Current time: 09-27-2024, 08:29 PM
Talk about procrastinating. This dream happened a few weeks ago, which I've finally decided to post because just thinking of the people I've bonded with in my dream makes me not want to forget this, even if it's just a figment of my imagination. I couldn't also remember their names, but I remember them mentioning theirs when we were introduced to one another.

I can hardly remember some of the action-packed parts, but I can still vividly remember the significant events and the last parts before the dream ended. Anyway, here goes:

The first thing I remember was walking around the city with a complete biohazard gear: S10-esque gas mask, helmet, an uzi, a handgun, boots, gloves, and vests (bullet, magazine, gun vests wrapped all over my gear). I couldn't remember where I got those, but I sure wasn't affiliated with any faction nor army. Moving on, the city streets were dark, with some streetlights flickering while the others weren't working anymore. A few seemingly abandoned wrecked vehicles were present as well, but there was no sight of blood, guts, and corpses.

As I walked through a cemetery with a boatyard across, I plotted to use it to escape, I suddenly find myself seeing another exhausted, but unharmed survivor (who somehow looked like she was in her 20's) at the entrance. She had some gear with her (sando, combat boots, and magazine/handgun vests wrapped around on one of her legs).

After seeing some zombies standing on top of their graves, We both decided to approach each other and knew that we both had the same plan. We worked together and never talked to each other apart from the "Lookout!" and "You OK?" stuff. I never fired my gun btw; I just kicked and dodged them. The same for the other survivor.

At this point, I couldn't remember what happened afterwards. The only thing I remember is that I find myself inside some sort of hidden, small, fortified place with the other survivor. It looks like a small base with the size of a tree house; good for only about 3-4 people. The place has your generic big ass on-screen communicator found on your usual sci-fi stuff, a bunch of guns and suits racked and displayed, and a few vials with mixtures stored within a glass cabinet - possibly an attempt on making a vaccine against the virus. Also, I never really asked about the cause of the outbreak; I was probably somewhat aware of the events while the dream progressed.

Now, the woman I worked with at the cemetery talked to me and gave me a few briefings on what we should do next. Apparently we needed food and supplies until the cure was to be finally created. She finally introduces me to two guys - an infected and mutated person who didn't somehow lose his conscience, becoming some sort of unique sentient zombie (the undead still attack him though), and a regular joe that looks like a truck driver.

At this point again, I couldn't remember the rest other than tiny bits of action as we raided groceries and drug stores. Like throwing softdrink cans on zombies' heads, spilling drinks to make the floor slippery for them, then finally getting the hell off with supplies and setting the place on fire. I worked my role with the unique zombie by providing covering fire for the trucker dude and the woman. The trucker dude's role was to procure food and supplies. The woman was taking point.

After every sortie (never searched for survivors though), we would plot the next mission and hang around at our small fort. The conversations were also too casual, as if they were real people themselves. I formed a bond with them based on hardships and teamwork. I befriended the woman and the zombie, but the closest one I befriended was the trucker dude - a videogamer, the other two are normal people. Nevertheless they were still good people and I was able to bond with them easily.

As time passed, we made a successful vaccine, but it wasn't needed anymore because the undead plague had been already slowly fading away, gradually decreasing zombies to actual corpses. Naturally we would wait it out, but we had a friend zombie with us (we were afraid that he might just turn into a corpse as well). We tried the vaccine on him, it didn't work because he had a different kind of infection/virus.

He knew what to do and how to formulate the materials. Everything was going according to the plan and he brought the vial with him as we journeyed to a certain place to get that last piece of the ingredients needed to finally make the cure. It was in a one-story building (not a warehouse), inside it was a drug store and a grocery.

We cut through the zombies unscathed and had enough time to barricade the place when we entered (thank god they don't run). We were surrounded by zombies afterwards though. At this point, everything seemed like it was Nazi Zombies. The three of us defending about 3-4 doors while our zombie friend was busy making the vaccine behind the counter. He was able to finish the vaccine just in time to help us defend the place for our sakes.

After clearing off waves of zombies and a few taller monsters, we finally celebrated and watched our zombie friend inject the vaccine, with everyone (including me) awaiting for his cure from the disease.

It turned out that it didn't cure him, but mutated him grotesquely as we watched in horror. Afterwards, his body sort of popped (possibly due to the chemical imbalance) and was barely sitting as he leaned on the wall. We were all scared, both at his safety and that he may turn on us too. We surrounded him and sat/kneeled beside him while on the verge of his death.

He said something like "Whatever happened to my life..." and "I want it back." or anything between those lines as he reached his hand on one of us. We were all too scared, so we weren't doing anything. Before he drops his hand and dies, the woman builds enough courage to say "Rest in peace." and tried to close his eyes with her hand.

After that, we all stood up and cried manly tears (I seem to have removed the gas mask at this moment), then we talked about how a good friend he is, reminiscing our days with him, etc, etc.

Then the dream ended abruptly. I was stoned when I woke up, then had this sense of longing and loneliness that it felt like it really happened, with teary eyes too. LOL

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RE: Dreams - by Goat - 10-25-2010, 08:30 AM
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RE: Dreams - by zero_kanipan - 12-09-2010, 05:20 PM
RE: Dreams - by Hempire - 12-09-2010, 05:05 PM
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RE: Dreams - by Serene - 07-10-2015, 06:15 PM
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RE: The Rant/Rave Topic - by Fox - 12-06-2009, 10:41 AM

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