Ok, time for nijiadvice.
Your head part doesn't actually determine scanning range, just scanner speed. Lower numbers mean it takes longer to scan and pull up info on the target than higher numbers.
Heat Resistance on cores only applies to your own OW, which puts you into an Overed state (upon activation of the OW) where you start to melt down. Some cores are better at this than others and each core also has another stat that applies only during the Overed state, this stat is EN Ability. EN Ability increases your boosters thrust output and increases the speed at which your OW will charge up to usable levels. Your generator also enters Overed state when you turn on an OW, which drastically increases output.
Firing stability is wonderful for shooting that sniper cannon like a machine gun, but won't really benefit the sniper rifles and sentry gun much.
RJ legs are very good for setting up sniper positions in an offensive field. Quads are better at defensive positioning than they are at offensive positioning.
Predire is a much better FCS than Uzume. Uzume is terrible and designed for nothing but pure slowfloat distant chipping damage. It's useless for much of anything else due to limited special features and a tiny lockring that gets even smaller when you QB/OB around.
I personally don't like the high EN Output generators unless you're stuck in positions that prevent you from being able to enter scan mode often, but there's definitely nothing wrong with the generator choice. Especially since you're not using an OW.
High power boosters are better for HWs of all types, yes. High acceleration are better for LWs. They don't have the durable force to drag a HW around, so they'll just drain you and make you go nowhere. You can imagine high acceleration being something like hitting someone with your car. If they're skinny they'll go flying, if they're fat they'll just fall down. High power is more like tying someone to your car with a chain and dragging them around.
Okitsu is great for snipers and your weapons scream out dedicated sniper support.
Sentry Guns are godly, yes. Chode and I had about 20 straight wins during last day of online demo and it was just me and him defending vs 5 people in nearly every match. I think Chode died 1x by accident during the entire event. Sentry Guns + My Custom Defense Map Layout + 2x Tanks made it virtually impossible to be aggressive unless you really knew what you were doing.
None of that really helps with my take on the AC, though. I'd probably prefer it if it used KV-3D5 generator, WIESENT AM29S arms, and USM-13 GULBARGA missiles.
Why these changes? Well, I'll start with the simplest. The arms lose a tiny bit of stability on an AC that doesn't really need to refire that fast but get AP and more energy. The missiles are better at scaring away LWs and MWs and they lock much faster, but obviously terrible vs things that are far away. I feel you're already good at killing things that are far away, though.
KV-3D5. If you had tried to invade my territory with that RJ and you had for any reason not taken the river you would have had 0 energy. I had multiple generator jammer fields set up at the mountain exit and they straight rape generators with poor resistance. You wouldn't have been able to get off the ground. On top of which, I had six middle missile turrets all pointed at those exits as well. I don't remember anything actually making it out of those tunnels in all our games. Only safe way to enter the base was through the river.
Anyway, my point is that the high output generator isn't actually the safest thing to use necessarily. With the change in arms you're only losing about 2,000 output in combat mode, but you gain about 30,000 capacity too. Along with almost triple the resistance to jamming.
Besides those three parts though, I feel that your AC is actually very well designed.
EDIT: A second Milford won't help. You can only control so many automatons at a time, depending on your FCS. Having more than one sentry gun is for laying them down faster or getting variety in the sentry gun types.
Your head part doesn't actually determine scanning range, just scanner speed. Lower numbers mean it takes longer to scan and pull up info on the target than higher numbers.
Heat Resistance on cores only applies to your own OW, which puts you into an Overed state (upon activation of the OW) where you start to melt down. Some cores are better at this than others and each core also has another stat that applies only during the Overed state, this stat is EN Ability. EN Ability increases your boosters thrust output and increases the speed at which your OW will charge up to usable levels. Your generator also enters Overed state when you turn on an OW, which drastically increases output.
Firing stability is wonderful for shooting that sniper cannon like a machine gun, but won't really benefit the sniper rifles and sentry gun much.
RJ legs are very good for setting up sniper positions in an offensive field. Quads are better at defensive positioning than they are at offensive positioning.
Predire is a much better FCS than Uzume. Uzume is terrible and designed for nothing but pure slowfloat distant chipping damage. It's useless for much of anything else due to limited special features and a tiny lockring that gets even smaller when you QB/OB around.
I personally don't like the high EN Output generators unless you're stuck in positions that prevent you from being able to enter scan mode often, but there's definitely nothing wrong with the generator choice. Especially since you're not using an OW.
High power boosters are better for HWs of all types, yes. High acceleration are better for LWs. They don't have the durable force to drag a HW around, so they'll just drain you and make you go nowhere. You can imagine high acceleration being something like hitting someone with your car. If they're skinny they'll go flying, if they're fat they'll just fall down. High power is more like tying someone to your car with a chain and dragging them around.
Okitsu is great for snipers and your weapons scream out dedicated sniper support.
Sentry Guns are godly, yes. Chode and I had about 20 straight wins during last day of online demo and it was just me and him defending vs 5 people in nearly every match. I think Chode died 1x by accident during the entire event. Sentry Guns + My Custom Defense Map Layout + 2x Tanks made it virtually impossible to be aggressive unless you really knew what you were doing.
None of that really helps with my take on the AC, though. I'd probably prefer it if it used KV-3D5 generator, WIESENT AM29S arms, and USM-13 GULBARGA missiles.
Why these changes? Well, I'll start with the simplest. The arms lose a tiny bit of stability on an AC that doesn't really need to refire that fast but get AP and more energy. The missiles are better at scaring away LWs and MWs and they lock much faster, but obviously terrible vs things that are far away. I feel you're already good at killing things that are far away, though.
KV-3D5. If you had tried to invade my territory with that RJ and you had for any reason not taken the river you would have had 0 energy. I had multiple generator jammer fields set up at the mountain exit and they straight rape generators with poor resistance. You wouldn't have been able to get off the ground. On top of which, I had six middle missile turrets all pointed at those exits as well. I don't remember anything actually making it out of those tunnels in all our games. Only safe way to enter the base was through the river.
Anyway, my point is that the high output generator isn't actually the safest thing to use necessarily. With the change in arms you're only losing about 2,000 output in combat mode, but you gain about 30,000 capacity too. Along with almost triple the resistance to jamming.
Besides those three parts though, I feel that your AC is actually very well designed.
EDIT: A second Milford won't help. You can only control so many automatons at a time, depending on your FCS. Having more than one sentry gun is for laying them down faster or getting variety in the sentry gun types.