Current time: 09-28-2024, 06:07 AM
Trillianes, Lim walk out

Sen. Trillianes, Gen. Lim Walk Out of Court-martial, Call for GMA Overthrow

The quiet of what was so far an uneventful Thursday morning was shattered when the accused Magdalo soldiers walked out of their court martial proceedings and headed towards the Manila Peninsula Hotel several blocks away in Ayala Avenue, Makati.

Headed by Brig. General Danilo Lim and Senator Antonio Trillanes, the Magdalo group wasted no time in issuing a statement regarding their actions. Gen Lim lead a statement calling for the Armed Forces of the Philippines to rally behind them and overthrow what he called the "illegitimate" Arroyo administration and re-install Joseph Estrada as President.

Initially, it was thought that the military police escort that were in support of the rebels who walked out as they followed the Magdalo group out the courthouse. It later turned out that the Military escort were simply ordered to shadow the group and and monitor their actions.

Surprisingly, Filipinos in Metro Manila seems to have become jaded with all the coups and mutinies over the years. For many in the metropolis, this is nothing more than a martial side-show akin to a military parade: interesting while it is passing-by, but quickly forgotten after it is gone. The Makati stock exchange dropped for a while but even ended up before lunch.

The rebels are about to issue a press conference from the hotel's third floor. Most Filipinos here and abroad are just shaking their head and hope these military adventurists just go away, or better yet remain locked-up for good.

Emphasis added by me.

So, yet another attempt at destabilization by the leader of the failed 2003 mutiny.

Although I tried hard to care about what was going on, my insides shouted a resounding MEH.

We're used to it...
'Signatures are overrated.'
I don't care anymore

But seriously now, We're basically all involved and affected by it so...
'Signatures are overrated.'
Actually, I think Magdalo does want to be arrested. Sacrifice kumbaga... to trigger a bigger movement tomorrow in time for National Heroes Day.

Right now, I just feel so sorry for the folks that own Manila Pen. -_- LOL @ APC in Manila Pen's lobby.
Ayan na nga. Yung tactic talaga nila Trillianes was to wait until the armed forces charged in para ipalabas na gumagamit talaga ng violence ang government.

I'm still not sure where to place my self here but I can say that what they did was pretty noble.
I'm really getting sick of that character. I mean, he's not gonna get any support and possible international recognition with the methods he's using.

I'm more worried, like Nix, about the hotel guests.
Newflash. Took a look at ANC, now they're arresting reporters and their crew, and tying their hands like criminals.

Repeat, REPORTERS. And their CAMERAMEN. Even their equipment is getting confiscated too.

What the fuck is going on with this country? >_<
-_- Yeah I'm watching that too.

Frankly, I don't like GMA and I would very much like her to resign. I just dunno if this was the right way to get her do it.
I suppose this is a precautionary measure to prevent rebels from sneaking out posing as media members to escape prosecution, but that's just my speculation.

In any case, ABS-CBN is seriously overreacting to their crew being taken into custody, by calling something like this "atrocious". I think these are just standard police procedures, as they are with potentially dangerous individuals (read: soldiers trained to kill and wield weapons). Its not just media personnel being taken into custody, but everyone else who was in close contact with the rebel soldiers. I think this is just to buy the police some time to sort the individuals out and confirm their identities.

EDIT: Fucking curfew from 12-5AM on the NCR, region 4 and 3?! Now Malacaniang is overreacting.

This is exactly how the Magdalo group expected the government to react. -_-
Walang party ngayong gabi sa Makati. -_-
I wrote a very lengthy reply but my internet screwed up so its gone. I'll just mentioned the main points.

I think this curfew is necessary to sort things out.

Its only necessary only for 1 night.

Trillanes just wanted to leave the court house instead of going through due process so he can escape the clutches of the law.

The media are overreacting over the arrest of their fellow media personnel, and are bitching about it.

F*ck my internet for not posting my long long reply.
Hahah yeah the media is definitely annoying. They think that simply because they're in the media, they've got a free ticket to anywhere. It's like they think they're immune to collateral damage.

I wonder how GMA sleeps at night knowing that so many people hate her ass. Hahah in retrospect, she probably doesn't sleep that well. She always looks so stressed in her pictures. LOL
Or being the current president with all of the powers that come with it, she probably doesn't give a damn what people think of her. LOL

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