Current time: 03-06-2025, 02:55 AM
The beginning of the end.
...your thoughts?

I already have this on my previous rants.. and I don't wanna repeat myself.. well.. maybe just for those who haven't read it yet..

2012 is the end of the world.. *babababla..* lot's documentaries (history channel) *babababla..* it was said on the bible.. mayan calendar.. weird planet lining.. *babababla..*

it's just that.. there's so much proof that there's a possibility for it to happen.. and yet.. I only cling on one reason it can't happen.. "faith" like.. UGH~! religion.. >.< they say that no one knows what may happen.. and.. our theology professor told us that the storm.. "pepeng" <-- (did I got the name right? I'm hearing names like peping.. or something like that..) was supposed to hit metro manila.. but.. because of the people's prayers.. it changed it's course.. aaand.. there's some video on youtube about this "heavens eye"

ahh.. one more thing.. I just finished playing "devil survivor" and it's about "God's ordeal, demon summoning, war of bel, etc.."
there's this one part of the game which I like the most.. It's abt. God's ordeal.. It says that the internet just like when the ancient people tried to create a tower that will be as high as the sky and it will surpass God.. the internet connects all the people therefore removing the "language" barrier.. and.. it's true that many people are forgetting about God.. or.. whatever.. btw.. God is the bad guy in the game.. LOL

soo.. how's it? in the game.. the options are.. repent and side with God.. If humans were to return to God.. He will shower them with mercy.. etc.. 2. escape the ordeal (like what some organizations are doing.. space colonies.. pssh.. as if it would work..) and.. well.. the other option's not applicable in real life.. it is to side with the demons and fight God.. XD

oh noes.. I'm freaking out again.. >.<

"heaven's eyes"
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Quote: This, I was told, happened in Mindanao last Saturday, September 26, 2009 when our Muslim brothers were doing their morning prayers...... This was the same day when Luzon suffered the wrath of Ondoy...

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
In my opinion, if you really much choose a path, deliberate on it over and over again. Apply all the knowledge and wisdom (and spirituality, to some extent) you possess, think and feel about it over and over again.

For now though, seek life's better pleasures and conquer its highest mountains. Live.
(10-16-2009, 10:33 PM)azuriel07 Wrote: it's just that.. there's so much proof that there's a possibility for it to happen.. and yet.. I only cling on one reason it can't happen.. "faith" like.. UGH~! religion.. >.< they say that no one knows what may happen.. and.. our theology professor told us that the storm.. "pepeng" <-- (did I got the name right? I'm hearing names like peping.. or something like that..) was supposed to hit metro manila.. but.. because of the people's prayers.. it changed it's course.. aaand.. there's some video on youtube about this "heavens eye"

So... the prayers didn't cover all those poor people up north? All our other neighbor countries? The people that got mauled by the earthquake and the tsunami? Sorry, but I don't like what your Theology prof said.
^what NIX said. I always forget to put up this article in a newspaper that andrew gave me. That EXACTLY elaborates nix and my sentiments for this.
I don't know about you guys, but I don't see any point in exaggerating this kind of issue. Everyone dies, it's part of the natural process and we can only delay death anyway.

Best thing to do for now is to just enjoy life and reach your goal as far as you can while you have one. Having a "morally" good or bad life; entirely up to you.
No fate but what we make.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
I actually agree to what Goat says.

I can't waste time being afraid.

For some reason, during the fear of Pepeng going about where everyone rushed home and bought up supplies the night before it supposedly would have struck Manila, I was out drinking with friends. Most of that reason being that I can't stand just running around because fear got the better of me.

As for religious views on things. Well, with my many years in Christian schools I've only gained more and more questions about how they go about things. I just find it utterly ridiculous that the theological approach would jump in and out of any logical basis so long as it was convenient. If it didn't seem to make sense, they pretty much take the "God works in mysterious ways..." argument. Personally I believe that's bull. If there is an omnipotent being out there who just watches all the time (makes me wonder if he ever gets bored), I think I'd really rather just depend on myself rather than go headlong into adversities with 'faith' which can easily be confused with 'fanaticism' for some people.
heard this line from a film, i dunno who originally said this:

"if a god is willing to prevent evil but not able then he is not omnipotent,
if he is able but not willing then he must be malevolent,
if he's neither able or willing then why call him a god."

very salient points, i think.
I'm gonna go with.. omnipotent.. LOL

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
As much as we know for ourselves about where religion goes too far off the boundaries of logic, it's taboo to even talk about it with someone who 'knows' about it or is in high authority of whatever religious sect.

There's always two results that come to mind: Either they denounce you and send you away thinking that you're one of 'satan's minions', or they say that 'God's logic cannot be questioned by mere humans.'

If the latter was the case, then where's the truth? The Bible? Which was written by 'God's hand guiding the minds and hands of the people who wrote them.'? That which went through lots of translations into other languages, which I'm pretty sure makes it full of corruptions? The very foundation of faith is questionable by itself, and no one holds a concrete answer as to why it is soooo holy. I'm not questioning the Bible's authority here, but rather, I am questioning the Bible as it is now. Corrupted by human minds and hands.

Where's the truth in that? The Bible itself even says that to alter whatever is written in it is a sin.

Personally, I'm still open to believing God, as soon as there's one solid truth that I can actually believe in. Other than that, as Nix said, "Religion is just something that society imposes on us." Nothing more than that.

As for the end, when it happens, it happens. It's unnerving, but it's pointless to be afraid, as even if there's something you want to do about it, the world holds no answer for you.
Well, I just plain don't believe in God. period. the system is too flawed for me to believe in.
I don't like worshiping gods but I do believe on a creator.
yup.. same here.. worshiping someone perfect doesn't sound right.. he's perfect.. he doesn't need anything.. or does he? is he really perfect?
what does he gain when humans worship him? doesn't it say that humans are made from his liking.. so.. like humans.. he's imperfect...?

the bible is said to have lot's of errors.. "but it doesn't teach any error" is that true?

anywaaay~ I don't like these things.. I can't seem to an accurate answer.. just.. lots of questions.. >.<

I don't wanna die yet.. >.<
if it's already set in stone.. well.. ok fine.. stupid apocalypse.. *mumble mumble*
but if there's even a small chance that we won't.. I'm holding on that..

for me.. I'm just gonna do my daily routine.. and worry less about what's gonna happen in the nearing end of the world.. there's not much I can do about it.. right?

*edit* nah.. never mind.. =.=

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
*looks at post above*
uh oh, wait wut.... (-___________-)
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
(10-25-2010, 03:54 PM)Hempire Wrote: *looks at post above*
uh oh, wait wut.... (-___________-)

I think it's trying to advertise its own God.

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