Current time: 09-19-2024, 08:17 AM
Help with optimizing my PVP loadouts.
WIP of course!
(08-29-2023, 03:30 PM)Hamstah_Fwend Wrote: I think I've got something good going with dual Zimmermans and stun needles. I'd consider my "main" loadout to be this Spring Chicken build.

However as we all know, the wheelchair legs are busted so I mounted the same setup on those legs.

After seeing FightinCowboy's thoughts on Zimmers, I've decided to figure out a non-Zimmer build. Fortunately his Murakumo build gave me some ideas for a melee loadout.

Yeah, I was just about to say...those legs might be busted (I don't know enough about them, personally) but I do know that the dual zimmermanns is widely considered the strongest handhelds, and the dual stun needles are considered the strongest backmounts.  Dual zims with dual SNAs is basically the meta, right now. 

I'm kinda glad you brought up that post from Cowboy, too, because he's said in a few videos now that he expects both of those weapons to get patched soon, because he felt they were too strong.

I'm not sure I agree, yet, because I haven't had serious problems against them (I mean like abnormal ones), but I haven't done heavy amounts of 1v1, yet, either.  I've been doing some 3v3 though.  Admittedly, I don't have any parts yet (I basically started PvPing the second Nest opened), but I'm too stupid and bloodthirsty to resist a fight.

I can't comment too much on your current build, as I don't recognize a lot of the parts...but I know that shotgun and sword bots work pretty good in PvP!  I've seen lots that did well, especially with that bigger energy shotgun.  That thing hits like a truck.  Has that lower boost speed of 250 been an issue, at all?

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RE: Help with optimizing my PVP loadouts. - by Penguin Deus - 08-31-2023, 01:24 AM

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