(08-03-2010, 09:19 PM)Twin-Skies Wrote: @Sforza
Careful there - you might be committing the error of arguing from ignorance.
And as far as brains are concerned, there is a way to read it: MRIs, and CAT scans.
I didn't argue from ignorance though, since I stated beforehand that agnostics (we can't tell if their is an intelligent creator) do have a point to their logic but atheists do not (they believe that there was no creator).
I don't really see what MRIs and CAT scans have to do with perception because we already understand that sensations are delivered by electrical impulses which are processed by the brain. The scans merely tell us what part of the brain is being used. Of course, the scans themselves could be false perceptions as well and we could be living in the Matrix.