Current time: 10-02-2024, 02:21 AM
Your AC names
<span style='font-family:optima'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Post your AC names here, whether originally made or not. It doesn't matter, just post here why and how you got and used it for your AC.</span></span>

Some examples:
  • Morfran - A file name owned by my sister that got a Trojan Horse and ruined her laptop before. I felt a bit happy though, so I got it as one of my AC names. (No, I'm not sadistic.)</li>
  • Jester - Though originally from ACTongueP's Jester, I got this for my AC because I'm a LW user before, and most of my LW designs looked like clowns, so there.</li>
  • Shadow Panzer - My favorite character from Twisted Metal II is Shadow, and the paint job looked a lot like his car and himself, so I named it Shadow at first, but realizing that it's a machine, bleh. I randomly placed the 'Panzer' word there. The word Schattenpanzer's just a german version I used with Linguatec translator.</li>
  • Vogue - I saw my high school computer teacher browse for porn while we were doing our activity. The website name is or something like that. It was funny, I caught my teacher and he said "Kailangan ng lalaki 'to, kaya huwag ka na humirit."</li>
<a href='' target='_blank'>Buko Joe</a> - because, you know, coconuts!

<a href='' target='_blank'>Invictus</a> - Latin for unconquered. Also the title of a very strong poem, which incidentally is the motto of the rowing team I belong to. (got here first, ravenflau! Tongue)

<a href='' target='_blank'>Tyrant</a> - mostly because this was the AC I had planned for the antagonist in my long stalled fic to use.
*Eomot ---> Tomoe--->Tomoko= one of my aliases a few years ago.
*Taminata---> Tamineta= Some japanese guy saying "TERMINATOR".
*The Tooth---> from the tooth fairy
*Tiki ---> No clear idea where this came from.
*Tiki-AT---> Absolute Terror= Evangelion
*Mabus---> Nostradamus' Third Anti-Christ
*Strontium 90---> From a documentary about milk and radiation.<a href='' target='_blank'>Wikipedia article.</a>
*Mako---> Mako shark
I finally understand your AC's names, JE. XD
Quote:Invictus - Latin for unconquered. Also the title of a very strong poem, which incidentally is the motto of the rowing team I belong to. (got here first, ravenflau!)


Oh well...

Invictus-Meh,someone got it first <_<
Sublimer- literally means someone who can do extraordinary things or Superior to others.This name also became my AC Series name(example-NGS01-Invictus..NGS means Next generation Sublimer)
Arbitrator-Someone that helps two persons/group or more to agree.
Eradicator-Brother design of Arbitrator,if those groups won't agree,then he'll eradicate them lol

That's all the unusual names I got,others are called Silver scope,black Dash,Pcybuster and all the other compound words
well the only name i can remember was
MAPOLM = Massive armor points on a light-weight mid.

reated by simply throwing a heavy core in the thing. made a nice dual shottie....
HW-257 - Well I got the idea from my name(Hay Wire) and the words High Wind...
the 257 came out of nowhere...I was thinking of a gun model number 357.

HW-257 Alpha -Well... I guess coz it sounds better than Mk.2 Blink

HW-257 Omega- (I should really stop this >_<)Omega means the end while Alpha means the beginning (HW-257 Alpha came first before HW-257)

HW-Donutuse-...Do no use(Donut use LOL )

Alteisen-It's (Germa I think) for Junk (the AC was useless -__-')

Vigor Tyrant- My First AC in NB yey!... I think I named it that was bright red?
HW-P44 - I was thinking about the gun...again.

Seiyruu- Well it looked like a blue dragon Happy(it was a NB AC)

I forgot the rest of them...Do you think I make too many?

[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
<!--QuoteBegin-J.E_Magog+April 30, 2007 11:14 pm--><div class='codebox_title'>QUOTE (J.E_Magog @ April 30, 2007 11:14 pm)</div><div class='codebox'><div id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> *Eomot ---> Tomoe--->Tomoko= one of my aliases a few years ago. [/quote:4760939cd9]
I somehow guessed it right. I knew it was Tomoe spelled backwards for some reason. Big grin

Anyway Halimaw was because of Cabs' comment when he fought a dual GL quad of mine during our meeting in Marikina last year.

It went something like this:

Me: *fires 98G*
Cabs *after getting hit by a 2 grenade burst*: "Pucha!... Halimaw ang Pucha!"

Name stuck to the different design though Tongue

Black Horizon (My AA staple, which I should post soon) was named after a song in Guitar Freaks.

Most of my ACs are unnamed, but I do gice them names whenever I feel like it or when I post them on a forum.
Morning Star: the name Morning Star is another name for Lucifer. so naturally, with my choice of biblical characters, I decided on it.

Abel and Cain: The two brothers, almost complete opposites. One filled with hatred, the other filled with kindness. two more people from the bible.

Crimson Tide: the name of the 4th book of my Chaos In The Clouds series. I liked the name, so I decided to use it.

Parthenon: it's Ellinika's AC, and the word Ellinika is greek, so I had to use something Greek to tie into it. Parthenon, the ancient building in Greece, seemed a perfect choice.

when I get some more, I'll post em.

Let me see...

Serenity - My favorite MoA AC. Named so, because the trait required to winning this AC is serenity. As in fluid maneuvering and a calm pilot. It has no shell and energy screens and is intended for handicapped matches. See my sig.

Obsidian Rock - <a href='' target='_blank'>See Wikipedia Topic...</a> He's exactly like that.

Absolute Zero - Named after water's freezing point. It has a cold color combination. Added that, the name keeps on echoing in my head back at the time.

Nionizel - I got the name from the time I was working on my first fic -Nineswords-. Though, completely invented, it still has meaning.
'Signatures are overrated.'
-Zero Tolerance

-Shadow Fire

-Demon Heat

-Blue Wolf

-Red Giest

-Dark Fang

-Hell Night

"Stand tall, shake the Heavens"

Back of case of "Xenogears"
Some AC names I found in my notepad a long time ago, though some won't actually fit in the AC name allotment.

Anstaltsnadel - Asylum Needle
Blutsauger - Bloodsucker
Bohrerbiene - Drill Bee
Feuerblume - Fireflower
Feuerziege - Fire Goat
Geier Vier - Vulture Four
Geisteshund - Ghost Hound/Dog
ardjin Wrote:we used this AC's dominate TeamZero AC4 2v2 tournament in taiwan

How did you fare overall in that tourney?
Dark Winged,Headlezz,Legion,Kalabolg,Murafune and Osamune are my AC name
hmmm never saw this before X_X

standard name theme for me is flower names, srw related name, random RTS game rip offed names

and Forbidden Ascent which hails from my original insignia


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