Current time: 03-11-2025, 01:04 PM
The Rant/Rave Topic

Quote:All the happiness, joys, and intimacy you have experienced with the wrong one or the one who got away, will pale in comparison to what you'll experience when you find the right one.

I'll just leave it at that, and at the very least I hope it helps out.

One small piece of advice I can give you to move on, is to remove her picture and change your signature. No one can do it for you but yourself, if you still have some self-respect and be mature enough to accept that its time to let go of what's done.
Something that a friend of mine once told me, something i remember quite clearly and is just perfect for this one.

"Trying to stay with someone even though it's not really meant to be is just like staying in the rain... It may feel good while you're there but it will eventually end up killing you."

Makes perfect sense to me.

Right now, i'd really like to try some of that N20 that's been floating around. Big grin
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Oh yeah, it'll be my birthday this Tuesday. Ya'll can come to my place in the evening if you can. Wink
AEA1 Wrote:Oo, laugh trip nga eh.


Doc, Palambat ng N20, tapos isaboy mo sa Sabado ha.
'Signatures are overrated.'
NiX Wrote:Oh yeah, it'll be my birthday this Tuesday. Ya'll can come to my place in the evening if you can. Wink

What time can we go? My problem is transportation though since, I'm not that willing to drive that far (I might try though).
6-onwards is fine. There'll be dinner. You folks can actually come in the afternoon if you want cuz I'll be home for most of the day anyway.

And Alabang isn't "that far". Only the traffic amplifies the distance. Tongue
lol advance happy bday boss nix!!!

doc doc! dala ka ng N20 bday gift mo ke boss Nix sarap yan naka laughing gas tayo habang nag lalaro ng World Super Police!

Hahahah that sounds better than Crack. NO2 plus World Super Police will be the best. LOL

EDIT: Not that I know what being on Crack feels like. -_-
Double Laugh trip.
'Signatures are overrated.'
It's bang-on the twenty-ninth of January and we've got a couple of celebrants here! Happy birthdays to Nix and Shayde! Hope you two have a good one.

Sorry Nix, won't be able to get to your place since i'll still be snoozing at around that time. Just have the other guys eat for me as well and we can all call it even. Tongue

Thanks for the invite though. Smile
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Happy birthday NiX! Happy birthday Shayde!
Happy Birthday to both of you, Nix and Shayde.
Sensya na Nix, your place is slightly far from here so I really can't drop by...

I'm feeling quite sluggish these past days...
'Signatures are overrated.'
happy bday!!! YOUR OLD NOW!!!

CZ, It's 'You're Old Now'...
'Signatures are overrated.'

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