Quote:Given its high failure rate, the condom cannot really put a stop to AIDS. Moreover, by creating a false sense of security, it condones and encourages promiscuity outside of marriage, and hence contributes to the further spread of AIDS. (WTF?!)
a. The funding and effort involved in promoting condoms should rather be used to fight diseases that afflict millions of people in our country each year, such as diarrhea, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer, hypertension and influenza. Available resources should instead be channeled to provide basic needs such as food, medicines, education and work. Furthermore, it is unjust that the taxes of the people including Catholics be used for purposes against their moral beliefs. (no, you're stopping condom use, what's the use of this statement? and on taxes et al., the slippery slope argument.)
b. The condom business is a multi-million dollar industry that heavily targets the adolescent market, at the expense of morality and family life. Condom advertisements should be banned in television, radio, movies, newspapers, magazines, and public places, as they desensitize the youth’s delicate conscience and weaken their moral fibers as future parents.(yeah, but no. Condom use during premarital sex ≠ being an irresponsible parent in the future. Ironically, adolescents who never use condoms become irresponsible parents. so again, the slippery slope argument.)
c. Rich countries with ageing and imminently dwindling populations spend huge amounts to encourage their citizens to have more children. Why should they be allowed to also spend huge amounts to discourage Filipinos capable of having more children from doing so?(lol whut? Who's trolling who?)
d. In the same way that the government requires warnings for certain substances (“Cigarette smoking is dangerous for your health” for tobacco, “Drink moderately” for alcoholic beverages, and “No therapeutic claims” for herbal medicines) the Department of Health should also require a Government Warning that states, “CONDOMS MAY FAIL TO PROTECT FROM AIDS AND OTHER SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES.” Consumer groups should insist on the right to know the real characteristics of products they use, and that corresponding labels be conspicuously displayed in packaging.(Finally, a somewhat proper argument. Still, no more condoms=argument fail.)
Wtf is a condom doing promoting promiscuity? Heck, IRL permaban my friends pl0x, they talk of sex etc etc. Trolls.
Is it "do not feed the trolls" or "troll 'em!!"? I'm confused now.