03-23-2009, 11:34 PM
Future projects related
Your result for The (video) game designer style Test...
</em></p><h4>The Historical StoryTeller</h4><p>5 Culture, 8 Feeling, 10 Story, 10 World, 4 Rules and 2 Tutor!</p>
<div><p>The Storyteller has a tale to tell, usually linear and complex. You pay attention to the pacing and symbolic aspects of your game concepts, but may miss some gameplay aspects, by limiting it too much to minigames. A strong reaction to the story by the player will however keep him playing, even if the actual interactive elements may not be the most interesting.</p>
<p>You are good at organising ideas and gameplay elements around the plot, and guide the player through the events as they unfold. Be careful though not to constrain them too much. Your games, even if amazing at first, easily lose their magic when played a second time though. Try to give the player some alternatives within the plot, for example, by making things slightly different in case the player fails a specific action.</p>
<p>Aside from that, you pay attention to the context in which your game takes place. You understood that no matter how good a game is, it is always unsettling for the player to face a gap in the world. As a result, you tend to make sure that there is sufficient background information in your levels to satisfy the player’s curiosity, and give the world a little more consistence.</p>
<p>The different main categories in which you could fall are : <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=25&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=0&var_World=0&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=0"> The CopyCat</a> <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=25&var_Story=0&var_World=0&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=0">The Experience</a> <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=25&var_World=0&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=0">The StoryTeller</a> <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=0&var_World=25&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=0http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=0&var_World=25&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=0">The WorldBuilder</a> <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=0&var_World=0&var_Rules=25&var_Tutor=0">The SysAdmin</a> <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=0&var_World=0&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=25">The Skill Builder</a></p>
<p>Was this result good for you? Did a question confuse you or not propose an appropriate answer? Have any comments? I'd love to hear it from you. <a href="http://fr.okcupid.com/mailbox?r1=Konshu&composebutton.x=1">Send Feedback</a></p>
<p>If you are interested in the topic and care about reading the original descriptions and discover a few extra categories, visit the <a href="http://lostgarden.com/2009/03/what-is-your-game-design-style.html">original article</a> on Danc's Site, Lost Gardens!</p>
<p>Like the It Crowd? Try my <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/the-it-crowd-test">It Crowd Trivia</a> test based on that series!</p></div><p><a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/the-video-game-designer-style-test">
Take The (video) game designer style Test</a> at <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/"><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>
Your result for The (video) game designer style Test...
</em></p><h4>The Historical StoryTeller</h4><p>5 Culture, 8 Feeling, 10 Story, 10 World, 4 Rules and 2 Tutor!</p>
<div><p>The Storyteller has a tale to tell, usually linear and complex. You pay attention to the pacing and symbolic aspects of your game concepts, but may miss some gameplay aspects, by limiting it too much to minigames. A strong reaction to the story by the player will however keep him playing, even if the actual interactive elements may not be the most interesting.</p>
<p>You are good at organising ideas and gameplay elements around the plot, and guide the player through the events as they unfold. Be careful though not to constrain them too much. Your games, even if amazing at first, easily lose their magic when played a second time though. Try to give the player some alternatives within the plot, for example, by making things slightly different in case the player fails a specific action.</p>
<p>Aside from that, you pay attention to the context in which your game takes place. You understood that no matter how good a game is, it is always unsettling for the player to face a gap in the world. As a result, you tend to make sure that there is sufficient background information in your levels to satisfy the player’s curiosity, and give the world a little more consistence.</p>
<p>The different main categories in which you could fall are : <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=25&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=0&var_World=0&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=0"> The CopyCat</a> <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=25&var_Story=0&var_World=0&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=0">The Experience</a> <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=25&var_World=0&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=0">The StoryTeller</a> <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=0&var_World=25&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=0http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=0&var_World=25&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=0">The WorldBuilder</a> <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=0&var_World=0&var_Rules=25&var_Tutor=0">The SysAdmin</a> <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-video-game-designer-style-test/?fromCGI=1&var_Culture=0&var_Feeling=0&var_Story=0&var_World=0&var_Rules=0&var_Tutor=25">The Skill Builder</a></p>
<p>Was this result good for you? Did a question confuse you or not propose an appropriate answer? Have any comments? I'd love to hear it from you. <a href="http://fr.okcupid.com/mailbox?r1=Konshu&composebutton.x=1">Send Feedback</a></p>
<p>If you are interested in the topic and care about reading the original descriptions and discover a few extra categories, visit the <a href="http://lostgarden.com/2009/03/what-is-your-game-design-style.html">original article</a> on Danc's Site, Lost Gardens!</p>
<p>Like the It Crowd? Try my <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/the-it-crowd-test">It Crowd Trivia</a> test based on that series!</p></div><p><a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/the-video-game-designer-style-test">
Take The (video) game designer style Test</a> at <a href="http://www.helloquizzy.com/"><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>