Current time: 02-16-2025, 08:39 PM
The RR pen and paper RPG
anyone know D n D, Exalted and the like>

I propose we make something like it

compiling the basics would not be hard I think ... hopefully

things it could do
make board participation more fun, and more people could be attracted to the boards (but on this area boss G and jake both may have problems ... boss G because he post to much already ... jake because of what you said on a previous topic)

it could be used as a springboard for the RR manga

its something new.

Lay out the guidelines and the rest will hopefully follow.
Armored Core as a P&P RPG?!?!

Weird but seems doable.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
oki but I'll need help! so anyone with pen an paper rpg experience pls help!

- one problem I think would be is who would want to be the GM?
something we can do is alternating shifts... pls be reminded that GMs have to be honest and well versed in AC ... another thing is they not get to happy with their position, so no sudden attacks by pulvies every session!!!!
- another thing I have taught of, we can use the chat area to cater to this plan.
- rpg sessions are to be scheduled!!! no sudden spur of the moment sessions! so we have to find common times to do this! post your scheds pips and we can compare to find the most possible times.
- players can only control their characters nothing else once the game rules have been set begging the GMs and rulemakers tweeks must have valid ground
- aah we need to set a time line... where does our basic story plot start? (this I cannot do as I have only played 2, nexus and LR.) - a remedy would be the utilization of factors discussed for the RR manga ... again this would also help in the construction of the RR manga.

thats what I can think of for this time... so anyway how many of you guys have had experience with pnp rpgs? even a little like me...

Are you talking about an online role-playing thing that's type-written?

Hrm. used to have a dedicated RP forum... not sure what happened. It's gone now, though. Hahha but yeah I'm willing to give this a shot if it's for RR. I've never played D&D or other pen/paper RPGs though so I'm not really sure how it goes.
and it seems the lack of replies means your not alone T_T

You're already calling this a "lack of replies"? Go take a look at the tech forum. LOL
I'm interested, Raph. Formulate more guidelines so we can have something to start with. Ako rin hindi pa naglalaro ng pen and paper game before eh.
generally I'll be basing this on whatever material I can lay my hands on the only pnp I have been exposed too (exalted, and Hunter) are cheep asses and require you too buy there books >_> so I'll be basing this on experience...

my warning to you is that I have bad habit of complicating things more than it should >_<... but yeah this can be done...

the rules shall mainly involve d20 dice to be what gms use to decide the outcome of events

anyway one problem is building up the world for the pilots because AC is all about the Mechs and less about other stuff ... diba?? it would be better if we can extend the world to the pilots point of view ... as in how you interact with ohters, how you book fights anyway.

exalted has 3 stat categories with 3 stats each these dictate the physycal and mental capability of a player in exlated these are strenght, dexterity,stamina,charm, manipulation, appearance, perception, intelligence, and wits ,,, so what about us??? remember players are the PEOPLE and maybe just maybe they do not want to be pilots ... maybe they want to be parts brokers or those group of soldiers firing dinky shots at you during missions.

in from what I know there are 20 skills split into 5 categories. these 5 categories cater to a different aspect simply put this are fighting (mainly strenght but also dex), defense (mostly aligned to stamina and appearance), nerd stuff (crafting, lore ... those stuff), dexterity stuff (well not all but stuff like athletics, dodging, theivery those stuff), and more witty stuff ( riding, sailing, beaucracy). the divides do not generally cater to one aspect but a set of aspects that are alike (dizzying at first yes but yeah converted to AC what if some guy hates your guts and tries to kill you in a dark alley or something no AC around to help you you gotta fight or talk to him, another example; your in a mission but it seems rather to hard even for you but you have good bureaucracy and leadership skillls you rally what support if any you have and talk over some forces of the other guy? diba its not all about shooting ... anyway your choice simple and narrow or complicated and wide)
also the player can add his own class of sub category skill like for what a AC class of crafting skill you say your proficient at making laser blades so when you decide to create your own laser blade your better at it rather than making guns ... anyway how success is determinted is by your proficiency which translates to how many d20 dice would be rolled, up to how how the number is to be considered a success, and how many successes you get, and bonusses for getting more rolls than neccessary (and the reverse is when you fail oh so much you get the appropriate amount of punishment maybe even going over the mere failure of your work and something else happening thats bad)... eg blade making requires 6 successes and you have 4 wits and 5 crafting with 3 for blade crafting equals 12 dice would be rolled. and after the roll you get 12!!! successes *wow* you didn't just make a blade you freaking made a uber moonlight or something,... basically iit displays you luck

in exalted there is no precise monetary value but a background stat of resource going from 1-5 one being shitty poor to 5 meaning owning a very large mansion. I propose this too going from a scale of 1-10 where one is you being so poor you can only but buy food for yourself and you not being able to maintain your AC, 2 being your somewhat better of , 5 is like us with around 45% completion rate in LR and 10 being you having 99999999 money or something (this only applies to how rich you are meaning that it involves monetary aspects only lets say your so rich but you don't have any access to better equipment then you have a army of dinky ACs at your hand. money does not always translate to technology and all the other stuff!

Im late for school so thats it for now pls research too!!! anyway all of these are based on Exalted from (not an advertisement) so you can check it there download some of the stuff you can do but to be honest the site doesn't over much T_T its cries *buy the quide bok and that tpe of *&%*&)

Sorry I haven't read your post in detail yet.

Pero in ACG, what they did with their RP was that a GM regularly updated a missions list, a la AC single-player. Successful missions lead to cash rewards of course.

And then there was the bar or lounge or whatever where Ravens interacted with each other. Plus a few other things that I can't remember right now. Gotta go too.
Anyone here ever visited
They have somehting similar to this, without the GM...
Everything went haywire (not you girl) back in those days.

I'd love to have something like this here...
'Signatures are overrated.'
GMs are really necessary but the thing is who are the people who will be GMs ... well if this actually works out good chance everyone wants to take a shot at it...

for this I think wats best is a rotating shift of no less than 3 GMs so the GMs can still play ... it has its flaws but nothing big IMO...

Sounds good.
Lucky draw anyone?
'Signatures are overrated.'
can't be I think the GMs have to be elected ... remember the ones with the dice would be the GM honesty must be assured

another problem is the dice themselves unless we can find an online dice roll simulator we have to but at least one per GM

Research muna tayo ng mga procedures sa ibang RP forum para may basehan tayo. It's hard to start anything out of thin air eh.

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