Current time: 02-02-2025, 12:01 PM
Batman Gotham Knight
There's a new Batman DVD scheduled to come out soon. It has six stories about Bruce Wayne's transition into his alter ego. I have no idea though whether it's a prequel/sequel to any of the Chris Nolan movies or what.

Looks pretty good though.

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Heard of this one, it's actually Batman's life told: past, present and future. Well, that's from what I've heard. This is actually looks promising IMO. Animation looks fluid.
[Image: nines.jpg]
Sorry for the misinformation, it was more of like Animatrix, composing of short movies. I watched it last night and some of the movies were quite good. In Darkness Dwells and Deadshot are my personal favorites, both of which have good story and art, but my favorite art comes from Field Test (most anime fangirls would scream "Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!" )
[Image: nines.jpg]
This one's pretty cool. It's a bunch of Batman shorts that are sort of but not really interconnected. Seeing Batman in anime style is quite a treat.

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