Current time: 09-28-2024, 04:25 AM
How do i dodge finger machine gun thingies(scrap that now i'm having trouble with constant Linear Rifle Fire)
I never used guns on left arm before,I always put a blade on the left,ask Lord Ric.when we fought online,he saw my designs and it's all old school.btw,I used a laser blade,LB2. It works IF you can withstand the linears. Basically,having a blade on the left IS a disadvantage,plus the fact that your opponent is Cheapbot. Frankly speaking,I think dualing a gun is cheap but lol that's just me,many people flamed me for that...You could keep the blade as long as you have a support fire like an EO,works for me,a laser blade is for last resort or for brave daredevils,but believe me,they're experts,you're still a noob...No offense tho

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RE: How do i dodge finger machine gun thingies(scrap that now i'm having trouble with constant Linear Rifle Fire) - by R.Leonhardt - 11-15-2007, 11:29 PM

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