Current time: 09-21-2024, 05:43 PM
*looks at creators of topics in this forum*

LOL most are by me. ANYWAY

Firefox 3 just started its beta phase. Supposedly, it will solve the bloat and memory leaks that plague FF 2.0. I hope so. It'll be a while though before the same good old add-ons will be ported over.

I'm looking forward to this one. I don't wanna have to migrate to another browser. hahah
Yeah I'm looking forward to this one as well. "Gran Paradiso", they call the project.

To be honest, Firefox isn't anymore the alternative browser it started out to be. Now it's bigger and slower. Of course its userbase has gotten a lot bigger, and this led to some of the most genius plugins conceivable, but at the end of the day, you just really want to browse the net and not be plagued by a browser taking up 75 MB of RAM when used.

I sure hope 3.0 will find a balance between being pluggable and being lightweight.
Firefox itself is good enough, I'll be waiting of 3.0 then.
Happy Looks like Nix's got another mod assignment here.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Man this thing is solid as a rock. Resource usage is down by about 50-70%, I'm not kidding. I have about 25 tabs open right now and I'm only using 57 megabytes of RAM, where before it'd be at around 100-125.

Get your nightly builds here:

They named it Minefield because it's still not tested thoroughly for bugs, but from my experience with the previous version this is as stable as it gets. I swear it's worth the download. Bye bye Firefox 2.
So you've tried it out already, Grim? It's still in beta right? But that's really good to hear, nonetheless.

Mozilla really needed to up the ante because of other browsers such as IE7, Opera, and Safari gaining good ground too.

I think I'll wait until the official release before upgrading. I hate being an early adopter. Tongue
Yeah it's still beta. For those not so tech-oriented, a nightly build literally means a version of the program built overnight, building on improvements from the day before. Which means the software is still getting there. But with something this nice, I'll be pretty content not to upgrade for a while.

NiX Wrote:I think I'll wait until the official release before upgrading. I hate being an early adopter. Tongue

Well, it's free, and it's better from my experience, so it was a no-brainer for me. Tongue
Firefox 3.0 Beta 2 is out.
aye when would the final product come out Im really interested in trying it but only the final product not the beta XD.

I tried it out a few weeks ago...

:S didn't like it very much, honestly. I went back to after about 2 hours.

hopefully it'll be better by the time it's fully released.
Blake, Firefox is already available just so you know.

I don't want to upgrade yet because 3.0 surely still won't have the same add-ons/extensions that are available to 2.0
Good thing I'm still using Version 2. I'm a bit cainophobic.

FF3.0 is shaping up quite nicely according to PC Mag!

According to the article, the beta phase should be done by the end of March. I guess we can expect a full release in April or maybe May. Yay!

Hrm. Looks like their target is to release FF3.0 by the end of June.
hopefully all my add-ons will be available to use by then.

I don't know what I would do without them >.>
Firefox 3.0 is coming out tomorrow!

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