Current time: 09-28-2024, 12:18 AM
Fangs of a Zaber
Chapter 10 – Up Under Their Noses

Keith stood outside in his newly equipped Konig Wolf while Jason got into his Zaber Fang to join him. Naomi and Brad stayed back, but were on standby should things turn ugly. Jason made it outside and confronted Keith.

“So brother, ready to die today?” Keith said with little emotion.

“Hmph, whatever, let’s get this shit going already.” Jason said back agitated.

“Oh, you seem confident. Don’t think you are going to win, you barely escaped last time, and now I have this new equipment to kill you with.”

“Yea, and don’t think you will win just because you have the new weaponry. Now, let’s go!” Jason said pushing the throttles forward causing his Zoid to charge at Keith.

“Alright, it’s you funeral.” Keith said pushing his throttles forward as well.

Keith extended his Dual Sniper Rifle in preparation to fire as he continued towards Jason. The DSR had great piercing ability to the armor of a Zoid, and Jason knew this well since Bit had a DSR on his Liger Zero. Keith lunged at Jason with the Konig’s claws when he was within range. Jason quickly dodged and fired his Beam Cannon at the Konig Wolf causing minor damage.

“That thing barely scratched me. That weapon is laughable; let me show you what a real back cannon can do.” Keith said as he turned his Konig Wolf around and fired the DSR at Jason. The piercing shell connected with the side of the Zaber Fang stunning the Cat type Zoid, giving Keith enough time to hit with a Melee attack.

<i>“Shit…I forgot how effective that gun was…”</i> Jason said to himself in the cockpit. The shot caused some a little damage to the side of the Zaber Fang which hindered walking to a small degree. Jason brought the Zaber Fang back to its feet, and faced Keith.

“Good, don’t you to give up on me!” Keith said sarcastically.

“Heh, you can kiss my ass!” Jason said activating his boosters and began to run around Keith. He was attempting to flank him so he can regain the upper hand in the battle.

“Oh, that is nice, but can you back up that big talk?” Keith said turning to look at Jason again. He flipped to ‘those things on the side’ as he continued to rotate around to keep the Zaber Fang in his sites. Once the lock-on solidified around Jason, Keith fired. Four simultaneous shots came at Jason. Two were lasers and two were missiles.

“What the fuck…ugh!” Jason saw the shot and froze due to sheer surprise. That momentary freeze caused the attack to hit spot on. This gave time for Keith the time to flip back to his DSR and hit Jason with a quick shot. The Zaber Fang fell to the earth below, causing Jason to rumble around within the cockpit.

“What the hell are those things?”

“These are Weapon Binders. They fire lasers and two missiles at the same time. The missiles are quite accurate I might add. And now, it is time for you to die.” Keith said approaching Jason, DSR extended, poised to fire.

“Any last words brother?”


“What? Ba-” Keith was cut off when his Konig Wolf was hit by a shot from Naomi’s Gun Sniper. The shot cause the Konig Wolf to hit the ground beside Jason.

<i>“Dammit, it’s the bitch again. When the hell did she sneak out? She is really starting to piss me off”</i> Keith said to himself picking his Zoid off the ground. “Alright, I am about to kill your little red ass because you keep meddling in shit that doesn’t concern you!” Keith yelled at Naomi. He turned his attention away from Jason and turned to Naomi who was on top of a shallow cliff.

“Shit that doesn’t concern me you say? Jason is part of my team, so this is definitely my business.”

“Heh, killing yourself over that poor excuse of a brother is funny, but whatever…now die!” Keith positioned himself to fire. “Goodb-ahh!”

“Don’t think so…thinking you are going to hurt Naomi. Get that idea out of your head!” Brad said with smoke streaming off his Gatling Gun.

“Oh this is great; I can take out the whole crew now in one swoop! Prepare your…bzzt.”

<i>"Keith, this is Vincent, time for you to come back. You can have more fun later, we have to discuss the plan"</i> Keith got from a transmission from Vincent.

“Fantastic…looks like you got lucky again Jason. I will be back later, count on that.” Keith said walking away the way he came. Jason hopped out of his Zaber Fang and Naomi and Brad followed suit. Rachel came out of the transport and ran up to Jason and gave him a massive hug.

“Just who is that?” Keith said taking notice of Rachel hugging Jason. “Haha…I just thought of great plan. Vincent will definitely like this idea.”

“Jason, are you alright?” Rachel asked Jason.

“Yes, I am fine. I am just tired of losing to him. If only I had more power…ah what am I saying, I will definitely get him next time; God as my witness.”

“Good, stay positive, let’s load up and head out.” Rachel said reluctantly. She knew Jason was truly hurt losing to Keith again, and the comment of Jason needing more power rang in her head. She had an idea.


“Vincent, I just got a great idea. This will undoubtedly help us get to my father.” Keith said opening a link to Vincent.

<i>”Alright Keith, I am all ears. Coming from you I know this will be good.”</i>

“Jason clearly has a girl that has fallen for him on Naomi’s team. We should devise a way to kidnap her and interrogate her. I have a good feeling Jason told her information on my father’s whereabouts, and it is a whole hell of a lot easier to get info out of her then Jason.” Keith said proposing his plan.

<i>”You know, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Get on here and we will discuss the details of this plan. It is 3:30 now. Let’s schedule to get this underway around 8 when it is dark, taking advantage of the dark color of your Zoid.”</i>

“Sounds good, I will be in shortly. Keith out.”

Keith closed the link to Vincent with the confidence in knowing he has the upper hand on his brother. <i>”I am going to steal that little bitch of his, get the info I am looking for, and on to killing him and Father.”</i> Keith thought to himself with a huge smile across his face.


Jason was in his room thinking of ways he could battle against Keith. He was very deep in thought when he got buzzed over the intercom.

“Jason, we really need you to come down to the Hanger. This is important. Come quickly!” Rachel exclaimed to Jason over the intercom.

“Ugh…dammit. I don’t have time to deal with this.” Jason said grudgingly getting up and heading down.

“Okay, what the hell was so impor…what are those?!” Jason said before interrupted by his own intrigue and amazement.

“These are new weapons for your Zaber Fang!” Rachel said excitingly

“Wow, where did these come from?” Jason said looking at the new weaponry. One was a double barrel gun that is clearly mounted on the back. The other piece of machinery resembled a missile launcher that is mounted on the shoulders

“Rachel bought these with her own money…you should thank her Jason.” Naomi said motioning to Rachel, who was now a light red color.

“Really? I really appreciate this Rachel. Just how can I repay you for this?” Jason was definitely surprised by the present from Rachel. He had no idea she had that kind of money to pay for machinery of this caliber.

“Well…you could always take me out to dinner.” Rachel sarcastically told Jason and letting out a chuckle. “Seriously though, just go out there and give Keith hell! Let him know what it is like to deal with the Crimson Fang!” Rachel continued on. It kind of scared Jason the level of fervor she was giving off.

“Uhh…yea…of course I will! Now, what did you get me?” Jason asked with the look on his face similar to that of a kid on Christmas morning.

“The double barrel weapon over there is a Dual Long Range Pulse Laser Rifle. Mouthful I know. It fires high caliber laser rounds at the enemy at high speed. This weapon is rumored to be more accurate than the DSR Keith is wielding, but less range. This Laser Rifle has a rotation radius of about 70 degrees, to both sides. This comes in handy when you are flanking people like you always do.” Rachel said explaining what the cannon did.

“The other thing I got you is clearly a missile launcher. Unlike other launchers though, this launcher can fire missiles rapidly in quick succession with each press of the trigger. Meaning you can press it once to fire two missiles, or multiple times for more missiles. You can’t be too frivolous with this though because ammo is kind of limited.”

“Jesus, this sounds too good to be true. Let’s get this stuff mounted already; I can’t wait to try it out!”

Jason and Brad got to work on mounting the weapons and the girls went up to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Around 7:30 the Zaber Fang was finished being outfitted with its new weapons. A check was run to make sure weight distribution was okay and to make sure everything was green; it all cleared. Jason and the others were now prepared to relax the night away.


“Alright, let’s get this plan underway.” Keith said waiting outside Naomi’s place. He was positioned on a shallow cliff with his DSR elongated and ready to fire. The shot fired and soared and connected with the Hanger.

Alarms began to buzz through the entire house. Panic shortly ensued.

“What the hell was that?” Brad blurted out.

“It seems the Hanger has been shot. My money is on Keith.” Naomi notified the others of the current situation.

“That bastard attacking at a time like this, Naomi, Brad let’s go out there and confront them. Rachel you stay here and provide support.” Jason said taking command.

“Gotcha, be safe. I will cut on the overhead lights to give you guys better visibility.”

Jason, Naomi, and Brad all got into their respective Zoids. Jason and Brad went out the front entrance to the Hanger while Naomi hopped onto an elevator which ran up to the top of the Hanger. This was her designated sniping post should something like this happen. Jason and Brad walked outside and Keith stood there waiting.

“What the hell you want now?”

“Same reason I have attacked you previously…you are dense aren’t you brother?” Keith said.

“Shut it, your ass is mine this time, especially since I have this new weaponry.” Jason said motioning to his weapons.

“Oh, baby got new toys eh? If you are so confident now, bring it!” Keith exclaimed.

“I am all set up, let’s kick his ass!” Naomi told Jason and Brad. She was poised to attack.

<i>“Heh, won’t be that simple little lady</i>

“Wait! Who said tha-AHH!” Naomi said before she was shot out of nowhere. Naomi was officially out of commission.

“What! Naomi! What the hell just happe-ugh!” Brad said before him and Jason were bombarded why enemy fire. “DAMMIT! We are being ambushed!” Brad said grunting.

“Keith, I can’t believe you would stoop this low. I know you want to kill me, but I figured you would want to do it yourself. You are truly are a bastard Keith.” Jason said trying to belittle Keith.

“Trust me, I will be the one to kill you. This is just to…soften you up a bit. Bring you back to reality. This is to show you that you are vulnerable at all times, and you don’t know exactly when I will come seeking the kill.” Keith said back to Jason.

<i>”AHHH! Jason hel-mmmm.”</i>

“No…Rachel! It was Rachel you were after wasn’t it you fucker?!” Jason said brimming with anger.

“Hahaha…it seems I am found out. Oh well, too late for you to do anything about it now.”

“I will kill you…LET’S GO!” Jason said charging at Keith. He saw red…fueled by anger of knowing that Keith was trying to get Rachel. Jason was about to reach Keith when he was shot down upon by the fire of Command Wolves with Long Range Rifles.

“Give it up, we got the girl. The Command Wolves won’t fire on you as long as you don’t move. So unless you want to die here and now, don’t move forward an inch while I leave with the girl and don’t think of firing on me either. Don’t worry…she is in good hands haha.” Keith said turning his Konig Wolf around and walking away from Jason. Before Keith was completely out of view, the image of another Zoid appeared beside Keith. It was a Helcat.

“So you used stealth mode of a Helcat to get in and get out eh? And used to Command Wolves to distract us while he infiltrated…you dirty bastard.” Jason said slammed his fist into the control panel cursing and yelling loudly. He didn’t know what to do with himself.

<i> “Keith, if Rachel is harmed while you have her God as my witness I will kill you shortly after I get back. And best believe I will come get her back!” </i>
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'><br><i><b><span style='color:#CC0000'>"The deeper the fire, the hotter it burns, and the hotter it burns, the more you feel it" ~Unknown</span></b></i><br><br><b><u><span style='colorWhistleed'>Crimson's ACs</span></u></b> *Click Link to view<br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='colorWhistleed'>Tempest</span></u></a></b><br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='color:purple'>Alpha Omega</span></u></a></b><br><b><a href='' target='_blank'><u><span style='color:orange'>Shrapnel</span></u></a></b>

Messages In This Thread
Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 10-16-2007, 10:32 PM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber (Zoid battle) - by Crimson - 10-18-2007, 04:51 AM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 10-20-2007, 06:04 AM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 10-24-2007, 09:06 AM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 10-28-2007, 05:20 PM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 10-28-2007, 05:24 PM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 10-30-2007, 09:35 AM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 11-02-2007, 07:19 AM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 11-08-2007, 08:21 PM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 11-21-2007, 09:47 AM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 12-04-2007, 01:11 AM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 12-26-2007, 11:59 AM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 01-27-2008, 04:33 PM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 03-07-2008, 01:48 AM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 05-12-2008, 08:27 PM
RE: Fangs of a Zaber - by Crimson - 07-27-2008, 05:24 AM

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