Current time: 03-11-2025, 05:01 PM
LR: Ghast
Pilot Name: Ethermaster
AC Name: Ghast

Head: Sting /Cooling 5/ Def shell 5/
Core: /UL (OB) /Cooling 10/
Arms: FL /Def shell 5/ Cooling 5/
Legs: Dingo2 /Cooling 10/
Booster: V2 /Boost Power 10/ (due to my other ACs)
FCS: F73H/Monju
Generator: Lotus / Output 5/ Cap 5/
Radiator: Ananda / Cooling 10/
Inside: --
Extension: RM
Back Unit R: Nymphe
Back Unit L: --
Arm Unit R: Pixie3
Arm Unit L: Nix

Arm Unit R Hanger: --
Arm Unit L Hanger: Sylph/LB2

Amino, ES, EC, Kissyoh, Codon, Marishi, SS/L+ (depending on the FCS)

Turning Speed: Around 1300
Stability: Around 5090
Maximum Speed: 470

A High speed Dual machine gun AC

Any standard OB maneuvers added by some tactical adjustments depending on the enemy...

Known Issues:
Low AP and Def...
Nothing too Big...

Vs. Record
Against human-none...
Just at the testing stage...

I need suggestions about the weapon selection and some frame parts which best suits this AC...
If adjustments occur, speed must not be lower 450...

Post ko sa ACO nilipat ko lang...
"It is our ignorance that make us say we know everything..."<br>"The only thing we need to fear is fear itself..."
Pretty good.

I have a few suggestions though: I find that the Vulture2 + Lotus combo doesn't really allow you to fly that much (more so with the way you have your generator tuned). Try Gull if you're hell-bent on maximizing your air time, like I am. If you're going that way however, take care not to spike the heat that the /UL generates upon the charge-up phase of the OB too much.

If you use OB nearer to the ground though, then I guess the current configuration could work. However, one way or the other, I think you can afford to put more points into tuning Lotus for capacity, as most of your components are pretty low enough in drain.

The Pixie3 + Nix combo dictates that you'll use this AC really up close. If you think you need that extra distance upon which you can engage the enemy, try one of LR's standards for the left hand: the HP. As I verified for myself today, Pixie3 + HP make for one deadly combo. Each one cancels out the other's weakness (Pixie3 makes up for the HP's short life, and the HP's accuracy makes up for the Pixie3's spread).
Oh crap, Stupid me..
I forgot to change Lotus' tunes in my post...
Lotus tunes are 2 output and 8 cap (or if it demands 10)...
Yes, few more tunes on cap makes a difference as Avenger said...

I make the left arm variable,yes HP is one of them...
My options for left are Nix,R3 and HP. Nix is my default and mostly used...
"It is our ignorance that make us say we know everything..."<br>"The only thing we need to fear is fear itself..."
Nice, but since its a CQ AC, you could try changing your parts into this:

Head: Change the STING into S2 or S4 for more defense then add RA to your back unit.

Core: Change the /UL for 99UL if you want to. Personally, I don't need to OB if I'm a CQ fighter, I just use an AC that's above 460kph to give chase. I don't know if 99UL works for you, but you can change it into UL2 if you still want to OB.

Arms: Change the FL into MACAQUE for more durability and defense.

Legs: Better change the DINGO2 into COUGAR2 if you're a rusher. I tried fighting using the DINGO2 against my uncle. Just like wanzer said, the DINGO2 breaks easily. This is my mistake before. That way, your opponents could just out-turn you. Well that's only for PvP matches.

Booster: Try using GULL (0,0,5,5)/(0,5,5,0) -or- VULTURE2 (accel)

Generator: Maybe this LOTUS (output) could work good for you.

Extension: If you're gonna use F73H, you can try using RM3

Arm Weapons:

Maybe you can try this combinations:
1) GAST+ H3
2) RS + HP
4) WYVERN + any kind of shotgun

Haven't tested the weapons setup except for RS + HP. Which is why I'm telling to try it. Tongue
I'm quite sure you ment tuneing the LOTUS to 8 output and 2 cap.

I won't change the design much, as its already good without any changes being quick and nimble. While the V2 prevents your AC from being too hot on the OB start up phase and gives much valued acceleration, Grimlok's suggestion will give you more air time, which I find valuable on a CQ oriented AC. This is an issue of preference however. Do as you see fit.

However I suggest changing the STING, as its wide radar range might be more of a hinderance in CQ when your opponent goes off screen (outside your screen and visual line of sight, but still in your radar range. At this point your eyes will be switching between you radar and your visual screen back and forth to find your opponent). The wide search area of the STING will make it difficult for you to distingush your opponents location in CQ ranges (They become somewhat indistinguishable at first glance, which wastes valuable time when one is supposed to be focused on the visual screen).

Having a radar head with a shorter range or any of the back radars (all of which have two zoom levels), can help you keep track of your opponent better at short range.
LOTUS (output 8 / cap 2) is supposed to be my real configuration.

I just did the 10 ouptut thing if it's too drainy. Big grin

If your AC is a rusher, equip parts that are high in durability and defense , get the COUGAR 2 for DINGO2 like I siad, so you won't be rushed.
Before seeing the suggestions, I've already changed dingo2 to cougar2 after few battles and head to Queen (since I whored this head much, esp. on bladers). Yes large range radar keep you from detecting specific locations within CQ, I tried sting beacause of cooling and originality...

S2/S4 and RA sounds good, maybe I should try it...

Im still thinking about Macaque...

For my tastes, I would only used Gull if I have no OB, Hard start-ups can be a problem...

Im quite used to short time time duration sine I've played LR...
"It is our ignorance that make us say we know everything..."<br>"The only thing we need to fear is fear itself..."
Hm. If you're into blade tracking, you can try SR2 or EYE4 instead of S2 or S4.

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