-in bonus. There goes my first pay check AHAHA.
My current record is now: 2 weeks in traning. Sana tuloy tuloy na to.

My harddrive retired along with my installers and prawns. I made sure that I have my old files backed up... I forgot my old novel project in there.
PI. Good bye nineswords. Ack.

Congratulations Grim for getting your dream job and welcome back to the workforce! Ahaha.
Punta ka nga pala dito this sunday Dins.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Rant: theres a bug in my starcraft were the ctrl doesn't work and it is essential to my game style!!!!!!!
StarCraft yung may bug o baka keyboard mo? Never heard of that one before.
maybe its your keyboard ... too much star craft

Domo clown zephyr Domo


I deleted all of the user profiles in the PS3, cause I was thinking of cleaning it out. Turns out, I needed those profiles to play the downloaded games. So now, I'm locked out of Pain and Tekken DR. :|

Andrew warned me, but I read his PM too late. Rookie mistake! Facepalm

DT, do you have a copy of DR I can save?
sori, i was too late.
I contacted the guy who sold the PS3 and sadly, he can't help. His friend was the one who installed the games for him, so it pretty much means he has no idea on how to recover them.
(11-30-2008, 08:44 PM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: I contacted the guy who sold the PS3 and sadly, he can't help. His friend was the one who installed the games for him, so it pretty much means he has no idea on how to recover them.

No worries, I'll be able to recover them eventually.
I've been invited to fight in the Ateneo Team's mini-tourney this January 8. No details on the venue yet, but can you guys make it if it's within Metro Manila?

I'll be working extra hard at the gym to peak out come the competition - Apparently, I can now keep up with my sensei in terms of lunge attack speed thanks to my leg power. Just a little more training, and I can outpace him Clapping Still don't have his precision or sense of timing yet though.

In short, I'll be adjusting my training program to include plyometric exercises over muscle mass.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Whoa, that'd be a good thing to see-- Mr. Yang's pwnage. xD

Sure, tell us where it is. I'm pretty sure anyone who can go will go.
aw I can't taunt you anymore at the fear of being beaten senseless... LOL

rant: seriously my obliviousness abounds woke up 7:30 rushed to take a bath for my 9 o clock class only to find out that wala pala pasok ngayon >_<


Just saw a movie yesterday. Gotta love that chemistry between the lead couple Clapping - the lead protagonist's definitely got charm - that pale complexion, rugged, defined exterior...and those eyes! There's just something about the way he's put together that you gotta appreciate, made even more awesome by his devotion to his significant other.


Ahh, yes, Bolt was one awesome movie.

...What, who did you think I was talking about? LOL


Bah - my search for a good timeslot was made extremely difficult no thanks to some lame-ass telenovela masquerading as some high-budget US film that hogged most of the theaters.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
(11-30-2008, 02:37 AM)NiX Wrote: StarCraft yung may bug o baka keyboard mo? Never heard of that one before.

it is fixed, it some kind of program that kinda affects ctrl even within starcraft.
oh then disable that program. while on SC -_-

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