Current time: 02-03-2025, 05:54 PM
AC name: Niten'ichi

Head:YH14-Sting (1/0/0/0/9)
Arms:CR-A92XS (0/10/0/0/0)
Core:CR-C89E (4/6/0/0/0)
Legs:CR-LF93A2 (0/0/0/5/5)
Booster:Vulture2 (0/0/0/10)
Generator:G91 (0/10/0)
Rad:Ananda (0/0/10)
FCS:Volute 2
Back1: Ladon
Back2: WB-87GLL
R. Hand: 93 LR
L. Hand: YH05SR3

The basic idea is a multi-range fighter.

The GLL's used mostly at point-blank range, where both slugs are sure to land in rapid succession, while the Railgun's a long-range shot, used as a deterrent for both high-speed and heavy-armor designs. It also doubles as a pop-up gun: I use it from behind cover and for retreating, given its ability to fire mid-air.

I usually use the EO's in conjunction with the rifles. the combined fire from all three armaments isn't as powerful compared to other damage dealers, but its strong point is that it's accurate out to 300 klicks, providing for avery consistent wall of lead.

Of course, the main theme here is weapon-juggling, the pilot will have to make quick decisions in the fight regarding what weapons to use at specific ranges and scenarios. Keep that eye on your range meter!

I've used this AC against Lord Leper's (He's a friend of mine)
Jouster, and the matches came up
pretty close, though I still lost.

Sorry for the late introduction...This is TwinSkies, from Manila!
Glad to meet you all!
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
I remember fighting this before... It may not look much but at first glance, but this is a thinking man's AC.

At a straight out damage race, it won't do much. The very least it can do is buy itself some time by scaring off close-range, high-damage dealing ACs with its EOs + Rifle + GLL combo to back opponents off at close ranges.

Primary damage dealers are the LADON for anyone attempting to get close (including OB rushers and arial units trying to close the distance, the LADON's heat is usualy enough to penalize such attempts), while the 93LR + R3 is good enough for mid to long range general usage.

Comments? The armor is a little lacking for its weight class, but the amount of weapons might overshadow that weakness (depending on how you use them). The AC works best in non-open maps with low obstacles where it can anticipate enemy attacks and position properly in conjunction with the STING's radar.

Pros: Design is appropriate for most engadgements. Adequate weapons for different area types (maybe excluding wide open areas against faster opponents).

Weaknesses: Cannot last long in a damage race situation at close range (it banks it all on 8 shots of the GLL, after that its all up to the pilot's skill in evading), fairly small general use lockbox. Also a bit complicated to use, involving using the right weapons at the right siuation (lots of weapon juggling involved)

I have a few, but I trust your judgement to be more suited to your taste.

Slight revision on my part


Try it out Big grin
the volute2 is fine with the railgun but you really need good manual tracking so both GLL slugs will hit up close. the volute does offer a slightly bigger lockbox than the volute2. the limpet just makes the GLL godly up close, but it's out of the question since you wanted to engage at multiple ranges.
FRONT MISSION FOR LIFE.<br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><i>RATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!</i>
nice to see you again, you might not remember me... we met sometime ago. anyway, good to have you onboard. as long as you're with leperman you'll be updated on our plans. hope to see you soon... around saturday I hope.
yo! i remember you.

yeah, too bad i couldn't come because of geographical reasons. but i'd be happy if some of you guys would take my AC designs for a spin come saturday. Big grin
FRONT MISSION FOR LIFE.<br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><i>RATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!</i>

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