Current time: 03-07-2025, 10:54 AM
LR: Modifying ACLR
stats not seen in-game, and other useful not-so well know info
Fantastic job! Thank you so much for all this. It's funny that even UA's hidden stats are totally out there. :d
Yeah, thanks!

Oh... and look how the GOAT is like, one of the least durable. Useless piece of fucking chickenshit leg!

so that's why your name is Goat. 'cause the legs are lame, i see. you'd probably be better off naming yourself "Icurus,' though...
It's just merely coincidental. This and that leg aren't really related. LOL
can you find out how many ammo each core anti missile system has?
each one has 500 ammo (which should NEVER run out in actual battle...)
btw can the speed cap be tweaked? iirc the fastest ACs that can be built in LR only went 800+
No man, keep it 863, IT'S TRADITION! You can technically make an AC go faster tho, through the power of parry blades.
Fuck protoss.
any faster and you'll be playin AC4 - not good
No I'm just curious about the real top speed they can reach and not just the flat 863kph. I have yet to see a combat worthy ACLR that can go 863.
If they're still using the same physics engine as NX (Which I suspect From did), then the max speed can be 1000+++ as demonstrated by the walking glitch in NX (skip to 0:52 to see the glitch I'm talking about):

However, they already removed that glitch since NB so I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that 863 kp/h max top speed is not hard coded.
What is all of this information about? Im interested to know, please respond.
Adiyel has, as far as I can tell, been trying to hex-edit the Last Raven game data in order to change in-game part stats.
how do you do that? is it through some kind of code breaker or action replay?

I wouldnt mind changing the stats on some of the parts in Last Raven Portable, if possible.
Nah, I don't think this was achieved through any codebreaker or action replay Smile

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