Current time: 06-02-2024, 07:40 PM
Mr. Soft to Buy Yahoo! for $44.6B

Offer is at $31 a share.
Yahoo closed at just $19.18 a day before the offer.

Yahoo! is second in web searches at 16% while MS is at 3.7%.
Google has 77% of the market

Yahoo's Jerry Yang made a speech on the 26th to Yahoo employees which targeted absolutely nothing in particular, except that they wanted to be the starting point on the web, the must buy for advertisers, and that he wanted to be aggressive in investments.

What Apple (me) thinks! I don't use any of Yahoo's free products at all. Google has all the web apps I would ever need. I also hate MS, so I don't care. LOL What I do hope for though is that MS gets rid of their dreadful .net passport crap and just hands over management of MSN to Yahoo.

What do you think? Do you think?

well anyway from how I look at it its just more of the old pacman business all companies are into ... eat eat eat or get pawned by a ghost whatever ...

yes I think...

I meant to post about this issue too. It's all the buzz in the tech world right now.

This can only mean that MS online services will get better OR Yahoo services will become shit, all assuming the deal pushes through though.

i don't know how Yahoo can refuse.
NiX Wrote:i don't know how Yahoo can refuse.

Either way, an MS-Yahoo merger will still play second fiddle to Google. Google is a god right now. They're at the forefront of web-related technology with their search and web apps. They're getting into the hardware with their GPhone and gOS PCs. Furthermore, they have the brand name. Almost anyone who's been on the internet for more than a month will know what Google is. Point is, the company is on top, and I don't really know how anyone could ever find a way to one-up it.

It's quite sad really, these smaller companies trying to compete for all the scraps left. But then again, every scrap counts because apparently 1% of market = $1 billion.

Here's a good article to put things into perspective. Quite easy to digest too.
I think Mr Soft should stop trying to monopolize everything and anything under the sun. The consequences always have end-users suffering mediocre products.
The Google has spoken. Now go read the analysis.

Google Assails Microsoft's Bid for Yahoo - NY Times

Could Microsoft now attempt to exert the same sort of inappropriate and illegal influence over the Internet that it did with the PC?” asked David Drummond, Google senior vice president and chief legal officer, writing on the company’s blog.

While the Internet rewards competitive innovation, Microsoft has frequently sought to establish proprietary monopolies — and then leverage its dominance into new, adjacent markets.
Interesting... is Google scared?

Here's an article that gives you a more personal view of the predicament being faced by Yahoo's top management.

I feel really sorry for Yahoo. They were just minding their own business when Microsoft suddenly came along and offered them $40+ Billion, now putting them uncomfortably under the whole techworld's spotlight.

Talked about being trapped.

WTF. Microsoft is going to play dirty now just to acquire Yahoo. Well, not that dirty, but still.
Verdict is in, Microsoft says no more.
Microhoo is indeed Micro-Who?

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