its been awhile since Ive been to this forum but heres a design Ive
been working on its pretty good against AC'S in the campaign I just
hope it isnt considered noobish
head/ hilbert-g7h
core/ salux-core
arms/ am-judith
legs/ salux-legs
fcs/ yellowstone01
gen/ gan01-ss-g
main/ gan01-ss-m.cb
back/ 03-alya/b
side/ 03-aliya/s
over/ kb-judith
right arm/ er-0200
left arm/ er-0200
right back/ ogoto
body the 3rd corporate colour down from the left (white black black black white)
weapons the 4th corparate colour down (below the body colour)
322 frs
max out all frs in the capacity section
max out the energy weapon skill in attack
max horizontal thrust
and put the rest in to the core pa
been working on its pretty good against AC'S in the campaign I just
hope it isnt considered noobish
head/ hilbert-g7h
core/ salux-core
arms/ am-judith
legs/ salux-legs
fcs/ yellowstone01
gen/ gan01-ss-g
main/ gan01-ss-m.cb
back/ 03-alya/b
side/ 03-aliya/s
over/ kb-judith
right arm/ er-0200
left arm/ er-0200
right back/ ogoto
body the 3rd corporate colour down from the left (white black black black white)
weapons the 4th corparate colour down (below the body colour)
322 frs
max out all frs in the capacity section
max out the energy weapon skill in attack
max horizontal thrust
and put the rest in to the core pa