Current time: 09-27-2024, 10:29 PM
Armored Core: Silent Calamity
Armored Core fan-fiction Dark and Action driven
Armored Core: Silent Calamity
Chapter 8

“You don’t even know how Victor is doing and you are already working new dealings? Seriously, at a time like this? You guys already made one of those wretched machines-“ Chris objected angrily.

“He’s my brother! Of course I care, how dare you accuse me of that? He’s been gone for two weeks, Chris. Life can’t stop just because he isn’t around. Should we stand still until he comes back, hold our breaths and leave the entire weight of our futures on his shoulders?” Angel was insulted, but deep down he knew Chris was partially right. He was worried about Victor- Neither Angel nor Victor had told Chris just how much was at stake during the initiation test. Victor could have died without even becoming a member of the raven order. Chris was right, but at this depth in the argument Angel wouldn’t admit it. Angel’s true motivation stemmed from his own desire to become a raven. Angel was jealous of Victor. Building the AC was Angel’s idea, and Angel’s dream.

“I telyu, those damn ravens. A bunch of blood thirty war hounds they are!” The old man was clearly drunk, and although his story was one that incited his own anger he was pleased to see that the young boy was completely engrossed with his tale. The boy couldn’t have been older than 13 years of age. Lustrous black hair, innocent shiny eyes and a dark complexion decorated the otherwise filthy pup. The man had just walked out of the tavern where he had overstayed his welcome. Nobody listened to him. His story was old and used, but as he was bounced out of the tavern his tale had caught the ears of the poor whelp, a child that happened to wander by in the lively slum market place. Innocently he asked the man what a raven was. Finding a willing audience the drunken man told his tale.

“Ravens are dirty money suckers! I lost my job back in the city because of those damned ghouls. I was a manager atta Kisaragi facility. I was well respected you know. I was well respected. I was soon ta be promoted, I was good…”

Behind his innocent eyes, lay a cunning street wise boy. Clearly the man was getting sidetracked. Patience is hardly a virtue of the young, and little Angel was no exception. He knew better than to be rude, though.

“What did the raven do?” The young boy asked coyly.

“…and Liz knew better than to cross me again, I was strict but fair. Yeah, the raven! Bastard came and destroyed the facility. It took out the security system easily, and next thing we know, we are evacuating the facility because it has been targeted to be destroyed by a Mirage bomber. Not that the raven left much to destroy. All of our guns and machines didn’t even slow it down. I saw him with my own eyes! I saw him leaving the facility as I evacuated. That dirty son of bitch, left his mess behind without once looking back.”

“You saw him? What did he look like?”

“I don’t know. The coward was inside his robot. But I tell ya, if I ever cross him in the streets. I’ll show him how a real man fights.” The man hiccupped and the intoxicating stench of alcohol caused the young Angel to flinch. Still the young child was confused.

“A robot? Ravens aren’t persons?”

“That’s right! That prick wasn’t human. He was soulless is what he was. He’ll rott-in hell, he will.”

Angel was becoming impatient and frowned.

“What was the robot like?”

“It was huge, ya know. That coward can’t take me in a fight! I once punched this one asshole so hard that he took a nap on the sidewalk! To this day, Ben still has a click in his jaw. He was trying to see my girl, ya know. A man’s gotta be a man, ya know. Oh, she was a beauty thogh…” the old man dragged his story on. Angel had realized that his source was tapped. Frustrated he sighed.

“Angel, get over here. Don’t talk to strangers unless I’m around, do you understand?” Victor reprimanded. Angel was relieved; his older brother had called him just in the nick of time.

“Sorry. Gotta go, grandpa.” Angel said without giving a second glance back. He ran towards his brother across the street. Victor had just bought a pair of eggs and some beans.

“Come on, lets go eat.” Victor and Angel walked back to an abandoned building a long ways from the market place. The two boys lived by themselves. Inside the ruins of the abandoned building was the only thing of value they owned- a small gas grill.

“Ever heard of a raven, Victor?” Angel began conversation as they sat down to eat their small breakfast around the grill.

“The bird?”

“No, not the-“ Angel frowned and looked up at his brother. Two very familiar wrinkles frowned back at Angel.

“I know what you meant,” Victor started slowly, “can’t say I know much. Beings of incredible power, yeah?”

“So it seems.”

“Never even seen them, but I’ve heard they are responsible along with the large corporations for the ruins and misery. They pilot the latest in war technology, a very elite bunch. But from what I’ve made out they are bounty hunters. Now, I know what you are thinking. I see it in your eyes. You’re so excited. Angel, everybody hates them. They are destructive and powerful. Don’t you go idolizing those mercenaries.”

“But, Victor! Power can be wielded both ways, right?”

Victor chuckled. Truly his younger brother wasn’t a fool. He was very smart, and unfortunately had picked up on a lot of his Victor’s own traits.

“Victor, all swords are dangerous and scary. I understand that, but have there never been any white knights behind them. You yourself have protected me using your fists in street fights. You turn scary when you get like that. But I know it is because you are fighting for something you care about. The force behind a sword is mutable!”

“Mutable? Angel, you are becoming frighteningly eloquent. Eat your beans you idiot. You are right, though. Weapons can be wielded righteously or as is often the case, malevolently. Care to take a guess why that is, smarty pants?”

Angel smirked. He loved his brother, no one like Victor to turn his well articulated argument into a smaller part of a bigger conversation. “Wait, I know this. Because strength is rare. Strength is relative-“ Angel frowned hard as he tried to recite one of Victor’s many verses as if he was quizzing him.


“And, so only a few stand out as strong. The weaker, living under the stronger’s shadows become cruel. They try to prove themselves by lashing out on those they can prey on!”

“That’s what I believe anyway. Angel, most people are weak. I do believe in the good will of people, I really do. But being weak, most will try to hurt each other because it makes them seem strong. They dominate others with fear. Be strong brother, remember that we all can. The weak are cruel, the strong gentle. Don’t forget it.”

“So do you think it’s possible for there to be a strong raven?” Embarrassed by his brother’s obvious concern and love Angel resumed eating his meal looking down away from his brother piercing stare.

“Not until now, Angel. I think you’d have a hard time finding one, but there is a definite possibility.”

Victor might be overbearing when he was being protective, but Angel always knew he meant well. What was more, he treated Angel with respect. Angel felt older than he was whenever he conversed with Victor. Only Victor treated him like if he was the mature young man he was.

Angel’s eyes began to water at the memory so he broke eye contact with Chris. He was worried about his brother. There was no way to know if he had passed his exam. Would Sinister have the courtesy of contacting them if anything had happened to his brother? Would they just have to worry until they grew tired of it, gave up hope, and made peace with Victor’s death? Angel squeezed his eyes with his right hand to stop himself from crying. He knew better than to despair. Victor had to be ali-

“Victor!” Chris exclaimed. The sound of stampeding feet filled Angel’s aching heart with a warm enthusiastic feeling. Angel removed the hand from his eyes and squint them open. The blur in front of him became clearer. Surrounded by a mob of people was the man he respected above all else. Victor was laughing and crying all at once. Hugging his family and answering the barrage of questions they had for him. Chris was hanging from his neck. Angel like the rest of them couldn’t hold back. He ran forward and made his way through the crowd and hugged his brother.

“Victor! What the hell are you wearing!? It’s like Sinister’s! A pilot suit! You made it, you dog, you did it!” Angel took a step back to admire the uniform.

“I did it. A raven. I couldn’t believe it either. I almost didn’t actually-“

At this time the noise died down just enough to hear a strange voice from behind the crowd.

“Wow, they really missed you. I can see why you wanted to come so bad.” A tall pale blonde with a similar uniform to Victor’s addressed the man of the hour. “It would be nice if you introduced me, don’t you think?”

“Who’s the babe?” Sajon interjected as he walked in from behind Sylvia hauling large bags of groceries. Sajon was bringing in the food Victor had brought from the city. He was outside as Victor and Sylvia arrived. After greeting Victor he rushed him in to see everyone else while he stayed behind to bring in the goods.

“I’m sorry, that was rude. This is Sylvia. She took the initiation test with me. She’s a friend.” Everybody turned to her.

“I’m a little more than that, aren’t I, Victor?” Sylvia said devilishly.

Chris let go of Victor’s neck and immediately huffed and slapped Victor. She began shoving him angrily and began interrogating.

“So you go to the city and find yourself a brand new squeeze? Is that it? Did you like what the big city had to offer, did you? How dare you even come back-“

“I meant his story skipped on the part where I saved his ass during the initiation exam. He’d be dead were it not for me.” Sylvia laughed. Chris’ blood ran cold. She felt sick and tense. She turned angrily to Sylvia.

“You what? He almost died?” Chris questioned. Sylvia brazed herself; she knew she had just crossed the wrong line. “Was this not a qualifying test?”

Sylvia wasn’t sure if she should answer, luckily she didn’t have to.

“Chris I came back. Ravens are mercenaries, you know that. Sooner or later I would face situations when death would be a possibility. It’s no different than here in the slums.” Chris turned back to Victor.

“Don’t give me that, Victor. You knew what you were doing. You lead me to believe it was just a test. You knew, didn’t you?” Chris was shaking with a mixture of anger and fear.

“I didn’t tell you. I’m sorry, but if I did I would’ve had a harder time convincing you I should take the exam. But don’t kid yourself, you know what ravens and AC’s are. They are things of war. Did you think that I’d take a test, and what? I wouldn’t have to do more?”

“Of course not! I know what the business is. But I thought I’d have more time before I’d have to worry about your well being. I’d have time to prepare to- to worry.” Chris was disarmed. She reflected on what she understood was a foolish thought. Sooner or later the ravens are called to battle. She only believed what she did because she wanted to. She had fooled herself. She began to cry.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-“ Sylvia apologized. Victor turned to Sylvia with a generous smile and shook his head.

“It wasn’t your fault. Don’t be sorry.” Victor dismissed Sylvia’s apology. He then walked forward and took the grieving Chris into his arms.

“Baby, you are such a fool. I love you for it. You couldn’t stop worrying about me even if my life wasn’t on the line Are you going to tell me that you didn’t worry while I was away at all?” Victor grabbed Chris’ head, lifted it, and butted his head against it gently. “You know that as long as I live I will be your heart’s burden. It is not a kind thing to say, but it is the truth behind love. But it is that very same love that gives me the strength to keep returning to you. I need you, and I’ve missed you. You and your beautiful eyes, those beautiful bright pots of honey. This white milky skin-“ Chris was beginning to become comforted. Victor leaned in slowly and kissed her softly and passionately. “Sylvia is a great pilot, but she’s not the only woman I owe my life to.” Victor whispered to Chris. Flattered and flustered Chris laughed and rolled her eyes.

“You’re a devil, Victor Valentino. You might want to give that silver tongue of yours a break. Your spell won’t work on me. You’re still in trouble, buster.” Chris said as she resumed her embrace of Victor’s neck. “Why do I put up with you?”

“Can’t be my looks,” Victor frowned teasingly, “Why do you love me?”

“Someone has to, and with a mug like yours who will do it if not me?” Chris teased back.

Sylvia frowned at the warm scene. Their love seemed so tight, and yet nobody else but her seemed surprised at just how lovely they looked. This man, Victor, was undoubtedly to blame. Victor, as Sylvia suspected, was special. He had obviously contaminated all of the people present. Malice within any of them seemed out of the question. The love in the room was thick and ubiquitous. Sylvia alone in the room was the only person to find it strange. Not only Chris and Victor’s love, but everybody else in the group that was congregated around him reeked of love and good will. Sylvia liked it, but below that and even to her own shame, she felt resentment towards Chris. Chris was a woman that she hardly knew, but she was the object of passions and love- Victor’s passionate love and devotion. This was an enviable position to be in for some reason. Victor was homely, and furthermore he was slightly disfigured, but he was a man of exceptional talents. Or at least, that is the only way Sylvia could explain the feelings Victor stirred in her.

“You’re pretty.” Sylvia looked down to meet the tug on her suit by little Sarah.

“You think I’m pretty?” Sylvia smiled.

“Yes. Chris is also pretty, but she’s prettier than you. And I’m also pretty.” The little brat struck a nerve but Sylvia couldn’t help but to laugh at the innocence of her insult.

“Chris is Victor’s girlfriend, that pretty brunette?” Sylvia pointed at the smiling woman around Victor’s neck.

“Yes. She takes care of us. I sometimes call her mom, she likes it when I do. That’s when she looks more pretty. One time she cried when I called her mom, though. Do you think I’m pretty?”

“I do think you’re pretty. Much prettier than me.” Sylvia humored the admittedly cute four year old.

“That brat isn’t pretty. She is naughty. Get outta here and go give uncle Victor a big old kiss, he missed you. Go on now.” The blonde man they met outside approached Sylvia. Sarah giggled and ran away to greet Victor, her beautiful dark hair trailed behind her.

“She’s my girl. As lively as her mother was. Name’s Sajon. So you saved Victor, did you? You, a raven, saved him. Why?” Sajon tone became increasingly cold. Sylvia’s surprised and indignant look caused Sajon to step back and apologize.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t. I’m glad you did and I thank you in behalf of everyone here. We all love him very much. I’m sorry I grilled you, but we all just want to make sure he is okay. We’d hate for something to happen to him. I mean that is obvious.” Sajon turned to look at the mob crowding and greeting a willing and smiling Victor.

“I understand. I’m a mercenary, soulless and dirty. I’ve heard it all before.” Sylvia said.

“No, you aren’t. I don’t think you are. Victor trusted you enough to show you his treasure- this family of his. He went as far as to call you a friend, and that is all the credentials I need. But I do know you come from a different world. This place is strange, no? I remember when I first stumbled on to the realization that a sanctuary like this is hard to come by. Victor and Chris have built something beautiful here. I could see from your reaction that it was startling to you too.”

“I haven’t been a raven long, but I’ve been a pilot in the corporation’s war for some time now. So yeah, this place is strange. Everybody here seems so sincere. People in my line of work don’t act like this as a rule.”

“We live in the slums, slums that are littered with gang violence. Frankly, this home is unlike any other place you’ll find anywhere. Victor is the patriarch around here, so his gentle teachings have touched all these lives. I used to dismiss him as a fool back in the day. Beat him up a couple of times myself. He’d never back down. He is a scrapper to a fault. There were times I felt bad for beating him so bad, but unfortunately that kid doesn’t know how to quit. You’d think a kid like that would grow to be incredibly introverted or mean. But I guess he was too foolish to wise up that way. Never met a more caring soul. And well, that is what we love about him. With that in mind, I know how dirty your business is, Sylvia. Keep his gentle spirit in mind, and do us all a favor: Help him keep his spirits high, nobody deserves to believe in the possibility for a happy world more than him. As his friend, look out for him.”

Sylvia turned to Victor, who was preoccupied with little Sarah at the moment. She couldn’t tell whether Sajon’s collected voice had just spelled out a warning to her or whether he was welcoming her to the family- a family that revolved around Victor.

“Let’s make some food. I’m hungry. Also, I have presents for all of you.” Victor dispersed the crowd. “ Tons to talk about. Get on now. Kids come here, lets see what I got for you.”

The kids jumped for joy and followed Victor outside the factory. Angel followed him too. Outside a small blue car was parked. Angel feared what Victor’s reaction would be. Angel was going to get it for sure, but he had to break his news to Victor sometime. Victor went to the already open trunk of the car and rummaged through some bags until he found what he was looking for.

“Look, here you go Sarah, this pretty dress is for you.” Sarah giggled and took it shyly.

“Thank you.”

“Wow, since when are you so polite. Don’t you usually terrorize all of us, you little devil.”

“I’m always polite.” Sarah stuck her tongue out at Victor and ran into the building to show her dad her new dress. The rest of the kids began to tug at his shirt. Victor gave them all new clothes, which the kids were excited to try on.

“Thank you, Victor. Are you leaving again?” Sergio asked innocently.

“I’m going to have to. But not for a while okay. But who knows, maybe if you’re good I’ll take you with me.” Victor answered.

“Really? Don’t go until you tell me okay?”

“I promise.”

Sergio like Sarah scampered away too. Tommy and Ashley then began to get rowdy.

“Victor, what about me? Take me too.” Tommy pleaded.

“I’ve been good too. Ask Angel. Yesterday I helped Chris make food for everyone.” Ashley made her case.

“You did? That is good. But you know what, Chris is probably making food right now, maybe you should give her a hand. You both are always good, maybe I’ll just have to take you all. I’ll have to think about it, but it depends on how good you guys are.”

Both kids looked at each other with presents in hand and ran into the building hoping to win Victor over. Angel sighed and turned to Victor.

“What are you doing? They are going to be so hurt when you leave.”

“What do you mean? I plan on taking them.” Victor explained. “I’m going to take you all to the city. It’s a lot safer than here. Unless, Angel have you been bad? Can’t take you if you’ve been naughty.”

“You plan on taking the entire gang to the city? Don’t get me wrong, sounds great but do you expect everyone to be okay with it?”

“I guess I didn’t think anybody would object. You haven’t seen the city, Angel. There’s order there. Some people even have homes with green gardens. There’s huge stores and living buildings, unlike the dead ruins we know. It’s a while away but worth the drive.”

“And the ravens and the war?”

“Global Cortex isn’t far from the city. By that I mean it’s a couple hundred miles away from there. Still closer to it than here. I still wouldn’t be living there entirely with you all, but I’d be able to visit more often and have the peace of mind knowing that you guys are safe.” Angel was smiling inadvertently, and didn’t realize it until he remembered he had to break his news to Victor. His smile faded. Victor’s smile did too. He brazed for what was coming next.

“Victor, I was going to do a job this afternoon. I was going to salvage a non-functional AC. I’m hoping some of it is still operational.” Angel said timidly. Victor laughed and turned around and began taking bags into his arm. Angel knew this treatment. Victor was dismissing him. Insulted Angel pressed.

“The AC is at the periphery of a battlefield. The battlefield is at a stand still so no one has ventured to retrieve it. But if we don’t act now the AC can be damaged further.” Victor began to walk away from the conversation but Angel followed and took Victor by the arm.

“Victor listen to me. I’m doing this-“ Angel burst out.

“Lower your voice.” Victor answered coldly and closed the open door to the factory. “You are not doing that. There is no more need, I’m a raven. We already got what we wanted.”

“I didn’t. You know I wanted to be a raven. You took it from me. It was my idea, remember?”

“You don’t want to be a raven, Angel. It’s not a game. I was lucky to make it. We are not risking your life unnecessarily. It’s silly.”

“It’s not silly. I’ve wanted it for years. You know I have. I didn’t argue with you about who should take the AC we built, because I trust you, brother. But I want what’s mine too, I’m sick of having to be protected by you. I’ve learned so much, I can help you Victor. I can help the family too.”

“You can help by staying out of trouble and being there for them.”

“You don’t get to do that. Don’t make my decisions for me! I’m sick of it. I’m strong too. You didn’t build that AC by yourself, I helped you every step of the way.”

“I became a raven so that you wouldn’t have to. Angel, it is not a game. Sinister was right. The AC battlefield is not like those in the slums. The slums are light years behind in the art of destruction and murder. Angel, I’ve killed more people than I can remember all within the last two weeks! Do you want to be a murderous marauder like me!?”

Angel’s heart jumped and hurt empathetically, but with the escalation of tempers he fired off his mouth before thinking.

“Maybe you didn’t think of the consequences. Maybe Chris isn’t the only fool. Did you think you’d talk conflicts out? Ravens are tools of war, Victor! I’m not you or your pet! Maybe I have thought about it before, and maybe I’ve been ready to be a killer all along. I have my own thoughts you know, but you wouldn’t know. You’re too busy barking orders. I’m ready to be a killer, Victor, I just need my tools-“

Victor’s wrath exploded and he grabbed his brother by the back his hair forcibly and slapped him across the face multiple times. Angel was in terrible pain but couldn’t fight back as his brother submitted him face first into the ground.

“Are you ready to be a killer? Are you a big man now? Is it really that easy to set your mind to destroy the life of human being. Destroying the millions of possibilities that a single life contains. Dominating their will and imposing your own. Look at me! Look at me you runt. Look at the face of a real killer! Is this your loving brother looking back at you?!”

Angel, although drowned in tears, blood, and shame, could recognize that the man looking back at him was far from being his gentle brother. Angel could do nothing more than to comply with the bully wearing his brother’s distorted face.

“No, no! I’m sorry. Please. I didn’t mean it. Please it hurts Victor, it hurts.” Angel pleaded frantically.

Victor snapped out of his fit of rage and realized exactly what he’d done. He let Angel up immediately. Just as he was about to apologize he thought about the conversation. He thought that perhaps it was better to leave the scared Angel to stew in his fear. Perhaps that would deter him from chasing the dream of becoming a raven. Fear: he had a problem with that word. Something felt dirty about doing that to his little brother. He remembered something he said long ago to his brother. Dominating with fear was wrong. His brother might be young and brash but he was entirely reliable and very smart. Was he wrong to follow a dream he’s had since childhood?

“I’m sorry, Angel. I became a raven so that you wouldn’t have to. Understand please. I love you. I don’t want you to feel the torments that I feel. Killing is a double edged sword: every time you take a life, you take a little part of you too. It hurts, you know. You’re right, I wasn’t ready for it. I was a fool. But I can’t fool myself any longer. There is a part of me that is dying, Angel.”

“There isn’t.” Angel sighed after swallowing hard and cleaning the dirt and blood from his nose. “Victor, we all love you because you are strong. This is beneath you. I know you mean to protect me. I’m sorry I said those things too. I said it without thinking. Know that, no, I don’t want to be a killer. But I don’t want to give up my dream either.”

“Angel-“ Victor began, irritated that his fit was fruitless.

“Just listen, okay? I was just mad and stupid. I admit it. But there are so many real reasons for me to become a raven. Is it not safer to work together with me, your trusted brother? What if something happens to you? Who else would we fall back on? I can’t change things from the outside, but once inside do I not have as good a chance as anybody to be the white knight? Can I not set an example? We could work together to ensure the war never reaches our family. We’re stronger together. And there is also the fact that I am the brother that you practically raised. We’ve shared everything. How can I help you with your demons if I can’t even relate? Before Chris and even after, was I not one of your most trusted confidants? We discuss everything and always come out the better for it. You’ve protected me my entire life, now let me try to do the same for you. You shouldn’t carry the family’s burden all by your self.”

“You aren’t leaving anywhere today.” Victor said assertively. Angel sighed despairingly. “Today we spend time with the family. Tomorrow we’ll see what we can do to salvage that AC, okay?”

Buffy Anne Summers

1981- 2001

Beloved Sister
Devoted Friend

She saved the world

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RE: Armored Core: Silent Calamity - by gomezcreative01 - 08-18-2012, 03:09 AM

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