Current time: 09-26-2024, 12:35 PM
Ideas for the next game that don't suck.
I agree with the stability buff. Tanks are slow enough as it is. Getting stun-locked by a jammer/gat combo is a pain. I also don't get why quads have to have such low stability compared to HRJs. I mean, they have a pair of extra legs, why are they not stable?

As of now, I don't like how heavier ACs, while they have plenty of AP, don't have as much resistance. It doesn't make sense for a heavy AC to be solely resistant to TE weapons, but have little defense against things like rifles. Resistance should depend on weight class, rather than parts.

Stability and recoil resistance should also depend on an AC's weight class, rather than parts alone. I find it funny how tanks are able to fire 2 cannons on the move, yet they have less stability than an HRJ.

Resistance specialization is nice, but it should only be given to a select number of parts, rather than all of them.

The stat 'firing stability' should be split back into four seperate stats like it was in AC4.

UWs are near-useless considering how much they weigh and drain. Great against bosses and single targets, but impractical most of the time. Also, once you use an UW, you can't use it again.
PSN: Man_in_the_Armor, ManintheArmor, Reugenic (brother's profile)
Current AC Game: ACV
Deviantart: ManintheArmor (currently retired)
Furaffinity: Man_in_the_Armor (currently retired)
FurrytoFurry: ManintheArmor
Youtube: ManintheArmor

Note, not available on ACV during the afternoon or weekends. Usually.

Current Team: Traitor Legion 01, The Men in Armor

Father is always watching.

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RE: Ideas for the next game that don't suck. - by ManintheArmor - 06-22-2012, 07:00 AM

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