Current time: 09-28-2024, 01:32 AM
Danse Macabre
This story will contain graphic depictions of violence, drug use, plenty of cussing, swearing, racial slurs (most of which aren't real anyhow, we don't have slurs for gargoyles!) religious parody, etc etc. In short, this is going to be more offensive and utterly screwed up than most Kurt Vonnegut books. Considering this is cyberpunk mixed with gritty fantasy and horror, this is perfectly acceptable to ME. I'd suggest that if there is a chance, PERIOD. That you could EVER be offended, you should run far away from this story. It's full of blatant misconceptions (ones which I, thankfully, don't hold), glorified illegal activities, murder, rape -- if you can think of it, it's in here. And it's not going to be made bland or washed out. There are no "fade to black" scenes, it's exactly what it should be.

That said, I think an explanation and some background is in order so that I don't come across as a rebellious teenager who's trying to look hardcore.


At the end of the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church gained an unexpected stranglehold on Europe when the countries of Spain and Portugal combined and took over France, Sardinia, Germany, and Italy. Afterwards, it established this vast territory as property of the Pope. At the time, the papacy was just getting the new pope (Pope Nicholas VI) settled in, and all of a sudden he was possibly the most powerful man in the known world. He had the mind of a Niccolo Machiavelli, though that man's works had not been published at that time. Accordingly, he began by speaking to his people, setting up strong military support, and gathering skilled advisors.

At the time of Nicholas VI's death, he had conquered most of Europe and completely rewritten the religious code of the Catholic Church.

500 years later, the Catholic Church (despite the Great Schism) had come to control most of Asia and Africa as well, much of America, and almost the entirety of Australia.

The lingua franca at this time was a new language based on French and Latin, but with unknown constituents as well, such as "ssine" and "scaiam". The bulk of the language was entirely new, but it was easy to learn and easy to pronounce, making it popular. The Church was focused on building it's technological prowess at this point, making metropolises commonplace the world over.

Special power sources created problematic, if beautiful, pollution, though; making radiation-proofed suits an essential tool in any household. The Papacy had a sizable army of things human and slightly less so -- summoned spirits from "the Darthak", or Heaven. Also, they had used the powers of God to forge six great Swords of Words and Actions, though three were lost. Archeim was the first, created from a Seraphim's wings. It's power was to speak in any tongue. Archletham was the second, and no armor could keep it from penetrating into the heart of it's target. Tranquility was the third, given power over sleep and dreams. The other three were Durendal, Cortana, and Almace. They were lost too soon for their powers to be known.

At this point, the Church (which had grown mainly by peaceful means till now) waged a bloody war on Greece, Turkey, Hungary, and Romania. These were the last hideouts of the Eastern Orthodox Church. They were decimated by Seraphim and Cherubs in a bloody sweep of flame and lightning that lasted no more than a few hours.

Skip to 2105.

The Church has become a corrupt superpower, rivaled only by the monstrosities brought into being by the cultists which hold them at bay from the entirety of Southern Africa and pockets of spiritual influence in China, Korea, and the Ryukyu Islands. These parts of the world are protected by the Seven Saints of Night, 6 of whom are too strong to be anything short of demigods. The seventh, the Black Saint
1] Karistadt's Personal Armageddon

2] Welcome Home

She waited calmly in the chosen alleyway for her traitor brother to appear. He had called for her, and she hoped that he was only a spy and had meant to tell her. It wasn't her kind of luck, but she was stupidly optimistic in the face of adversity. That was the same reason she was trusting a bugged alleyway and the same reason she always did summonings in public.

"Hello, Am

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