Current time: 09-22-2024, 08:50 AM
Redirect ACV Patch/Support discussion
Attention all Ravens!
Rich has control over the FB page too IIRC. Seemed like it because when I talked to him on the phone a while back, he said he would be posting pics on the page.

Just to let you guys know, everything that has been going on from February up till now has all been sent to Rich. I've emailed him once a week every week starting from February up till April updating him on the community thoughts and opinions before the game was launched, information regarding what was going on after it was released, and everything else. These aren't short emails either. A lot of them are like 1000+ words.

So everything that has been talked about, patches, problems, support, he should already know, assuming he looked through all my emails. At the very least he has the information available from my emails. Good news is that he told me that he is also in contact with From Software, so anything I give him, he should be showing to From as well. No clue when I'll get an update back on that though.

I said this before about a week or two before launch. Use social media and make them aware that we exist and we want to know what's going on. Make noise, and eventually they'll have to make a move.

The biggest problem so far I've had is getting him to respond. Being the NB Community Manager, he's very busy and I have difficulty getting a hold of him. Also don't get many answers for questions I asked. I emailed him again yesterday. Hoping I hear back from him soon.

Messages In This Thread
Redirect ACV Patch/Support discussion - by Nomrah - 04-22-2012, 04:36 PM
RE: Redirect ACV Patch/Support discussion - by farmboy28 - 04-24-2012, 01:44 PM

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