Current time: 10-02-2024, 01:42 AM
<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Tyrant</span>

[Image: tyrant.jpg]
*picture shows a Spider head.

Core Frame:
<span style='colorWhistleed'>Hornet</span> | Eos | XS | Lizard
<span style='colorWhistleed'>4,0,6,0</span> | 0,2,0,9,0 | 0,1,0,9,0 | 0,1,0,9,0
Internal Systems:
Vulture2 | F73H | Lotus | Ananda
0,0,0,10 | ~ | 0,10,0 | 0,0,10
Armaments and Countermeasures:
Medusa | - | 98G | 98G | RS | HP | - | -
Optional Enhancements:
Amino, ES, SS, Kissyoh, L+, Codon
Paint Scheme: Tyranny
Head: 0,0,0 | 0,0,0 | 150,0,0 | 150,0,0 | 0,0,0
Corel: 0,0,0 | 0,0,0 | 0,0,0 | 0,0,0 | 0,0,0
Arms: 0,0,0 | 0,0,0 | 0,0,0 | 0,0,0 | 0,0,0
Legs: 0,0,0 | 0,0,0 | 0,0,0 | 0,0,0 | 0,0,0
Weapon Color:
General: Black

Yeah, playing angry can really net you some surprising results. Tongue

Basically I just wanted to build something that was fast, and yet was still devastatingly powerful, not to mention a bit versatile. I've had enough of LR's bipeds, they're never (properly) usable and I've whored them to death anyways. So a quad was like the bright dawn on the horizon, hehe.

The Lizard legs are very good for their weight. Hell, they're faster and more robust than the oft-used LF71, not to mention more stable too, which is what I'm going for. Spider complements the design because of it's low drain, as well as it's very good (game best actually) energy defense. Eos is one of the few cores I would entrust my quads to.

The arms present a bit of a quandary for me. The XS arms drain very little, in fact they push the surplus up to 3000+ when they're equipped. However, as with most of the light arms, they have very thin defenses, which can lead to exploitation. There is on the other hand the Gibbon, which can be plopped onto this design with no problems, and pushes the defense levels up to the 1800s-1900s. However, there are two things that are preventing me from using them:

1. They drain like mad.
2. They're butt-ugly.

So I guess when I get some playtime on this thing versus you guys I'll make my choice. If I find that the energy refresh isn't so bad even with the Gibbons on, then the Gibbons will stay. From my testing with the AI it seems that the refresh is workable. Still, I don't want to ruin the aesthetic appeal of the build.

Optionals are a bit of a toss-up too, with Kissyoh and Marishi fighting for position. My take is, when I have the XS arms, I'll slap on the Kissyoh to have that added level of defense (well, not really, but you know what I mean). When I'm using the Gibbon arms, Marishi it is; Medusa's effective anyway.

98G was chosen because it's one of the best weapons a quad can have. It cancels out any S2/S4 + RA dreams though, hehe. RS for the long range reach, and HP to buff up the lock box. When playing this quad, don't drop the HP even if it's empty, it's simple presence on your arm makes the box bigger.

I noticed that this AC looks a lot like one of Leperman's ACs, and akamm's Turducken. Umm... coincidence? Maybe. Influenced? Maybe.

Edits in red.

Battle vid!
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Nice quad.

EOS? Cool! But since I'm not sure about what tactical advantages OB will provide for this quad (i.e. You can't really joust), I suggest UA. I mean even without the OB, you've got distance control on your side. No one will want to go close because of the 98G and HP. If they stay away, they can be picked off by RS...

Also, I dunno about the LOTUS+VULTURE2 combo on a quad. True, it runs very cool, but it prevents prolonged ground boosting... something that is essential to quads IMO. G91? or GULL? Just suggesting.

Oh and if you're having trouble choosing between KISSYOH and MARISHI, why not have both? I don't think you need the SS optional part. I think your stability will still be awesome even without it. With the SS off, you can have both KISSYOH and MARISHI plus R+ (which the SPIDER needs IMO).

that rapid-fire rifle which vola-volant uses



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If you wanna stick with the EOS, go ahead because its a great core. Like NiX said, you have range control and can pick people off at range with the Sniper, but have Grenade Launcher blasts up close to prevent rushing.

Maybe you can switch the Rifle to the RS3 (i think thats right), the strongest rifle for its ammo. That will provide with more kill power from long range.

Other than that, I have nothing, nice AC, I will try it out myself.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'><br><i><b><span style='color:#CC0000'>"The deeper the fire, the hotter it burns, and the hotter it burns, the more you feel it" ~Unknown</span></b></i><br><br><b><u><span style='colorWhistleed'>Crimson's ACs</span></u></b> *Click Link to view<br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='colorWhistleed'>Tempest</span></u></a></b><br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='color:purple'>Alpha Omega</span></u></a></b><br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='color:orange'>Shrapnel</span></u></a></b>
NiX Wrote:But since I'm not sure about what tactical advantages OB will provide for this quad (i.e. You can't really joust), I suggest UA.
Unlike with Schwarzfeuer, where I needed a full lock-on to make the most out of the GL shots, I won't need to be as conservative with the 98G. All I need is one good shot to initiate the firing action, then I can jump all I want on the second one. To that effect, yes I can joust with this, albeit in a slightly different manner than what we're all used to seeing. It's either you boost/walk until you gain a lock, fire, then use OB to move away, or OB, then boost/walk, then fire. Either way, the joust itself doesn't come off the OB directly.

NiX Wrote:Also, I dunno about the LOTUS+VULTURE2 combo on a quad. True, it runs very cool, but it prevents prolonged ground boosting... something that is essential to quads IMO. G91? or GULL? Just suggesting.
The way I have things tuned and the current refresh on this thing enables it to boost hop rather indefinitely. Plus, it's a quad, so more walking than boosting is acceptable, if and when I may need to stay grounded.

NiX Wrote:Oh and if you're having trouble choosing between KISSYOH and MARISHI, why not have both? I don't think you need the SS optional part. I think your stability will still be awesome even without it. With the SS off, you can have both KISSYOH and MARISHI plus R+ (which the SPIDER needs IMO).
Good idea.

wanzerfreak Wrote:u2/u3
I like this one a lot. Lol can you say variant? Smile)

Crimson Wrote:Maybe you can switch the Rifle to the RS3 (i think thats right), the strongest rifle for its ammo. That will provide with more kill power from long range.
It may have the strongest attack power, but it's definitely not the most accurate; the RS is. I've tried several sniper rifles for this already (on a side note, the Garum is just plain awesome, but not for quads though), and what I need for longer ranges is a gun I can trust to hit. More killpower the RS3 may have, but that doesn't guarantee that they'll hit.

Thanks for all the suggestions. As I said, this AC'll get more refined when it gets some playtime versus people. I've also had enough of AI.

I wish I had Kai, like ravenflau. Sad
I tried out Tyrant (or atleast my own little variant of it) and I must say that I am impressed.

I have decided to take it under my wing and haress it into something great (lol, i make myself crack up sometime)

The only difference I made was change the HP to the Nix, plus i have different tunes, but whatever. I found the Nix to be my close range killer and the 98G to be for when they are a little further away. I'll post it up soon.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'><br><i><b><span style='color:#CC0000'>"The deeper the fire, the hotter it burns, and the hotter it burns, the more you feel it" ~Unknown</span></b></i><br><br><b><u><span style='colorWhistleed'>Crimson's ACs</span></u></b> *Click Link to view<br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='colorWhistleed'>Tempest</span></u></a></b><br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='color:purple'>Alpha Omega</span></u></a></b><br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='color:orange'>Shrapnel</span></u></a></b>
So yeah, me Nix, Twin-Skies, and Zigg tested out this quad for you, and here are my impressions.

I'm happy to report that it does perform very well despite the somewhat drainy appearance. The EOS + V2 on the LOTUS is surprisingly stable and workable thanks in part to the low drain of th 92XS, allowing the AC to be cool enough to OB while still maintaining enough refresh for regular prolonged boosting. Good call on the deeks, as they have saved this machine a lot of times. The RS picks off long range targets while the 98G kills anything in mid-range. The AC has enough speed to maintain distance while the OB helps in controling distance. Oh, this thing can fly... somewhat as well XD

One problem we all agreed on was the poor choice on the head, which broke easily and had really bad radar. I suggest the SR2 or even the HORNET if you want some originality that goes well with the frame.

Vids coming soon. Maybe the others who have playtested this quad can give their own opinions? Big grin
hehehe i also did some secret tests on this one, but yeah, change the handgun to NIX because it lasts longer, and the HORNET makes it look more evil.
Lord_Leperman Wrote:So yeah, me Nix, Twin-Skies, and Zigg tested out this quad for you, and here are my impressions.

I'm happy to report that it does perform very well despite the somewhat drainy appearance. The EOS + V2 on the LOTUS is surprisingly stable and workable thanks in part to the low drain of th 92XS, allowing the AC to be cool enough to OB while still maintaining enough refresh for regular prolonged boosting. Good call on the deeks, as they have saved this machine a lot of times. The RS picks off long range targets while the 98G kills anything in mid-range. The AC has enough speed to maintain distance while the OB helps in controling distance. Oh, this thing can fly... somewhat as well XD

One problem we all agreed on was the poor choice on the head, which broke easily and had really bad radar. I suggest the SR2 or even the HORNET if you want some originality that goes well with the frame.

Vids coming soon. Maybe the others who have playtested this quad can give their own opinions? Big grin
Though I was skeptical at first, Vulture2 + LOTUS actually turned out great for this design. However, note that we did have the EC optional part when we used this... so we suggest accommodating that optional part. Tongue But that's really your call.

But overall, nice AC. Zigg even proved that this AC doesn't need to get a double-lock to force grenades down the throat of opponents. Shock

SPIDER is okay but it consistently gets damaged at the latter part of a match. R+ will definitely do wonders... either that or use another head.
From my own testing, I have nothing to add as everything i couldve said has been covered as of now.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'><br><i><b><span style='color:#CC0000'>"The deeper the fire, the hotter it burns, and the hotter it burns, the more you feel it" ~Unknown</span></b></i><br><br><b><u><span style='colorWhistleed'>Crimson's ACs</span></u></b> *Click Link to view<br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='colorWhistleed'>Tempest</span></u></a></b><br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='color:purple'>Alpha Omega</span></u></a></b><br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='color:orange'>Shrapnel</span></u></a></b>
Thanks guys. It's either Hornet or Eye3 then. I really want this to work well, for some reason.
Grimlok Wrote:The Lizard legs are very good for their weight. Hell, they're faster and more robust than the oft-used LF71, not to mention more stable too, which is what I'm going for.
Nice design. I don't think the Lizard legs are faster than the LF71 tho. There may be some cases when that is, but you would have to attribute it to AC's messed up underweighting system. But you could very very easily tune this design to fit onto the LF71 and test it out. I'd suggest trying out a LF71 version anyway. If you feel this AC's performance just doesn't fully satisfy you yet, you may be pleasantly surprised on the LF71. Turducken Lite just feels much better than Turducken.

If you are going for stability i guess that answers the head question: my vote is for Eye3.
Fight vid with Nix using it against me in my <a href='' target='_blank'>Gadzooka!</a> AC. <a href='' target='_blank'></a>

Will edit in the other one when Zigg used it against Twin-Skies
Definitely EYE3, but if you're going head-on, put on the HORNET Wink

BTW, if there's any spare weight, try 98RL linear rifle.
[Image: nines.jpg]
Thanks a bunch Rick.

BD, I already have the RL on Schwarzfeuer, so I wanted something a bit different from this design. I want to use the RS on this one since it's much better at getting in shots from range.

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