Current time: 09-29-2024, 09:33 AM
ACVD: Komurasaki
Hi Mbl Hi Def Med Biped
Hmm, it has worked so far and i've had better days doing mercenary work with this loadout than when I was using the 222. I think I just settled into it really and I am slowly adjusting to it. I really feel good about this rifle.

And I dont fight at the frontlines. You guys do. I just fire at enemies from the sidelines since i'll just get in the way if I close in. If you observe how I play i'll always retreat from an enemy AC and pull it towards you. I'm aware that my loadout doesn't kill fast and I don't carry any trumps like you guys do and the enemy is aware of this, too. Most of the enemies that do follow me think that they scored a weak target that can't fight back, which is mostly true, and they'll keep on following me until i'm dead. Which is okay by me. If I can keep them off your back for a while then i'm happy. That is why most of the time, when you guys are done with the other enemies, you will still find me dancing with 1 or 2 ACs, with my AP barely intact. It's funny really, when that leftover realizes that he/she is alone.

I don't have a knack for the intricate maneuvers and scan/battle mode management that you guys do which is why I practice that at my off time. If I have to take a guess, I think that doing a lot of merc work shaped how I play. I just stay back, conserve my ammo and AP loss to minimize repair costs, and offer support without taking the glory from the client. I just hang back and let them enjoy the mission without endangering them, which makes me feel good.

Gods, I apologize if I came off as being narcissistic and conceited but that's not the reason why I pick cool looking weapons. I pick them because they look more attractive and reliable in my merc profile and I would like to think that new players that hire me for story missions would find me reliable and hire me over others, think of them as peacock feathers if you will.

I always have a nagging sensation in my head when I look at my AC and I don't like what I got equipped but i've got to equip it because it is better than what I want. It messes with my piloting. Surely you guys can understand this, right? Or maybe not. Being pragmatic all the time really doesn't work for me. After all this is Armored Core and it's online to boot! The stuff of dreams. Sadly, i'm not ace material. I realized this more and more after this game has beaten the living daylights out of me over and over. More so after joining RR. After those mock battles and switching to your camera views. When I saw how you guys fight. It was like watching Gundam Seed's Kira or Code Geass' Suzaku. I was amazed and disheartened at the same time. None of them at HellHoundz, AEUG, or RU played like that. But I can at least feel good about this mech game some other way.

Although, I am still looking to replace the Tansy. I've been testing how the adjustment was made to ineffective shots using dual handguns. It seems that even low damage weapons with high reload speed can still drain AP at an amazing pace making handguns, gatling guns, and HEAT machine guns formidable....when dual wielded. I'm still looking into it though and I MIGHT return to using the 222. I mean after all....the 222 also looks badass. Smile

PSN ID: Arrui_La_Ferte

Messages In This Thread
ACVD: Komurasaki - by arrui - 01-19-2014, 03:54 PM
RE: ACVD: Komurasaki - by R.Leonhardt - 01-20-2014, 02:48 AM
RE: ACVD: Komurasaki - by arrui - 01-20-2014, 03:15 AM
RE: ACVD: Komurasaki - by Hell Heart - 01-20-2014, 09:50 AM
Re: ACVD: Komurasaki - by arrui - 01-20-2014, 11:24 AM
RE: ACVD: Komurasaki - by R.Leonhardt - 01-20-2014, 11:50 AM
RE: ACVD: Komurasaki - by White_Rain - 01-20-2014, 12:35 PM
RE: ACVD: Komurasaki - by arrui - 01-20-2014, 12:39 PM
RE: ACVD: Komurasaki - by Gradlein - 01-20-2014, 06:57 PM
Re: RE: ACVD: Komurasaki - by arrui - 01-20-2014, 07:03 PM
RE: ACVD: Komurasaki - by Hell Heart - 01-21-2014, 06:28 PM

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