Current time: 03-13-2025, 02:51 PM
The Rant/Rave Topic
Holy crap Luffy. I'm really glad to see you're still alive after that. Welcome back!
Glad you're okay! And yes, don't try to be a hero unless you're 100% sure you'll come out on top. Guess your body wasn't rubbery enough to withstand bullets because they're too small Huh You should've just hid and snuck a punch in.

Oh, pardon the probably strange request, but could you post pictures of the bullet wounds? I find blood interesting.
AppleHead Wrote:Oh, pardon the probably strange request, but could you post pictures of the bullet wounds? I find blood interesting.

I second~Domo

Hmm... 'Post your Scars' thread anyone?


NVM about the topic idea. We have something better here.
Pics anyone?
'Signatures are overrated.'
AppleHead Wrote:Glad you're okay! And yes, don't try to be a hero unless you're 100% sure you'll come out on top. Guess your body wasn't rubbery enough to withstand bullets because they're too small Huh You should've just hid and snuck a punch in.

Oh, pardon the probably strange request, but could you post pictures of the bullet wounds? I find blood interesting.

funny you talk about the bullets and Luffy's stretchiness...if I recall, he can't get shot, because the bullets ARE too small and they do actually hurt him...something like that.

and two reasons why I won't post pics: I have bandages on them, and doc says I can't take off.

and 2: I'm fat. you wouldn't want to see that lol.
Glad to see that you're posting; that you're still around to post.
"Numbers are not part of the real world; they're part of something else."

-Prof. Rolly Panopio, UPLB Math Division
lol, thanks. I'm rather glad of that too, and that they didn't hit anything serious, lest I would have probably stayed in the hospital a little longer.
Whoa, good to hear from you after that kind of experience.

Welcome back dude - I'm sincerely happy you're okay Salute

Well, here we go...

Fir the first time in a very long time, it looks like I've finally considered resigning from my current job. Our office axed a couple of our other writers not too long ago, and quite frankly, the reorganization's just added more to my workload. What sucks is that I'm not getting paid extra for the effort.

The extra-crappy part is that I got reassigned to handle part of our World of Warcraft and PSP blog. PSP gaming, I can handle, but asking me to handle WoW with barely any editorial training? They're asking for the moon.

What confounds this scenario all the more is that I need to draw my news from Blizzard's WoW forums, and from actually being in-game. The former I can do, but the latter is problematic, given that it means paying a 750/month rate, and the office isn't willing to shell out the cash (yet). I sure as hell am not paying for the game - I can only log on when I'm not at work, which really cuts into personal time.

Gaming's nice and all, but damn it, NOT when it's an occupation! Please lemme know if you know any publications looking for able-bodied writers. One that pays well would be nice.

[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Twin-Skies Wrote:Gaming's nice and all, but damn it, NOT when it's an occupation!

Wow, I never thought I'd hear someone say that. It prods one to think though: even in a dream job, there's bound to be something less-than-desirable.

I'll keep an eye out for prospects for you.
@ luffy: glad your alright man that was a damn brave thing to do. I salute you! Salute
play games for fun not as a job ... very true

Gaming's nice and all, but damn it, NOT when it's an occupation!

I still want to be a pilot Sad
theGrim Wrote:
Twin-Skies Wrote:Gaming's nice and all, but damn it, NOT when it's an occupation!

Wow, I never thought I'd hear someone say that. It prods one to think though: even in a dream job, there's bound to be something less-than-desirable.

I'll keep an eye out for prospects for you.
Hey wasn't there a job called Game tester or something in America (or was it Australia?)

AEA1 Wrote:Gaming's nice and all, but damn it, NOT when it's an occupation!

I still want to be a pilot Sad

I remember a saying "The job you want when you grow up is most likely not the one you're going to get when you grow-up."
I wanted to become a pilot or a slodier too, but now I'm a geek in front of a computer LOL

Rave: MY PS2 is fix'd! W000t!!!!!!!
Rant: it destroyed most of my favorite games though >_> Thank God my ACLr and ACZ is still ok
[Image: nines.jpg]
I feel soooo light right now, and it's not even a good thing. Looks like i'm gonna hafta scrimp on living expenses for the next week or so...

Glad to hear you're alright after that ordeal you went through. Yep, really true, heroes may get venerated, lauded by the masses and all that but they mostly end up dead. Good thing you're still among the living.

Lot of that going around lately. But then again, i've discovered that necessity is a bit more important than wants at the moment. Much as i really want to hand in my papers, i need to suck in my stupid pride and just grin and bear it...

... just a couple more months though...
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
I can't find the old top up system of Level Up >_<...
If I don't find it soon, my 4 year old account is dead Ermm
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
OMG, I just read some post, welcome back Luffy. Good to see alive and kicking!
[Image: nines.jpg]

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