It feels awkward to say this, but... Been thinking of leaving the clan for some time now. You guys are definitely fun to play with, and I have lots to thank you for. It's just that... It's really NOT fun when most of you aren't even online!
Of course I understand that work and life come first, but it still doesn't change the fact that I get bored with no one on. It's pretty much empty air in the guild for most of the time.
Of course, I'll still be posting here, so I haven't exactly "left". I hope you guys don't take this negatively. I'm just really finding people who are more active.

Of course, I'll still be posting here, so I haven't exactly "left". I hope you guys don't take this negatively. I'm just really finding people who are more active.
[All systems online. Kojima output normal. Synchronizing AMS Compatibility... Done. Engaging Primal Armor... Done. All systems green. Firing main boosters.]
"Blackwing, let's fly!!"
"Blackwing, let's fly!!"