Current time: 01-30-2025, 06:33 PM
Carrion Crown
My Armored Core: Verdict Day mainstay.
[Image: 1459007715.themike_phoneimports_204.jpg]
[Image: 1389156730.themike_carrioncrown1.jpg]

I cannot remember the specific weapon names or internal parts, for the most part, as I had to sell all of my games to afford food...

I couldn't get the screenshot account to work for me in-game, either, so I had taken a picture with my phone back when I had it.

Head - HF-227 [Howard Coleman Custom]
Core - C03 Malicious
Arms - UTSUSEMI Mdl.4 [Theodora Custom]
Legs - L03 FreQuency

The resemblance to Blue Magnolia's craft is pure coincidence-- I had almost that same build when I first encountered her, and the dichotomy felt AMAZING.

Messages In This Thread
Carrion Crown - by The Mike - 03-26-2016, 11:58 PM

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