Current time: 03-07-2025, 11:17 AM
Delta Mk.II
<!--QuoteBegin-wanzerfreak+Dec 24 2006, 11:40 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (wanzerfreak @ Dec 24 2006, 11:40 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->You were expecting a good review but you went off like this because you thought everyone would like it. No one here is giving you a bad day. People tried to help you, but you're the one who is making it hard for yourself because you can't handle criticism. It's your fault, not ours.[/quote:4f8a9795b7]

I invite criticism in every way. I like to test the mettle of my AC on paper and in practice. But I don't think your idea of everyone 'being constructive' is accurrate whatsoever. I've been given harsh reviews simply because no one wants to try piloting any other way than the basic run-of-mill fashion.

What kind of reviews are those?! Those aren't reviews! Those are literally worthless one-sided statements that aren't benificial at all in any way!

Try USING the AC they way it's -supposed- to be used! Don't just use YOUR method of play and judge it from that, because you're not piloting it the way it is SUPPOSED to be piloted!

Is it really that hard for people to think outside of the box? I could go back and grab every single negative review based on one-sidedness, quote it all, and make it fill-out enough space to be considered a novel.

Really, it's almost at that point.

As much as I just -love- to listen to useless banter about how 'good' DINGO would do Delta Mk.II, that's just 100% garbage to the overall design.

Honestly, WHO WOULD SUGGEST legs that are meant for strategical combat due to their durability and lack of turning speed, on a design that requires absolutely high-end performance in maneuvering and mobility?!

I really mean that. WHO actually uses Delta Mk.II and finds the DINGO legs to be better?! C'mon, WHO actually went-out there, TRIED that garbage, and found it USEFUL for the overall design's playing style?!

Guess? No one! Because way to many people that have posted here like to be juking, backpealing, space-lovers! Horray for absolutely worthless suggestions that are default responses for almost any 'improvement' to an AC! You guys must like to say that for the heck of it.

Delta Mk.II isn't played the same way you guys like to play YOUR ACs! Figure that out yet? Of course not! Because you're all to busy being one-sided!

Wohoo! Rofl

Aside from the massive flaming, what are you people thinking? I'd really like to know, but none of you would give me an honest overall answer about the subject. You would all lie and think that everything you've ever posted was divine wisdom on this topic.

"Oh, I suggested DINGO, even though it ruins the design's needed mobility."

"Oh, I suggested the COUGAR2, even though it kills the EN drain by to much."

"Oh, I suggested using a radar head, even though the EN drain would suck."

"Oh, I suggested something that you already mentioned can't be replaced to begin with and why."

"Oh, I think I've been 'helpful' when all I did was criticize your design because it doesn't play the same way as all of my other run-of-the-mill ACs in my garage do."

"Oh, I said the YASYA sucks because I don't know how to use it or the AC you posted properly, and I don't care to even practice with it to know what the heck I'm talking about."

Is there -anyone- here who actually gave Delta Mk.II a test-run against a human opponent, used it like it was supposed to be used, and posted a USEFUL in-depth review on how it could be improved, or different tactics to consider with the YASYA?

No. There hasn't. At all.

All I see are people generating constant worst-case scenarios, and thinking that they'll happen every single time without fail. I see people doing -everything- they can to make Delta Mk.II look like it's of no use compared to their ever-loved ROTM (Run-Of-The-Mill) ACs.

In summary, an army of players that don't like me or my design simply because I don't agree with their one-sided opinions.

Go ahead and post anything you'd like, this topic died the moment everyone starting speweing out crappy 'reviews' of Delta Mk.II. This is just a flaming topic now, so indulge yourselves.

What do you think if that Waz? Still my fault? I'd like to call you a name, but I can't think of any word that eminates the 'full-of-crap-ness' that I'm looking for to describe you.
My AC Garage:
see? even a little post elicits another wall of text.

FRONT MISSION FOR LIFE.<br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><i>RATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!</i>
That, everyone, is how you flame an individual in particular along with everyone else on a topic all at once.

Also, thanks for your support Dacapn. RR's 'veteran' community doesn't seem to be very open to new things.

Oh well, there are places that are more open than RR for Delta Mk.II and my other deigns.

I should post Epsilon Mk.II next elsewhere.
My AC Garage:
whatever. Big grin
FRONT MISSION FOR LIFE.<br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><i>RATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!</i>
<!--QuoteBegin-wanzerfreak+Dec 25 2006, 12:44 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (wanzerfreak @ Dec 25 2006, 12:44 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> See? Even a little post elicits another wall of text.

LOL [/quote:5043eb38a4]
That's because that post was probably the most un-true and worst possible thing you could have said at the given time.

Go figure.
My AC Garage:
i'm no psychologist, but i can tell that your ego is hurt.

then again,

whatever you say man, whatever you say. Big grin
FRONT MISSION FOR LIFE.<br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><i>RATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!</i>
You're laughing about a post with an excellent AC turning into a flaming topic on Christmas Eve.

You're laughing about being a key catalyst in the transformation.

You're laughing about the fact it even turned into a flaming topic in the first place.

You're laughing because you think you're great. (referring not only to your cocky-ness, but also to how you claimed that you could easily beat Dacapn and 'embarrass' him.)

You're laughing because you're at a loss and want me to look as though the entire topic and myself are nothing to concerned about. Which is definately not the case considering how much of a part you played in making it what way.

You're laughing because you apparently would rather promote misery instead of trying to neutralize it or turn it around.

I seriously hate you for all of the above. Jason Big grin

You don't even think twice about it.

I put so much time, effort, and care into this AC. Over the course of months, my playing style has evolved into different forms, this being one that is very original and almost exclusive to me. Then along comes you to royally upset Dacapn and myself in almost every way.

The big precusor was you saying "Kai pwns j00".

You've been such a 'contructive' poster haven't you? I was wrong about RR if you're getting off with this. This isn't any different from ACO or GameFAQs at all.
My AC Garage:
mods should close this topic, its getting nowhere. and to the people who got involved in the flames, just get over it.
Nah, there's no need to lock the topic.

This topic was about a design... not about skills. And if you have the skills to use whatever you want to use, then good for you.

This thread is about a design. A very controversial one, but a design nonetheless. It isn't about who's better than who.

Get over it, people. Stop making things personal.

Go on with the discussion.

Iguana, if your design already works exactly how you want it to, then there is nothing more to suggest. Good job.

What in hell happened here?
Did someone just test his AC in here?
Looks like a battlefield...

I didn't know what happened, but well, here's my comment...

It feels like the design is intended for putting pressure on your opponente...
Seriously, I used a similar design back when I was still playing NB...
It's effective if used properly...
Unfortunately, I'm only 45% pilot...
So I guess you know what happened next...

I'd like to call the technique indirect spamming...
The idea is to use orbit shooters for support fire and maintain them within OS range...
That is, if you're using the Yasya...
And you added the Uranus to the injury, for spurting purposes I guess...
Well, Lotus can't really handle continuous energy weapon use given its low condenser capacity...
But it recovers energy well, so yeah...

Let me guess? Are you using the Dragon for support fire?
If yes, I think the Nix will be good on this one too...

Believe me, whenever I make an AC and like it, I'm just as stubborn as you are...
Try saying something like "I put up this post tho show everyone my ideas, I'm happy to hear your suggestions, but I'm already happy with my design as is"...
Sorry if I was a little typative...


After reading some of the other posts...
Fire all at once? Damn~ That's damage~!
I was wrong for thinking that Dragon's for support fire, it's more like additional fire.
This is one AC I do not want to mess around with...
'Signatures are overrated.'

Ahh, now here's an old topic that I thought was long gone...

I had delayed this post of my final thoughts on this topic due to the upsetting nature that I was sure it had in the RR community, and myself as well. It's been a number of months since the last post here, so I'm positive that it's become semi-tolerable to look through again.

In the end, I scrapped Delta Mk.II's YASYA, then replaced it with the HAPRY and starting radar. The weight was significantly reduced, and I had gained a much faster energy refresh rate. However, the style was again placed into the pure aggressive-play category, but that was quickly overcome by the insight that using the YASYA gave me. When I had to drag the YASYA around, I started to manage every move I made so that no motion was wasted. Even with the complete loss of battlefield control, the HAPRY + URANUS + PIXIE3 + DRAGON all at once while charging finally turned-out for the better.

For the record, I probably would not have made the final change if it wasn't for the use of the YASYA.

When I think about it, I honestly feel that I could have done much more with the design. I never had the chance though, as people were leaving Kai to become rusty and forget the old AC1 - AC:LR controls in order to make 'room' for the new AC4 layout.

That's the end of it.
My AC Garage:
hey now, wats this? i thought no arguements are in this community.. if someone posts his design, give him credit. everyone here pilots differently from one another.. i dont mean to bring the topic back up but i just felt posting.

btw, i really like Iguana's design. its not mediocre.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
wow, i browsed through more thoroughly this time, its like ganging up on one.. i think it started with wanzerfrk's "you arent listening"..

if someone posts a design and even a little something like that would come, one might get a little offended even if there's no offense intent.

im browsing throught the ac thread and found this topic.. its sad that this ensued :/
i saw one of Iguana's designs and liked it, even sent him a pm and greeted him 'happy bday'. and what really moved me in posting here is, i dont like backpedalers too. i dont hate them, i actually spar with a backpedaler.

also, the "il take over mla first or something" was a little cocky..
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
after seeing wanzerfreak's rating to fox's new ac.. i browsed here, and read it all, as in all..

i really think Iguana's still being nice and he just lashed out the first time with the his post with numbers. wanrzfrk's first criticizes like he's some kind of a pro when all he had a bout were just ais. he even bragged about beating dacapn. all the flames were started with wansrfk's criticism, its not even a suggestion.

why use a dingo1 on an intended fast ac? and medusa? that just adds up on the weight. its clear that u are looking at this design, and rating them by ur own piloting skills.

dacapn came and merely supported his kai peer. most americans are blunt, theyre not super sensitive like the other cultures so dacapn's post was just straightforward and direct, no sugar coats. still, he wouldve been easy with his view on pact. then it gets out of hand. ..really saddening. putting yourself in someone's shoes can really help.

didnt u see guys who's the real ass here? im a little relieved his down south.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
This happened months ago man...
And please, don't triple post.
'Signatures are overrated.'

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