Current time: 02-01-2025, 03:41 PM
AC Name: Apex

Head: Eye3 (0,5,2,3,0)
Core: U3 (0,1,3,6,0)
Arms: A94FL (0,3,4,3,0)
Legs: LF81 (0,2,8,0,0)

Boosters: Gull (0,0,2,8)
Generator: Lotus (0,8,3)
Radiator: Ananda (0,0,10)
Inside: None

Extensions: None
Back L: None
Back R: Ladon
Arm R: RL
Arm L: HP
Hanger R: Wraith
Hanger L: 69H



There we go. As most of you know, I'm a midweight biped specialist. However, here's my first quad design for LR that I'm actually happy with. It's unlikely that this AC will win me any tournaments but at least it's really fun to use!

Simple lightweight quad that can be piloted like a biped

I know that the LF71 will make my AC much faster, but I just can't stand its drain. Hence, I opted for the LF81 despite its rather heavy base weight.

Since this is a quad, I wanted to make sure that I placed a back cannon. Because I'm relatively inexperienced in quad movement, ground-dashing while waiting for the double-lock of weapons, such as the GL, proved to be difficult. Then I found the Ladon series. I fell in love with the Ladons because once the charge-up began, I could freely move just as I would have if I were using a biped. The Ladon's damage-output isn't so hot but at least its high velocity makes it really accurate. I would've picked Ladon2 but weight didn't allow for it.

HP is on the left arm for the bigger lockbox while being my close-range support. Once the HP runs out, the hangered 69H then comes into play, still serving the same purpose.

The RL is there simply because I've become really accustomed to using it and because it packs serious damage potential. The Wraith is hangered just in case RL still runs out.

Basically, stay between mid and long range to use the Ladon. If the enemy approaches and is between mid and short range, switch to RL. The handguns are for short range. Since this AC is relatively fast, range-control will be possible. This AC will probably work best if played defensively (aka backpedalling, lol).

Comments from quad-lovers will be appreciated!

P.S. Just in case you were wondering where this AC's name came from, here's the story: I was thinking of what to name this AC when I suddenly laid my eyes on Maitreya's DVD player... its brand was APEX. It sounded good so I used it. Go figure. Hahah!
The hand weapos are very effective and should complement the LADON nicely. I don't think you need the WRAITH anymore with the amount of ammo this thing is packing. I suggest investing in more defensive capabilities with the free weight such as better arms or decoys, although I think the speed on this thing is enough to dodge missiles easily, but still...

As for alternatives, try looking at the F71 leg set and see if you like it. The defense might be low, but its higher weight cap allows for other better parts to be equiped like the A72F arms (Which I consider as a good set).
Try putting an SS2 for extensions if you still have the weight for it...
I like BGR combo on this one...
Simple and easy to use...

Unlikely? I'm sure Apex will perform great~!
'Signatures are overrated.'

Though I was trying to avoid it, I went with the LF71 after all as. Since it had high energy defense while having low shell defense, the A72F arms complemented it nicely, having opposite attributes. Both as suggested by Leperman.

IIRC, I also changed the head to Drone.

For more speed and less drain, I opted for the RS instead of the RL. I also removed the Wraith.

SS2? Are these the solid side shields? If so, they'll probably end up as dead weight on this AC. LR side shields (supposedly. I haven't tested it myself) only work when you're shot directly from the side, and since quads aren't likely to be out-turned because of their great turning speeds, the AC really won't benefit from the side shields.

Thanks for the comments.
No they don't...
They work all the time...
Again... I test my AC's againt 2 Servals...
The damage doesn't change, even when your AC's hit from the front...

But if it's deflection, they only deflect attacks within an 80 or 90 degree angle from the sides...

But stilll...
Feel free to test it out...
I may be wrong you know...
'Signatures are overrated.'
i think side shields would benifit heavies more...
FRONT MISSION FOR LIFE.<br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><i>RATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!</i>

I tested the side shields. They really only work at roughly a 90-degree angle.

Test it yourself in 2-player mode. Make an AC with side shields for player 1. Any AC will do for player 2. In the match, using player 2, shoot player 1. Subtract the damage. Then move to the side of player 1 and shoot him. Subtract the damage. You'll see that the damage was reduced when player 1 was shot from the side. Then, drop the side shields for player 1 and then shoot him from the front using player 2. You'll see that the damage dealt is the same as the damage done even with the side shields.

Anyways, here's the revised version of this AC:

AC Name: Apex

Head: DRONE (0,0,4,6,0)
Core: U3 (0,1,3,6,0)
Arms: A72F (0,4,0,6,0)
Legs: LF71 (0,0,7,3,0)
Boosters: GULL (0,0,4,6)
Generator: LOTUS (0,8,2)
Radiator: ANANDA (0,0,10)
Inside: None
Extensions: None
Back L: None
Arm R: RS
Arm L: HP
Hanger R: None
Hanger L: 69H

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