Current time: 10-01-2024, 11:30 AM
Personality tests
<p><em>Your result for The Which Lolcat Are You? Test...</em></p><h4>Lion Warning Cat</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p>
<div>You are the good Samaritan of the lolcat world. Protecting others from danger by shouting observations and guidance in cases of imminent threat, you believe in the well-being of everyone.

<p><em>Your result for The Worst Case Scenarios Test...</em></p><h4>Hopeful</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p>
<div>You know how to handle some scenarios, which makes you a bit more of a burden in extreme situations since you usually wouldn't know what to do. You might have made some fatal choices, but you've made just enough right choices to make up for those. You just have to remain hopeful that things will be okay or that someone else knows what to do.<br /><br />If you are wondering how you can find out answers to most of the questions from this test, you can find them online if you search for them.

If you liked my test <b>please</b> rate it highly below, and feel free to send me feedback. Thanks!</div><p><a href="">Take The Worst Case Scenarios Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>
<table><tr><td colspan="2"><a href=""><h2>How Sweet Are You?</h2></a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="" /></td><td><p><strong>You are a Sweetie-Pie.</strong> There is absolutely no one sweeter in this world than you! You top the sweetness scales and are a true Sweetie-Pie! You are bashful and earnest and everyone adores you! You wake up each day with hope and optimism, and your smile looks like it is straight from the sun! You never have harsh words about anyone and will be there to lend a helping hand to whomever asks. You are the sweetest thing out there!</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="right">Find Your Character @ <a href=""></a></td></tr></table><br><a border=0 href="*cDovL3d3dy5naWd5YS5jb2*vd2lsZGZpcmUvd2Zwb3AuYXNweD9tb2R1bGU9ZW1haWwmdXJsPWh*dHAlM*ElMkYlMkZ3d3clMkVicmFpbmZhbGwlMkVjb2*lMkZyZXN1bHRzJTJGaG93JTJEc3dlZXQlMkRhcmUlMkR5b3UlMkY=" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" width="60" height="20" /></a><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEyMjEwNzgwNTM2ODcmcHQ9MTIyMTA3ODA1NzUzMSZwPTI5MTMzMSZkPVYzJm49Jmc9MSZ*PSZvPWY4ZWQ*NDJlZmQwODRhNzE4ZmZiZTMwNjQ2MTQ1MTg3.gif" />

<p><em>Your result for The artist type Test...</em></p><h4>Minimalist</h4>
<div>Your work was sucessful and is still widely appreciated, though it doesnt say much, or as much as a spiral of dirt at the edge of a lake can say.
You are a minimalist sculptor.
Now run along and go read your Brancusi catalog or something.
<img src="" /></div><p><a href="">Take The artist type Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for The Which Lolcat Are You? Test...</em></p><h4>Longcat</h4><p style="text-align:center"> <img src="" width="" height="" />
Protector of truth.

Slayer of darkness.


Longcat may seem like just a regular lengthy cat, but he is, in fact, looong. For proof, observe the longpic.

It is prophesized that Longcat and his archnemesis Tacgnol will battle for supremacy on Caturday. The outcome will change the face of the world, and indeed the very fabric of lolcatdom, forever.

Be grateful that the test has chosen you, and only you, to have this title.

<p><em>Your result for The Worst Case Scenarios Test...</em></p><h4>Survivor</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p>
<div>There are likely only a couple extreme scenarios that you don't know how to handle. You have made very few, if any, fatal choices. Any group of travellers should be very glad to have someone like you along for a trip.<br /><br />If you are wondering how you can find out answers to most of the questions from this test, you can find them online if you search for them.

If you liked my test <b>please</b> rate it highly below, and feel free to send me feedback. Thanks!</div><p><a href="">Take The Worst Case Scenarios Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
<p><em>Your result for The Worst Case Scenarios Test...</em></p><h4>Trooper</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p>
<div>You know how to handle about half of the scenarios, which makes you quite a resourceful person. You might have made a few fatal choices, but the right choices certaintly outweigh those. You would be a decent addition to a group of travellers that could be faced with extreme situations.<br /><br />If you are wondering how you can find out answers to most of the questions from this test, you can find them online if you search for them.

If you liked my test <b>please</b> rate it highly below, and feel free to send me feedback. Thanks!</div><p><a href="">Take The Worst Case Scenarios Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for The Which Lolcat Are You? Test...</em></p><h4>Happy Cat</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p>
<div>Sure, you deserve one. You helped popularized lolcats from a running gag to an online sensation. Now mainstream media writes asinine columns on this 'phenomenon', students write theses on the topic, programming languages adopt the grammar, and losers write tests about them on dating sites. Now take your cheezburger and never touch the internets again.
<br /><br />
To see all possible results, checka <a href="">dis</a>.</div><p><a href="">Take The Which Lolcat Are You? Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>
'Signatures are overrated.'
Sweetie-pie amp. LOL

I'm Suprise Adoption Cat as well.
<p><em>Your result for The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test...</em></p><h4>Skinny and Cute</h4>
<img src="">

Thanks for taking the T and A and C test! Based on your selections, the results are clear: you show an attraction to <b><font color=#006600>smaller breasts</font></b>, <b><font color=red>smaller asses</font></b>, and <b><font color=blue>cuter composure</font></b> than others who've taken the test.
Note that you scored <b>low on both breast and ass size</b>. This means you appreciate thinner, harder bodies. You are most likely to appreciate a super-model. Relatively, you are less attracted to round, soft, sloppy women.
My third variable, <b>"cuteness"</b> is a mostly objective measure of how innocent a given model looked. It's determined by a combination of a lot of factors: lack of dark eye makeup, facial expression, posture, etc. If you scored high on that variable, you are either really nice OR you're into deflowering teens. If you scored low, you are attracted to raunchier, sexier, women. <i>In your case, your higher than average score suggests you appreciate a cuter, more innocent look. Kudos!</i>
<b>Recommended Celebrities:</b> <font color=red><B>Jessica Alba</b></font>, an absolute goddess, and <font color=red><B>Natalie Portman</b></font>, if you can handle her acting.</div><p><a href=",-ass,-and-cuteness-test">Take The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for The Lover Style Profile Test...</em></p><h4>The Romantic Lover</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p>
<div>Based on the results of this test, it is highly likely that:
You prefer your romance and love to be traditional rather than daring or out-of-the-ordinary, you would rather pursue than be pursued and, when it comes to physical love, your satisfaction comes more from providing a wonderful time to your partner than simply seeking your own.
This places you in the Lover Style of: <b>The Romantic Lover</b>.
The Romantic Lover is a wonderful Lover Style, and is the hallmark of young love--the Romantic Lover often loves the idea of being in love, and being a wonderful lover, and so they try to bring their prospective partners every bit of joy or happiness that they can. They are the serenaders, and the ones to rent carriages in the park or take a gondola ride down a canal. The Romantic Lover is a treasure to find, though they sometimes are prone to being hurt if their advances are ignored or harshly rebuffed.
In terms of physical love, the Romantic Lover can seem shy, but usually it is simply a by-product of wanting to be perfect for their lover, and often needs some extra encouragement and re-assurance to truly feel at ease. Given a special, intimate evening, and the right lover, the Romantic Lover can be a delight in bed.
Best Compatibility can probably be found with: The Classic Lover (most of all) or the Suave Lover, or the Exotic Lover.

Thanks Again! -- <a href=''>THE LOVER STYLE PROFILE TEST</a></div><p><a href="">Take The Lover Style Profile Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for The Dirty Mind Test...</em></p><h4>Slightly Tainted</h4>
<div>Your mind is not completely pure, but your score says it's not dirty, either. There are a few lingering dirty thoughts in there, but on the whole, your mind is not very sexed. You might find yourself being periodically offended by certain things, but you don't mind most things that much. Your mind is dirty enough to make it in this filth-soaked world we live in, but you'd probably rather think of other things. On the whole, your mind isn't dirty.</div><p><a href="">Take The Dirty Mind Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>
'Signatures are overrated.'
<p><em>Your result for The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test...</em></p><h4>Asses Wild</h4>
<img src="">

Thanks for taking the T and A and C test! Based on your selections, the results are clear: you show an attraction to <b><font color=#006600>smaller breasts</font></b>, <b><font color=red>larger asses</font></b>, and <b><font color=blue>sexier composure</font></b> than others who've taken the test.
Note that because you scored <b>small on breasts but large on ass size</b>, it might <i>appear</i> you like girls bottom heavy. That's probably not the case. What's more likely is that you notice curvy, voluptuous asses, and they turn you on. Breasts are hit or miss, though, and besides, extremely large ones are just saggy and gross, in your opinion.
My third variable, <b>"cuteness"</b> is a mostly objective measure of how innocent a given model looked. It's determined by a combination of a lot of factors: lack of dark eye makeup, facial expression, posture, etc. If you scored high on that variable, you are either really nice OR you're into deflowering teens. If you scored low, you are attracted to raunchier, sexier, women. <i>In your case, your lower than average score suggests you appreciate a sluttier look. Kudos!</i>
<b>Recommended Celebrity:</b> <font color=red><B>J-Lo</b></font>, when she's looking extra sexy. Probably not when she's acting.</div><p><a href=",-ass,-and-cuteness-test">Take The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

Accurate! LOL
<p><em>Your result for Reincarnation Placement Exam...</em></p><h4>Spy</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="500" height="506" /></p>
<div><p><span style="font-size:medium;"><strong>Live well, ride fast, and die young, baby!</strong></span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="font-size:small;">Well, you turned out to be something of a rogue. This may not be exactly the life you wanted... but it's difficult to place people who want to enjoy all the romance and intrigue of civilization, without actually having a demanding job. Besides, since you enjoy the benefits of humanity so much more than you enjoy the press of humanity itself... you shouldn't have much trouble with your role in life. As long as you aren't afraid of danger there's a place for you in society, even if it's a rather dark and wicked place. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to fulfill the role of a spy.</span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="font-size:small;">The good news: You're free and clever, and you can do whatever the heck you want. The bad news: everybody else is free and clever too, and they're not all on your side.</span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="font-size:small;">With the flick of a blade, you can change the course of history. Might be fun. Might be a little messy.</span></p></div><p><a href="">Take Reincarnation Placement Exam</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>
<p><em>Your result for The Dirty Mind Test...</em></p><h4>On the Verge</h4>
<div>According to your score, you are on the threshold of possessing a truly dirty mind. You might enjoy a dirty joke or two once in a while, but you haven't allowed your thoughts to become that smutty. You may enjoy thinking dirty once in a while, but chances are it's not your top priority on your list of things to think about. You take it easy and probably don't offend people, and probably aren't easily offended, either. You possess a good balance of pure and impure thoughts.</div><p><a href="">Take The Dirty Mind Test</a>
<p><em>Your result for The Dirty Mind Test...</em></p><h4>Pretty Messy</h4>
<div>Your score indicates that your mind is on its way to true dirty status. You've passed the test, but there are some things you could work on. You appreciate dirty things and you wouldn't call your thoughts pure, but you haven't gone completely dirty. You don't have a hard time thinking dirty, but you're probably less driven to do so than someone with a true dirty mind.</div><p><a href="">Take The Dirty Mind Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

This isn't accurate. Sad
You honry-honry goat. LOL
<p><em>Your result for Reincarnation Placement Exam...</em></p><h4>Middle-class America</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="1500" height="1125" /></p>
<p><span style="font-size:small;">You were a little difficult to place, but there is a civilization for you. And it comes with all the cable TV a working class hero can eat.</span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="font-size:small;">Your answers indicate that you're interested in a peaceful and civilized existence. You like the benefits of civilization and you're willing to pull your own weight, so you will do well in an urban setting. What made your placement difficult for us is this: You seem to be quite fond of humanity as a whole, but you don't necessarily like to deal with them as individuals -- you know, you're not really a people-person. But that's okay! There's an entire civilization set up for working together, and then cocooning into little households at the end of the day. It's called... America.</span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="font-size:small;">Well... You're in for a pleasant and predictable life. No adventure for you! Join a union and a bowling league. Enjoy your nuclear family, and give my regards to Norman Rockwell.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size:small;"> </span></p></div><p><a href="">Take Reincarnation Placement Exam</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for The Lover Style Profile Test...</em></p><h4>The Classic Lover</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p>
<div>Based on the results of this test, it is highly likely that:
You prefer your romance and love to be traditional rather than daring or out-of-the-ordinary, you would rather be pursued than do the pursuing and, when it comes to physical love, you concentrate more on enjoying the experience rather than worrying about your performance.
This places you in the Lover Style of: <b>The Classic Lover</b>.
The Classic Lover is a wonderful Lover Style, and is the closest it comes to the classic images of the princess in the tower, or the romantic and chivalrous knight, or the hero/heroine from a Disney film. The Classic Lover is a treasure to find, though it can be difficult to do so because they sometimes tend to be shy and/or difficult to successfully court.
In terms of physical love, the Classic Lover again can be shy, and often needs more in terms of emotional security to feel comfortable than some of the other Types. Given the right setting, and the right lover, the Classic Lover can be a delight in bed.
Best Compatibility can probably be found with: The Romantic Lover (most of all) or the Devoted Lover, or the Liberated Lover.
If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in the following:<br><br>

<a href="">Nerds, Geeks & Dorks</a><br><br>

<a href="">Professional Wrestling</a><br><br>

<a href=''>Buffy the Vampire Slayer</a>

<a href=''>America/Politics</a>

Thanks Again! -- <a href=''>THE LOVER STYLE PROFILE TEST</a></div><p><a href="">Take The Lover Style Profile Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

lol...*not willing to try the other tests* XD
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Oh, and I got the Space Explorer result for the Reincarnation Placement Exam.

I don't want to be alone though.
<p><em>Your result for The Lover Style Profile Test...</em></p><h4>The Surprising Lover</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p>
<div>Based on the results of this test, it is highly likely that:
You prefer your romance and love to wild and daring rather than typical or boring, you would rather be pursued than do the pursuing and, when it comes to physical love, your satisfaction comes more from providing a wonderful time to your partner than simply seeking your own.
This places you in the Lover Style of: <b>The Surprising Lover</b>.
The Surprising Lover is a wonderful Lover Style, and, like the name implies, is often filled with hidden delights and talents that might not be apparent from a surface knowledge of the person. The Surprising Lover is rather like a geode--sometimes rough on the exterior, but filled with beauty and wonder. The Surprising Lover is thus a gem to find, though it can sometimes be difficult to do so because they often tend to be humble and unwilling to reveal their inner greatness unless they're in a rewarding relationship.
In terms of physical love, the Surprising Lover really shines, often highly imaginative and utterly devoted to bringing the heights of pleasure to the one that they truly love. Given a rewarding, reciprocative relationship, and the right lover, the Surprising Lover can be a delight in bed.
Best Compatibility can probably be found with: The Carnal Lover (most of all) or the Exotic Lover, or the Suave Lover.
If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in the following:<br><br>

<a href="">Nerds, Geeks & Dorks</a><br><br>

<a href="">Professional Wrestling</a><br><br>

<a href=''>Buffy the Vampire Slayer</a>

<a href=''>America/Politics</a>

Thanks Again! -- <a href=''>THE LOVER STYLE PROFILE TEST</a></div><p><a href="">Take The Lover Style Profile Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
<p><em>Your result for The What's Your Signature Weapon Test...</em></p><h4>Desert Eagle</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p>

<p><em>Your result for The Which Lolcat Are You? Test...</em></p><h3>Lion Warning Cat</h3><p>83% Affectionate, 52% Excitable, 38% Hungry</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p><div>You are the good Samaritan of the lolcat world. Protecting others from danger by shouting observations and guidance in cases of imminent threat, you believe in the well-being of everyone.
<br /><br />
To see all possible results, checka <a href="">dis</a>.</div><p><a href="">Take The Which Lolcat Are You? Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for The artist type Test...</em></p><h3>Performance artist</h3><p>You scored 43% modernist and are a 67% good judge of artistic quality!</p><div>Performance is really getting the attention it deserves as of late. The body speaks to everyone who has one, and as long as you don't apply modernist ideals like relying upon your own concepts and inhibiting other concepts and actions to form you will do all right.
Of course you won't make any money though. But when has society rewarded pure thought without direct functional application? Keep working at that cafe on the side and document your work!
Your doing good stuff.
<img src="" /></div><p><a href="">Take The artist type Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<table><tr><td colspan="2"><a href=""><h2>How Sweet Are You?</h2></a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="" /></td><td><p><strong>You are Sweet as Candy.</strong> You are as Sweet as Candy! You love life and look forward to everything it has to offer. You are enthusiastic and persuasive and can make others feel shiny on a bleak day! You are not so sweet that it irritates people, but you are absolutely one of the nicest and kindest people in the world. You are popular and people naturally drift to you when they are in need of some cheering up!</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="right">Find Your Character @ <a href=""></a></td></tr></table><br><a border=0 href="*cDovL3d3dy5naWd5YS5jb2*vd2lsZGZpcmUvd2Zwb3AuYXNweD9tb2R1bGU9ZW1haWwmdXJsPWh*dHAlM*ElMkYlMkZ3d3clMkVicmFpbmZhbGwlMkVjb2*lMkZyZXN1bHRzJTJGaG93JTJEc3dlZXQlMkRhcmUlMkR5b3UlMkY=" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" width="60" height="20" /></a><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEyMjEyMjI1MTI4NTkmcHQ9MTIyMTIyMjUxNzQ2NSZwPTI5MTMzMSZkPVYzJm49Jmc9MSZ*PSZvPTYxNjRkMTZhMGEzZjQ1OTg4MWY3NjI4MTZmMTdhODVi.gif" />

<p><em>Your result for The Worst Case Scenarios Test...</em></p><h3>Survivor</h3><p>Your survival rate is 76% and your "certain death" rate is 13%.</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p><div>There are likely only a couple extreme scenarios that you don't know how to handle. You have made very few, if any, fatal choices. Any group of travellers should be very glad to have someone like you along for a trip.<br /><br />If you are wondering how you can find out answers to most of the questions from this test, you can find them online if you search for them.

If you liked my test <b>please</b> rate it highly below, and feel free to send me feedback. Thanks!</div><p><a href="">Take The Worst Case Scenarios Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test...</em></p><h3>Skinny and Cute</h3><p>Raw score: 19% Big Breasts, 41% Big Ass, and 76% Cute!</p><div><center>
<img src="">

Thanks for taking the T and A and C test! Based on your selections, the results are clear: you show an attraction to <b><font color=#006600>smaller breasts</font></b>, <b><font color=red>smaller asses</font></b>, and <b><font color=blue>cuter composure</font></b> than others who've taken the test.
Note that you scored <b>low on both breast and ass size</b>. This means you appreciate thinner, harder bodies. You are most likely to appreciate a super-model. Relatively, you are less attracted to round, soft, sloppy women.
My third variable, <b>"cuteness"</b> is a mostly objective measure of how innocent a given model looked. It's determined by a combination of a lot of factors: lack of dark eye makeup, facial expression, posture, etc. If you scored high on that variable, you are either really nice OR you're into deflowering teens. If you scored low, you are attracted to raunchier, sexier, women. <i>In your case, your higher than average score suggests you appreciate a cuter, more innocent look. Kudos!</i>
<b>Recommended Celebrities:</b> <font color=red><B>Jessica Alba</b></font>, an absolute goddess, and <font color=red><B>Natalie Portman</b></font>, if you can handle her acting.</div><p><a href=",-ass,-and-cuteness-test">Take The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for The Lover Style Profile Test...</em></p><h3>The Devoted Lover</h3><p>59% partner focus, 29% aggressiveness, 40% adventurousness</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p><div>Based on the results of this test, it is highly likely that:
You prefer your romance and love to be traditional rather than daring or out-of-the-ordinary, you would rather be pursued than do the pursuing and, when it comes to physical love, your satisfaction comes more from providing a wonderful time to your partner than simply seeking your own.
This places you in the Lover Style of: <b>The Devoted Lover</b>.
The Devoted Lover is a wonderful Lover Style, and is perhaps the best Lover Style when it comes to developing a long-term, caring and rewarding relationship. The Devoted Lover is a treasure to find, though it is sometimes difficult to time establishing a relationship with one just right; usually, this is the last romantic relationship you'll need to find, so sow any wild oats first.
In terms of physical love, the Devoted Lover can be shy at first but gradually warms and eventually can be a thrilling partner who knows every need of his/her partner. Given a strong and loving relationship, and the right lover, the Devoted Lover can be a delight in bed.
Best Compatibility can probably be found with: The Suave Lover (most of all) or the Classic Lover, or the Carnal Lover.
If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in the following:<br><br>

<a href="">Nerds, Geeks & Dorks</a><br><br>

<a href="">Professional Wrestling</a><br><br>

<a href=''>Buffy the Vampire Slayer</a>

<a href=''>America/Politics</a>

Thanks Again! -- <a href=''>THE LOVER STYLE PROFILE TEST</a></div><p><a href="">Take The Lover Style Profile Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for The Dirty Mind Test...</em></p><h3>On the Verge</h3><p>You scored 52% Dirtiness!</p><div>According to your score, you are on the threshold of possessing a truly dirty mind. You might enjoy a dirty joke or two once in a while, but you haven't allowed your thoughts to become that smutty. You may enjoy thinking dirty once in a while, but chances are it's not your top priority on your list of things to think about. You take it easy and probably don't offend people, and probably aren't easily offended, either. You possess a good balance of pure and impure thoughts.</div><p><a href="">Take The Dirty Mind Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for Reincarnation Placement Exam...</em></p><h3>Traveling Circus</h3><p>54% Intrigue, 49% Civilization, 67% Humanity, 43% Urbanization.</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="316" height="480" /></p><div><p><span style="font-size:small;">Your answers indicate that you might be the reckless, fun-loving sort. We can go with that. You don't need to bind yourself to any particular civilization or routine. You don't need the complications of technology, especially if it means you have to get an education to employ it. What you do need is adventure, particularly the complicated and exotic kind... plus, the fun of working and playing with fellow adventurers like yourselves. So... why not run off and join the circus?</span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="font-size:small;">You can run the fun house ride, play lion tamer or get shot out of a cannon. It takes all kinds!</span></p></div><p><a href="">Take Reincarnation Placement Exam</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

C'est La Vie

^Payaso! LOL
<p><em>Your result for The Lover Style Profile Test...</em></p><h4>The Classic Lover</h4><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p>
<div>Based on the results of this test, it is highly likely that:
You prefer your romance and love to be traditional rather than daring or out-of-the-ordinary, you would rather be pursued than do the pursuing and, when it comes to physical love, you concentrate more on enjoying the experience rather than worrying about your performance.
This places you in the Lover Style of: <b>The Classic Lover</b>.
The Classic Lover is a wonderful Lover Style, and is the closest it comes to the classic images of the princess in the tower, or the romantic and chivalrous knight, or the hero/heroine from a Disney film. The Classic Lover is a treasure to find, though it can be difficult to do so because they sometimes tend to be shy and/or difficult to successfully court.
In terms of physical love, the Classic Lover again can be shy, and often needs more in terms of emotional security to feel comfortable than some of the other Types. Given the right setting, and the right lover, the Classic Lover can be a delight in bed.
Best Compatibility can probably be found with: The Romantic Lover (most of all) or the Devoted Lover, or the Liberated Lover.
If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in the following:<br><br>

<a href="">Nerds, Geeks & Dorks</a><br><br>

<a href="">Professional Wrestling</a><br><br>

<a href=''>Buffy the Vampire Slayer</a>

<a href=''>America/Politics</a>

Thanks Again! -- <a href=''>THE LOVER STYLE PROFILE TEST</a></div><p><a href="">Take The Lover Style Profile Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

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