Current time: 06-22-2024, 04:13 AM
Armored Core: Silent Calamity
Armored Core fan-fiction Dark and Action driven
Armored Core: Silent Calamity
Chapter 11
Tug of War

”It’s too much time together. Just has free access to your room like some sorta roommate. I ALWAYS see you together when I go visit.” Sylvia’s voice was heard over Victor’s head set.

“You are there all the time too. I don’t understand what is going on.” Victor was perplexed.

“It’s just- I earned my right in there. Saved your life, remember?”

“Wait a second, are you jealous?”

A scoff was heard over the intercom. Sylvia was cute when she was all riled up like this. Victor could see her inner child at times like this.

“Please, that is absurd. I’m just saying. It’s weird and creepy. At least when people saw a beauty like me walk into your room, they’d show some respect. But that idiot! Two guys walking into a room together, that’s just unseemly. People are probably talking. I for one don’t want to be a part of it. They are going to think I’m a pervert by association.” Sylvia made her case indignantly.

“But it was okay for people to think you and Apathy had a thing going on?” A third voice spoke through their line of communication.

“Yeah, are you into Apathy?” A fourth voice joined, clearly that of William, pilot extraordinaire.

“You idiots! This is an A-B conversation. And just so you know, I’m just looking out for him. He is so helpless, I have to throw him a bone or whatever. Earn him some respect in the nest.” Sylvia defended herself. Luckily for her, the communication line hid her blushing red face.

“So like a friend then.” The third voice sounded reassured.

“Friend is right, I trust Cupid with my life. She saved it before already. Now be careful everybody, keep formation. White Knight, hold your position and jet at any sign of danger. In a transport helicopter you will be a sitting duck. Do you understand? We’ll be okay in the ACs. ” Victor said sternly. Angel was reliable, but piloting the cargo helicopter certainly put him in a disadvantage. “Now focus people, we are entering the field.”

In a triangular formation around a single transport helicopter were three ACs: Sharpshot, Vivify, and Magnificent. The three ACs were only about a fourth of the size of the transport helicopter. Sylvia had taken the time to paint her AC a bright pink with maroon trim. Vivify was still a dull metallic color. All four vehicles were now standing on top of a plateau over-looking a still battle field. Crest and Mirage forces were at a stand still as Angel had described over a week ago. There was a field separating both factions and there was a consensual silence over the entire battlefield. Both armies only paced back and forth around their campsites without losing site of each other. The armies were composed mostly of MTs- these were of all sorts and sizes. Few other vehicles such as battle helicopters, tanks and other land vehicles were also present. Scraps of what seemed to be one or two AC’s were scattered between the two platoons. Smaller MT and other vehicle debris also littered the rift dividing the combatants. Craters and scorch marks were painted across the entire field.

To a side of the small but formidable battle field, only about 100 meters away, was an immobile AC. It was fairly intact, but motionless and clearly not functional. This was White Knight’s target and it sat directly between the silent battlefield and Apathy’s group. Angel had been practicing for days how to fly the transport helicopter under Sylvia’s tutelage- she was experienced in piloting machines other than the AC. The helicopter had been rented from Global Cortex by Apathy with his monetary compensation for ranking 49 in the arena. It wasn’t much but enough to borrow it for a few of days. As long as it wasn’t destroyed it was relatively cheap to rent. Considering that Angel was aboard the helicopter, that wasn’t an option.

“Quick retrieve and escape. No cowboy stuff, you hear me? I’m talking to you Heir.” The final orders were given and the group moved into the battle field steadily and as quietly as possible.

As they approached the field the once tiny armies grew larger and more intimidating. The MTs were not as small as they had once appeared. MTs of all sorts were lined up along their camps. There were humanoid MTs with large cylindrical heads that carried a two handed sniper. There were hovering MTs with huge protruding cannons that gave them the appearance of ducks, and huge tank-like MTs that packed huge shielded cannons. Apathy gulped. The group was only about a kilometer away from the target now.

“Stop!” Apathy commanded. “Something is wrong.”

They all stopped and felt the chilling silence that had overcome an already quiet battle field. There was no more pacing along territory lines. The MT’s began turning around to face the sneaky group. Apathy’s group had been spotted. The group felt the pressure, but before anybody could think of a solution the angry buzz of the disturbed hornet’s nest was heard and seen.

“Shit. Apathy, incoming missiles. Too many to count. We’ve got to get out of here!” Heir informed as he prepared for evasive maneuvers.

“No! Stand ground and protect White Knight!” Apathy barked. “Stay close, White Knight, and flee when you see an opportunity. Do you copy?”

“Rr-roger.” The scared Angel stammered. Seconds later Angel heard the first rumblings of battle in his entire life. Gun shots filled his heart with tension. This tension was only relieved by the successful interception of a missile-cued by a distant explosion.

Sharpshot and Vivify had a hard time shooting down missiles with their slower assault rifles than did Magnificent with his machine gun spray. All of the pilots were running on fear and adrenaline. The missile barrage was thick and unlike anything they had seen yet. The end of the missile rain could not be seen yet and un-intercepted missiles had already begun landing. Luckily a majority were aimed at the AC’s over the helicopter. However, one or two shots did rattle the unarmed vehicle. Angel panicked, but much like his brother he entered a trance in which he began to steady his nerves. He began thinking and calculating. At this rate they could only hope the armies ran out of ammo before they were destroyed. That was unacceptable. His trance bared fruit.

“Cover me!” White Knight commanded. Apathy cringed, his brother once again was off his leash. He began leaving the safety zone created by his comrades and began approaching the target. Apathy cursed.
“Fuck. Follow that idiot. Protect him!” He bellowed.
“This fucking family is too eager to die!” Sylvia cursed too but willingly lept into the fray.

“I knew kicking it with Apathy was going to put hair on my chest.” Heir laughed and primed his overboost as he followed orders.

Vivify and Sharpshot offered some support from behind the transport chopper but it was clear that the rain of missiles had begun targeting him now. Apathy’s and Cupid’s support would not save him at this point. Angel was on the fast track out, and in a short time was about to be blown to bits.

“Angel!” Apathy screamed as he tried desperately to catch up to his reckless brother. Five successive explosions shook the helicopter. Victor’s tears steamed out. Black smoke and debris engulfed the vehicle. There was no way the chopper stoop a chance against five missile volleys. Victor’s heart sank, and his mind froze.

“I’m adding a babysitting fee to this assignment, Apathy.” Heir’s voice was heard. As the smoke cleared a scorched Magnificent emerged from in front of the chopper. With the help of his overboost, Magnificent was able to shield White Knight from the missile volleys.

“White Knight, are you ok?” Apathy desperately asked.

“I’m alright, thanks. Now outta my way!” The transport chopper weaved from underneath the protecting AC.

“Stay hidden, you idiot.” Apathy commanded as he and Cupid continued tracking and covering the chopper.

“I’m almost there. Trust me. Just cover me!” An angry scoff replied.

“The kid is right! Missile launches have seized, just help him survive this last wave.” Heir supported White Knight.

Apathy realized what his brother was doing. He smiled through his tears. His stupid reckless brother was reliable as always. The cargo helicopter landed directly behind the non-functional AC as if taking it hostage. The threat of destroying the fallen AC was too great and the fire seized. The final missiles were shot down by the team.

“I knew it! They are fighting over the AC! It had to be! It seems like the only thing of value around here.” Angel boasted.

“Good job, now stay hidden. They might yet change their mind.” Apathy replied. The triumph was short lived as the armies began mobilizing apart and began a joined effort to destroy the third party. They began approaching and surrounding the safety site.

“We better work fast, what are the orders?” Heir questioned. Apathy began thinking desperately.

“Heir protect my brother with your life, Cupid you and I are on clean up-” His order was interrupted.

“AC Snake identified to the north east.” Vivify’s computer alerted.

“Interesting, that’s a pretty heavy force Kisaragi employed to get that prototype back. Must really be worth something if they employed three ravens.” The transmission was clearly from the stranger.

“Damn it, just what we needed. Well can’t get any worse” Cupid sneered.

“AC Snow White approaching from the south east.”

Heir laughed nervously at the new development. “Never been in this bad a situation. I don’t know whether to hate or thank you Apathy.” Heir confessed.

“Nevermind, we will live through this! Now split up and each take an AC. As long as White Knight is near the target, he is safe. I’ll work on the MT forces. Move it!” Apathy knew that the biggest threat to Angel was the relocating armies. Soon they’d be able to get a clean scope on the chopper. Cupid and Heir followed orders without so much as a sigh.

Sharpshot boosted in the direction of the Northeastern transgressor, Snake. This trajectory would have to be taken over one of the approaching armies. She decided it would do some good to shoot down a couple of the MT’s on her way. As she approached she received the transmission.

“Take out some sniper toting MTs on your way. They are my biggest concern.” Cupid rolled her eyes at Apathy’s command, but she agreed with his sentiment.

Magnificent smiled as he turned toward the south east. The landscape was barren aside from the plateau they had previously emerged from. The approaching AC was clear in view . The AC was suspended in the air by boosters. It had no legs but instead slim fin-like protrusions that gave it a slick look. The AC, Snow White, was colored a silvery white and carried a sniper rifle in each hand. An AC made for mobility with light and thin armor.

“This actually couldn’t have worked out better.” This will be my personal best time.” Heir reached towards his neck and pulled out a simple timer from under his suit. Click!

Heir readied his missiles and extensions while flooring the booster petal to pursue the incoming AC. He did everything with the cool ease of a man in his element, and furthermore with the confidence of knowing every detail of the outcome of his coming battle. Now within locking range of his missiles, Heir primed his overboost by pressing a discrete small button on the top of his right joystick. Almost at the same time, and at the cue of the Firing Computer System locking on to its target he shot his missiles. Six missiles leaving a light trail of smoke behind began homing in on Snow White. Snow White cut to his left sharply to evade the missiles. The missiles adjusted their trajectory slowly, and although still tailing the hover AC, it was clear that Snow White’s mobility would be enough to shake them.

“Predictable,” Heir whispered smugly, “ it’s over.”

Magnificent now exploded with his overboost to the right and in a matter of moments was able to cut Snow White’s escape. Two fierce blade slashes cut into the dumbfounded AC. Before the pilot had a chance to comprehend the events, Magnificent took a hold of Snow White. The lighter Snow White tried helplessly to break away, but six successive volleys confirmed the success of Magnificent’s initial attack. A third and fourth slash dismissed the hopeless victim.

Heir opened fire with his machine gun as he backed away from a motionless AC. Snow White’s generator had crashed due to the heat created from Heir’s assault. Immobilized, Snow White was only able to retaliate with his snipers back on Magnificent, these shots of course were the raven’s last gasp. Now a comfortable distance, Magnificent seized his machine gun fire and shot his missile barrage once again. The missiles easily found their paralyzed foe. Behind the missile’s curtain of smoke the distorted priming of an overboost was heard. The overboost was pointless. Heir had but to drive the final nail on a bullet riddled and bombarded Snow White. Machine gun fire locked on to Snow White so that when the overboost kicked in it propelled only a deformed ball of flaming charred metal that erupted midair. The flaming remnant of the AC crashed into the arid floor hard and dug itself into a tight crater which later expanded with the subsequent explosions of the core. Click! 39 seconds. Personal best time!

On a separate front, Cupid trashed a Sniper MT in its platoon front line with two conjoined missiles shot from her shoulder missile pack. The small army separated her and the incoming AC, Snake. Immediately following her attack four rifle shots retaliated. Only two shots resounded through Cupid’s cockpit. Ping, ping! Sylvia avoided the full attack by breaking right As she strafed right, she shot down another of the MTs with four shots of her rifle. This prompted her to close in on the line of fire again. As she did so she spun lariats and shot some cover fire to keep the enemies off balance. This minimized retaliation, nonetheless one or two shots found their target in her. Now at range though, Sharpshot landed on its feet and cut an MT in half with its blade attack. This image was short lived as the AC leaped out of sight and over the front line without a pause. Cupid’s foresight and reflexes kept her one step ahead of the disturbed platoon. With a second kick of the petal in the middle of her leap she boosted out of the way of three powerful volleys supplied by the shielded cannon MTs.

“I took out three snipers, Apathy. Two are still active.” Cupid informed.
“Great job, be careful.” Apathy was unsurprised by Cupid’s efficacy. She had proved to be an amazing pilot and a reliable friend.

Cupid could now see the approaching stranger. A red quadruped AC with black rims was boosting in her direction. The AC was packing two guns and a shoulder missile box. The right hand gun was long and slender, and the left was thick and tall.

“This is incredible. Cupid? Apathy and Heir? Why it’s a gathering of all the freshmen. Rich-boy-wonder and the top of the graduating class.” Snake’s pilot guffawed.

“Care to test my credentials?” Cupid challenged.

“The name is Heathen. It’s not often that I get to meet celebrities. The nest can’t seem to stop talking about you guys. Personally, I think you guys are at the end of your fifteen minutes.” Heathen dismissed.
The alert Cupid was ever aware of her surroundings and elegantly sidestepped two more cannon volleys that came from the platoon at her feet. With this sidestep she saw her opportunity to snipe a battle helicopter down from about 100 meters. Unfortunately, two missiles collided with Sharpshot as she dropped her guard. This was followed by heavy attack that transformed the environment inside Cupid’s cockpit. The sensation of gravity was lost for less than a second and she lost her helmet as her head and limbs whip-lashed. She was as a rag doll buckled to a seat. A thundering crash tossed her limbs in the opposite direction. Her neck was severely traumatized by the unexplained event. A sudden jerk at the base of her esophagus was all the warning she got next. Blargggh! She threw up on her main screen. The vomit helped the disoriented pilot understand the direction she and her AC were now facing: face down on the floor.

Snake had tackled with an overboost the vulnerable Sharpshot immediately after his missile attack. The Snake, aptly named, had just stricken and was about to inject his poison. Now on top of the downed Sharpshot, Snake lifted his left arm weapon and an immense flame poured out and washed over Sharpshot. Cupid, now hearing the alarm signaling the quick spike in heat, came to. She did what came instinctively and pressed her petal to boost out of the way. The response was sluggish due to the extra weight of the AC riding her. She moved slowly and ineffectively while carrying Snake on her Sharpshot. Her energy began draining faster than normal due to the overheating of the machine. A second terrible realization was that her AP was plummeting quickly. AP 3017!

Three powerful and conjoined blasts dismounted the psychopath off of Sharpshot. Snake was not welcome in the Mirage camp any more than Sharpshot was. The three shielded cannon MT’s had just attacked him. Cupid relieved got up slowly and jumped behind the shield MT’s. Her overheat siren was still going off, but her stat screen showed that her radiator had begun combating the heat. Snake got up and laughed condescendingly at the rookie.

“You’ve never faced a real raven, my sweet. Consider this your graduation present. A few seconds more and you would be cooked alive within that toy of an AC.” This sentiment grew more threatening now that Cupid recovered her mind. She realized she was drenched in sweat and that she was breathing hard a thick and humid air. Snake strafed left and unleashed his flames on the battle field and the many MT’s and vehicles in Mirage’s camp. One of the Sniper MTs exploded within seconds of the attack, one of the duck-looking MTs followed. These hover MTs were highly mobile though so the rest took evasive measures and cleared out. With a sudden movement Snake turned and rushed the shielded MT’s Cupid hid behind. One of them exploded and Cupid once again was about to enter the inferno. Cupid reacted quickly and jumped over her bodyguards and over the treacherous snake.

“What’s wrong, princess? Where did the sass that greeted me go?” Heathen taunted.

“Why are they attacking you too? I’m just curious, best I ask now, dead men can’t talk.” Cupid replied in a cool voice that masked her fear and anger. She began turning her AC, as she knew that she was once again in the shielded MT’s line of fire.

“Well, aren’t we just full of spunk. Crest hired me to exterminate the pests keeping them from their target. My guess is that the scrap of metal and crater to the south was hired by Mirage here, to do the same for them.” He obliged. Sharpshot jumped intuitively at the sound of cannons discharging to evade the incoming bombardment of the shielded MTs. This was done without fully visualizing the attackers.

She wondered if there was any way to use the field to her advantage. As she turned she saw the second of three Shield MTs blow up at Snake’s bidding. Sharpshot still was charging its generator after the heat crash. But the temperature had been restored within the cockpit and the AC was nearly cooled completely. Upon landing she engaged the busy Snake by launching a pair of missiles. With a jump Snake jumped back over the missiles, which missed into the empty.

“Missile radar. You thought I’d be blind sighted twice?” Snake began turning around to face his challenger.

“I think you talk too much.” Cupid punctuated her sentiment with rifle rounds.

“What can I say? I’m a people person. And princess,” Snake was now facing Sharpshot. It lifted its right arm, “Trade that pea shooter for a real gun.” Zeeee!

An impact was not felt, but the damage was noticeable. AP 2603, and a heat spike could be seen in the heat gauge. Cupid steeled her nerves and continued to shoot back. This began a quick shoot off. Snake was both slower in movement and retaliation, but his shots were graver. Snake took most of Sharpshot’s attacks while Cupid had managed to get away unscathed by all but Heathen’s first shot. Now better comprehending Snake’s limits, Cupid tested a suspicion. She jumped and at the height of her jump launched her missiles. Snake, could not crawl away in time and because the missiles were coming from high ground he could not jump out of the way effectively. Two blasts on a jumping Snake confirmed his vulnerability to attacks from the air. Zeee! A second laser shot bit into her as she landed on the floor. Two huge volleys hit Snake from behind in sequence while a third and fourth volley missed Sharpshot. A fifth volley was avoided narrowly by Cupid with a jump. Cupid took the chance to launch another set of missiles.

“Vermin.” Snake grunted irritated and began turning around to retaliate on the MTs but was stopped in place by Cupid’s twin missiles. He grunted angrily, “You are beginning to get under my skin, princess.”

Snake locked on to Cupid again, and launched his own set of missiles. Cupid, ready, boosted out of the way narrowly, with a revitalized Sharpshot. Unfortunately, she was tagged by three rockets launched by battle choppers passing overhead. Irritated she shot one of them down. The attack, however, grounded her head and warned her to tread carefully in the hostile field. Three of the duck hover MTs rushed after her. They released missiles in conjunction. As she began evasive maneuvers she realized Snake too had launched a pair of missiles from the opposite direction. She fled toward Snake’s pair of missiles, and away from the six that hounded her from the opposite side. She shot down one of the missiles in her direction and boosted right through its partner. She was hoping to lead the dogs to Heathen.

“Don’t even try it.” Heathen warned as he flushed fire in her direction. Realizing she couldn’t approach the angered Snake, she took a detour around his right flank. The missiles crashed and exploded into the floor. Near Snake, however, she slashed at him quickly and fled as he and his flamethrower turreted around to get her. As she backed away she shot at him, and jumped to shoot a pair of missiles. Without skipping a beat she shot down an incoming chopper to her right. The missiles hit an overwhelmed Snake that was currently shooting down the last battle helicopter. Cupid’s defensive abilities were giving her an edge in the hectic battlefield.

“AC Striped approaching from the north east.”

“I got your back, cutie.” Heir announced.

“Don’t ever call me that.”

“Psh, just thought I’d try it.”

As Heir entered Cupid’s battlefield he opened fire on Snake. Snake calculatingly and coldly located Cupid and jumped into the air.

“I’m afraid three’s a crowd. We’ll have to settle this some other time, sweetness.” Snake threw his flamethrower in front of Sharpshot in what seemed to be a sign of defeat. Cupid chuckled victoriously at her frightened foe. Zee! The flamethrower was blown up from under Sharpshot’s feet. The explosion was devastating. Sharpshot was devoured by flames.

“Cupid!” Heir called out.

A wicked smile welcomed the scene. With his opposition busy, however, Heathen blasted away with an overboost. The flames dissipated and a scorched and badly damaged Sharpshot emerged on its knees. Sharpshot screeched its siren annoyingly inside Cupid’s cockpit. Cupid scared realized that she was still on the battle field. She tried to move out of the way of two approaching radar bleeps homing in on her from her 10 and 4 o’clock. Sharpshot’s response was sluggish. AP: 589.

“Help!” Almost immediately after her cry both bleeps disappeared courtesy of her comrades.

“Sorry, I took so long. Get to a safety with White Knight. The field is cleared and we have one more threat on its way. I’m sure Heir and I can handle.” Apathy dismissed the wounded warrior.

“Thanks.” Sharpshot left slowly and with a lot of noise. Black smoke bled out of it. The machine was clearly in pain. Her two comrades awaited the next contender. Magnificent was still in good condition. Vivify did not look as good.

“Looks like your AC took a nasty tumble down some stairs.” Heir lit a match on the pair’s rivalry. Apathy felt the burn, but was at a loss for words. He had clearly been out done.

“Well, the stairs took it worse than Vivify. I spotted him.” Apathy embarrassed changed the conversation to the quickly approaching red striped yellow AC. It was a standard legged AC, with a double conjoined missile pack to his back, a long barreled bazooka and what seemed to be a blade mount. Additionally purple box extensions were attached to his arms.

“Watch me break these stairs Apathy.” Heir readied his missiles.
As soon as Striped reached Magnificent’s range Heir pulled his trigger. Six missiles hounded an uncaring and un-flinching AC. The boxes on Striped’s arms opened and revealed ominous holes.

“Damn.” Heir predicted.

Six tiny missiles shot out in retaliation, but, amazingly enough, tracked and intercepted Heir’s dogs. Almost immediately the large conjoined missile boxes on Stripped’s back opened its covers and shot eight missiles at Magnificent. Heir smiled and boosted into the air and began running away from a dangerous pack of missiles. Striped primed his overboost and within seconds approached a firing Vivify.

Black smoke and clouded Apathy’s view following a bazooka attack. Apathy responded blinded by boosting out of the site and ready to retaliate. After shaking the smoke in the air he realized that Striped had disappeared.

“Cupid, White Knight- he’s headed your way!” Apathy warned as he deciphered his radar.

Sharpshot, now more able, quickly turned around to catch a glimpse of the AC sneaking past her too. The sound of eight explosions raised the hair on the entire team. Smoke covered White Knight and the motionless AC. Striped screeched to a stop and began raising his large barreled weapon to add more damage to the victim. The bazooka fired three explosives- these were clearly visible as they flew off to the left and into the sky. A rocket volley hit Striped’s right flank had deflected the attack off to the side. Vivify had caught up to the berserker with his own overboost and shot a hail mary attack at the top of the overboost’s speed. Two missiles followed from the behind, Cupid followed by opening fire with rifle rounds.
Stripped began strafing left but continued to lock on to the black screened area. Six missiles rained from behind him and the yellow AC was halted for long enough to open it to more attacks from Sharpshot and Vivify. Like rabid animals the two ravens tore into the prey with rockets and missiles. Cupid’s missiles were intercepted, but without breaking the rhythm she unloaded what was left of her rifle ammo on the enemy. Apathy unloaded his rockets one after another as if trying to empty his launcher clean. A pitter patter was heard from the distance as Heir too joined in by raining bullets above the helpless victim. Within seconds Stripped caught fire and the AC toppled over. It burped painful boils that practically robbed it of its life before it hit the floor and convulsed dead. Apathy turned to the slowly clearing missile field.

“He was behind the AC. The AC shielded him. He’s okay. He is.” Apathy swallowed and whispered almost at the same time, and his body convulsed from starting at a tense stomach.

“White Knight, do you copy?” Sylvia asked over the intercom.

“Holy crap, I thought I was a goner when I saw those missiles approaching. Is it safe now?” Angel said in an insultingly easy voice.

Victor’s stomach erupted with a low mad laugh. His spasms still convulsed his body. As if barely catching up to the events, Victor’s tears drained slowly down the center of his face.

“It’s safe. Go ahead and strap our trophy. It’s looking a little cooked but it shouldn’t much worse off than before.” William laughed at Angel’s ironic response. He caught the happiness his friend Victor was feeling. Will slowly realized his face was damp with a few tears too, all over a silly kid that didn’t even realize how close he was to biting the big one.

Back at Global Cortex news broke the party’s celebration.

“An A.I. AC? So it isn’t even pilot-able?” Angel questioned a mechanic in the hangar.

“Oh hell no, I didn’t just get beaten to an inch of my life for nothing.” Sylvia joined Angel in harassing the now scared mechanic.

“I’m sorry, but there isn’t even a hatch on this model.” The mechanic defended himself.

“It’s not his fault guys, give the man a break. We’ll have to find another way.” Victor said in a calm but equally irritated voice.

“Are you crazy? You see that over there?” Sylvia turned to Victor and pointed at a crusty, cracked and steamed Sharpshot. “I did this mission pro-bono. I gave you a 5000 credit price tag for my services. But that was only because the mission was not supposed to be this difficult. I got wailed on, and barely survived. I’ve been saving my credits to buy myself some new equipment, but thanks to you, now I have to spend my earnings on repairs. I lost BIG on this mission, you scatter brain!”

Sylvia huffed and puffed more at Victor. Victor was aggravated by this but kept his cool and silence. This only irritated Sylvia more and she continued to yell at him. Giving up on him, and his stoic response, she turned to the next victim.

“You! You should have known better you little ponce.” Sylvia had taken a hold of Angel’s shirt and began shaking him. Amazingly enough, Angel relaxed in her grip and only blushed. He had been the target of Sylvia’s anger before but it had yet to bother him. She looked beautiful with her light blue eyes ablaze, her cute indignant incoherent response, and her heaving bosom. Being now at the closest he had ever been to her, he found the sight quite breathtaking and simply melted into her insults nearly forgetting his troubles. “…What kind of jack-ass hires three elite ravens on a mission you only know half the information to?”

“Yo! Cutie, I think I know what we can do.” William interrupted.

“I swear I will strangle you with your own hands if you call me that again.” Sylvia glanced back at the red head.

“Well, Apathy built his AC by rescuing AC remnant’s right? But generally people, if they are lucky enough to find themselves in that position, they will instead sell them, no? I figure, something that was so hard fought for has to fetch a high price. Lets sell it to one of the fighting corporations.”

“How could we? We can’t just put out a sale sign. Those corporations aren’t going to be happy that we stole their AC, and blasted their troops.” Victor retorted.

“You’re right, we are not the ones for the job. But I have a friend that can unload it for us. This guy looked out for me and gave me a heads up about the contract on my head.”


The group found themselves in the arena office again staring at a perplexed Sean. The tone had definitely changed before and after their entire story was told. At first Sean greeted them openly and hailed them as causing a huge buzz in the community with their latest exploit. He laughed about how the biggest corporations were both very mad but interested in the talent that stole their goods. After they explained that the mission was nothing more than a stunt to salvage an AC outside of a contract by any corporation or without the supervision of Global Cortex, Sean’s smile faded.

“And you still have the audacity to involve me in this? You ask that I sell the object that is directly tied with the unrest amongst Kisaragi, Mirage, and Crest? I ought to kill you myself! However, you guys did kick all three of those corporation’s asses. That is quite a stunt alright.”

“Three? We fought only two armies. Why is Kisaragi mad?” Victor asked.

“You mean, you didn’t even know what was going on?” Sean put his palm to his face. “The AC prototype was developed by Kisaragi. Crest and Mirage in a joint effort tried to steal it, but once they succeeded they turned on each other before it was delivered. They fought for two weeks over it. Kisaragi has intermittently sent attacks to destroy the AC to destroy the secrets to its technology. Crest and Mirage have been defending it in hopes of finally being able to retrieve it.”

“Well, it is useless to us. But it is ours. They can try to pry it from us or they can just buy it. We just need someone who can talk to them.” Victor said decisively after finding Sean’s tone insulting. Sean smiled.

“Okay. Well said. I can do that for you, I hate seeing things go to waste. Name your price.”

“We simply will trade it out for a conventional AC. With parts of our choice.” Angel entered the conversation. Everybody turned to him.

“Ah, I see. So I suppose you are the beneficiary. The family resemblance betrays your identity, White Knight.” Sean glanced at both Angel and Victor.

“What of it? That should pose no problem, right? Just joining the family business.” Angel replied.

“Those seem like reasonable terms. I will let you know as soon as I have a buyer.” Sean dismissed.

“Thanks Sean, you’re a good friend.” Will thanked him.

“Now, listen to me, Heir. I am not your friend. I simply have been helping you out because you are an investment of ours. I see your value as a raven, plain and simple. But you all are treading thin ice, stunts like this are weighing against you. At a certain point you guys will cost more than your worth. Don’t come to me with demands like this again. You all might be chummy with each other, but our relationship is strictly a professional one.” William was clearly hurt by the speech. His silence was unsettling for everybody in the team.

They stepped out of the office and Victor looked at the dejected Will. He understood what was unspoken. Will didn’t have many, if any, friends. He punched him in the arm and laughed.

“You saw that badass shot I nailed Striped with when I was OB’ing? You couldn’t have made that shot.” Heir looked up and slowly looked consoled.

“It was a pretty awesome shot, still I think I was the MVP in that battle. Saved your brother, destroyed an AC in 39 seconds, and saved Syl there.” Syl turned around and her face flared up again as if she remembered her grudge.

“Save me? You idiot, you nearly condemned me. Because of you I got blind sighted, I didn’t need saving until you showed up. And you,” she turned to Victor, “what the hell was all that noise about having to pry the AC from us? You can’t afford me anymore, Victor! You already owe me, plus I’m bringing up my price for any other mission you have for me. And the kid, don’t get me started on that dim wit. Goes and finds a dangerous, low paying job, then nose dives into what could have been his grave if it wasn’t for us.”

Angel blushed at his inclusion into the rag tag group. He couldn’t help but to steal glimpses of Sylvia. Up and down he eyed her innocently enamored. He only looked back at the group to conceal his admiration. It was during one of these glances back that he noticed Will’s eyes on Syl’s figure. Angel pretended he didn’t see it, but was lit afire with jealousy. The group walked back to the dorms arguing and laughing.

Buffy Anne Summers

1981- 2001

Beloved Sister
Devoted Friend

She saved the world

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RE: Armored Core: Silent Calamity - by gomezcreative01 - 01-03-2013, 11:50 AM

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