Current time: 02-17-2025, 05:42 PM
MHF2 and MHP2G (PSP)
ardjin Wrote:lao's weakness is its tummy, not the head

yes it is but that was not my point Im asking whether you have to hit a certain part for the killing blow or not as A good number of times when I twack a LaoS' head he dies one time my first barrage when he entered area 5 killed him right then and there. Its only a question of curiosity...

1. Do you have to hit a lao on the head to kill it or just pump enough damage to kill it on area 5?

Hitting its head does half the damage of hitting it on its stomach. You can only kill it in area 5, and it doesn't matter where you hit it to kill it.

2. Does the flaming pair have any perks at all Im not seeing any ~_~?

They lead to one of the strongest dragon element duals, but I don't like farming Fatalis. I wouldn't suggest it either because Fatalis farming is reserved for end-game play.

3. can you kill a lao shan lung and shen gaoren?

When I was starting off, I had a hard time killing them too. Now I can kill both of them easily (it just takes long), with hammers. Raw damage is enough, no need for dragon element unless DS ung gamit mo.

4. would the imperial sword be worth the 3 basarios tears?

It leads to the best water LS in the game, Atlantica
yup I checked your previous post yes imperial sword =P

Here's a pretty fair and honest review for MHF2 and MHP2G:

It's a pretty good read, and it explains what happened with the bad scores on the other gaming sites. Found out about it after the author pimped it on SoC.
well i always dont consider professional reviewers decent enough to make a verdict, i always find reviews from players who played the game entirely
Haywire's recently killed MHF2's Akantor - she's now moving on to 2nd G.

I'll be converting her save file later tonight Worship

Huzzah! All three of us are now on the same page!
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
ardjin Wrote:jake and raffy, this is the 4 tigrex mission i was talkin about.

Yeah. You can download or make your own custom quests. SoCro has guides on that too ^^;

Going to post a few "did you know" screencaps now Smile
Look at the name of one of my cats. That one fails a lot, btw.

1st: Did you know Naruga sleeps above the trees when in the forest? It's directly above my hunter.
[Image: naru01.jpg]

2nd: In multiple monster quests, the maximum # to hunt is 10, and then it ends.
[Image: basar01.jpg]

Next are the funny/interesting looking ones. These are all my screencaps:

From the dual Tigger quest:
[Image: tiggy02.jpg]

[Image: tiggy03.jpg]

Single Tigger:
[Image: tiggy05.jpg]

I haet Plesy Hiphugz:
[Image: plesy.jpg]

Silver Los smashed:
[Image: slos.jpg]

Pink Rathian head cut off:
[Image: ian-cap.jpg]
What do you have to kill to rank up to HR8? Owo?
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
I had one where I got two plesioths on a 69 position o_O but I don't have a digicam so no pics sorry V_V

ardjin Wrote:jake, do you know any easier way to get this items:
rathalos ruby
rathalos plate
monoblos heart

6x ko na tinalo yung silver los..break lhat.. wings,claw,head,tail.. wala parin lumalabas!!gfajksgfash!! pati sa monoblos.

Here are the drop rates! Just search for it there. Hindi talaga madali yung mga items na un.
HayWire Wrote:What do you have to kill to rank up to HR8? Owo?

HR 7 - HR 8

-Record of the Warring Daimyo (戦国大名風雲録)
Hunt the Purple Daimyo Hermitaur

-Walking Thunder (旧密林に走る稲妻)
Hunt the Khezu

-Eyes from the Deep (地底湖から覗く目)
Hunt the Plesioth

-Dignity of the Beast (牙獣の品格)
Hunt the Green Congalala

-The Choking Fog (霧にむせぶ旧沼地)
Hunt 2 Purple Gypceros


-To kill A Shadow (絶影)
Hunt the Naruga Kuruga

HR 8 - HR 9

-Appearance of the Lava Wyvern (溶岩竜ヴォルガノス出現!)
Hunt the Volganos

-Great Decisive Battle (天下分け目の大合戦)
Hunt the Shogun Ceanataur
Hunt the Red Shogun Ceanataur

-The Smoking King (噴煙まとう王者)
Hunt the Rathalos

-The Eternal Queen (久遠の女王)
Hunt the Rathian

-Wild Beast of the Desert (砂漠地帯の暴れん坊)
Hunt the Brown Blangonga


-Floating Diaster (浮岳龍)
Slay the Yamatsukami

**To Unlock Ucamulbas (絶対零度)**

-Absolute Power (絶対強者)
Hunt the Tigrex

-Black Phalanx (黒のファランクス)
Hunt 2 Black Diablos

-Terror of the Gravios (鎧の覇者グラビモス)
Hunt the Gravios

-Eye of the Horizon (秘境を目指して)
Hunt the Silver Rathalos

-A Glint of Moonlight (一縷の月光)
Hunt the Gold Rathian


-The Approaching Gaoren (迫り来る仙高人)
Defend the Town from Shen Gaoren. by Hotgamermum

BTW, has anyone noticed that Hypnoc is easier than the rest of the monsters?
[Image: nines.jpg]
yes yes hypnocs are to dissapointing but their fun to watch Happy their more of a clown than the congalala XD

Black Dragon Wrote:BTW, has anyone noticed that Hypnoc is easier than the rest of the monsters?

Among the new ones? I think Yama is the easiest, but Hypnoc hits the least.

Btw BD, are you a SoCro member? There was this other member named BlackDragon and I asked him if it was you, but he said it wasn't.
Ninja Felyne fur rubies are found where? Ninja
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
just felynes no felyne dromes to make it easier XD


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