Current time: 03-13-2025, 02:48 PM
Online/XLink Kai/Adhoc Party Meet-ups
(10-26-2008, 01:47 AM)Hempire Wrote: How much is the headset? Are you using the bluetooth headset by Sony?

I think any headset will do, both USB or Bluetooth ones (or maybe most of them).
Im using a sony DR-BT130QP bluetooth earphone/headset. It pairs flawlessly with the PS3 so, i think any headset will do. DT also bought a single-ear bluetooth headset for cellphones and it also worked with his PS3. BTW, we tried them using the PS3 chatroom.

Bluetooth headsets are a bit expensive so you could try the USB ones if your on a tight budget. Try researching on the internet for more info.

Domo Domo Domo
Ninja Ninja 
Anyone? It is Sunday evening. I'll edit some of the matches I had with Hempire yesterday a little later.
im online, are u?

edit: I think it would be better not to post some vids IMO.
lets just reveal out secrets/tactics in the battle field. right?
Ninja Ninja 
woah....It's been a while since I visited the forums. Do you guys mind if I join in?? I mean I haven't played for a while Coz Yugioh's on the neighborhood and as one of the top,I'm obliged to play a lot. In addition,after playing AC,if voice chat is available,maybe we could have a duel or two?? Big grin

For those who don't know me yet,I'm one of the Originals in AC4 in this forum or so to speak lol, anywayadd me on your friends list: Ryudo_kamiya
(10-27-2008, 12:35 AM)R.Leonhardt Wrote: woah....It's been a while since I visited the forums. Do you guys mind if I join in?? I mean I haven't played for a while Coz Yugioh's on the neighborhood and as the top9th of the place,I'm obliged to play a lot. In addition,after playing AC,if voice chat is available,maybe we could have a duel or two?? Big grin

For those who don't know me yet,I'm one of the Originals in AC4 in this forum or so to speak lol, anywayadd me on your friends list: Ryudo_kamiya

Looking forward to battle with you, i have 3 designs ready and waiting. Woot
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
im still stuck with one setup lol
You're not alone -__- I mean,I never changed designs even before. Only have one set up and it's really had to win with it with the current regs...
at least my paint job is still the same since ac3
I'll be online tonight at 8:00pm PST (9:00pm JST)
See you there chaps Gentleman
Ninja Ninja 
I added a bunch of you guys on PSN but I don't have Robotech: 4A Smile We can play LBP or whatever other game comes out that we both have.
R.Leonhardt, arch_angel (was I right?) and I had a battle royale match earlier, it was fun, chaotic, exciting and laggy LOL

Sorry I had to log out abruptly, something important came up which was more important than playing AC (that important LOL )

Lets have a match again next time.
Ninja Ninja 
ugh...Sorry for the lag thing,my brother was torrenting which led to the crawling net speed. Good games tho despite the lag Big grin
yep cabs it was long as the ac is red and blackish gray, and has a gatling gun at the back with the white glint core, its me. otherwise, it's atdsutm Shades

Fun matches guys....leonhardt made me a bit nervous every time i saw him coming up for a blade strike.....haha so whenever i see something in my radar that's fast approaching in a straight line, it's you...haha
Ow...wait,they're brothers or something?? Coz I just played atdsutm,and I was wondering why the change of staple AC. WG core is Arch while the lightweight is Atdsutm...I get it. Good one guys Big grin
i'll be online this evening Big grin
Ninja Ninja 

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