Current time: 10-01-2024, 11:53 AM
Personality tests
cheat test
You scored 14 cheat points!
You don't cheat, do you??? Unless you have cheated in this test, of course... ... What can I say? You observe all the rules and regulations, and make quite the perfect model gamer. You probably kick ass online as well. You probably can't remember the last time you cheated. Or you have never cheated and never will. Good for you.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on cheat points

comment: hmmm I think this is wrong add around 10 - 15 points more...

otaku test

You scored 85 in the relm of Otaku! Nice job.

You're very, very otaku! Like, super otaku. You know obscure facts, and normal stuff. You've at least thought about cosplay. You own several boxes of pocky. You can name Clamp titles off the top of your head. You're weird. Aprox. number of Miyazaki movies you've watched: all of them. Amount of Pocky you've eaten: 20-80

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on Otaku Power

comment: Im serious about my answers to the test but to be true the test was weak to begin with


I'd never thought I'd see the I can test my friends >Big grin

<a href='' target='_blank'>What Lucky Star Character Are You?</a>

My Result:[Image: 1078_Miyuki.jpg]

Comment: Blink *walks away...* -__-

*clears head with another personality test*
<a href='' target='_blank'>What Is Your Anime Fighting Style?</a>

My Result:[Image: 1154_Heavy_machinery.jpg]

Comment:I feel better now XD
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
<DIV id=testResultInfo>
<H1>Your Score: <SPAN>NORMAL</SPAN></H1>
<H2>You scored 34 cheat points!</H2>
<P>Well, you are normal, meaning that you have most likely used cheat codes or other methods of cheating before. But it's most likely no big deal because you are still more interested in playing the game and observing its rules most of the time, perhaps occasionally tempted to resort to cheating ways by a seemingly impossible task or a hurdle appearing too difficult to clear. </P></DIV><table cellpadding=20><tr><td></table>

Quite me...
'Signatures are overrated.'
lucky star character
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

fighting style

<a href='' target='_blank'></a> comments

I also got heavy machinery...


Japanese Demon Test: Kappa.

Although Kappa prey on humans, they are also notoriously polite; one may hope to escape a Kappa by bowing to it, whereupon the Kappa may return the bow, only to spill the liquid atop its head, which leaves it enervated and lethargic for the rest of the day. Kappa are not necessarily evil, like many demons; they are simply predators, nothing better, nothing worse. If one is brave enough, one may even approach a Kappa for healing or teaching; it is not altogether uncommon for a Kappa to resist its appetite and choose instead to assist a human.

Comment: WTF??? XD

KH Character Test: Heartless.

Comment: Fitting...

Lucky Star Character Test: [Image: 1078_Kagami.jpg]

Comment: I'm not egotistical. Period.

Okay, maybe I am. XD
Jade: Ah, the scent of love is in the air.
Luke & Tear: Love?!
Mieu: I don't smell anything. What's it smell like? Apple gels?
Jade: More like a certain young religious leader.

-from a ToA skit... (related to current avvie...just read the skit yourself and you'll get it)
I got that ammo thing.


<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

[Image: 1041_Lloyd.jpg]

I got this one 1% noo lol haaa jaja blaa adadada joooaajoajoajaaaaaaaahhhh
[Image: 1041_Euphemia.jpg]

Comment:Everyone I'm getting for the past few months have pink hair Blink Blink
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
[Image: 1041_Suzaku.jpg]

Ninja Ninja 
[Image: 1041_Lelouch.jpg]

uuh watda????

(What's Your Personality Quirk?)

My Result:[Image: 1274_Depressed.jpg]

Comment:I either get really hyper or really depressed...anyone noticed that?
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
:S actually HW, I've never noticed you being depressed before.

Tongue Tongue Tongue just extremely hyper.
<a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="Quiz Result Provided By:" /></a>
<font size="1" face="verdana">
<br />
<a href="">What's Your Personality Quirk?</a>
<br />
Hosted by <a href=""><strong>Anime</strong></a>. Done right.

omg the copy paste method works yey!!!!!! I love this new server!!!

comment: well... yeah I guess. ... but in reality Im a shy person ...

<a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="Quiz Result Provided By:" /></a>
<font size="1" face="verdana">
<br />
<a href="">What's Your Personality Quirk?</a>
<br />
Hosted by <a href=""><strong>Anime</strong></a>. Done right.

Tongue hey look it's me up there in CZ's post. lol jk.

meh, multiple personalities? sounds about right Happy
wah I can't see the results!! what happened to the pics???


I can see the pics just fine...

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