Macapagal-Arroyo Empire. Yep.
Before you start, decide first on how long you want to go on with this manga.
If you have the time and the motivation to keep doing this, then you can probably stretch this to more than 10 chapters.
But if you intend for this to be a sort of one-shot, try limiting yourself to around 3-5 chapters with 15-20 pages each. You don't want to spread yourself too thinly. You don't wanna lose interest in the middle of it either.
Whatever the case, it'll still be best if you set a target for the number of chapters you will make. And then try to make a general story outline for each chapter so that you know what you'll be drawing.
If it's set in the Philippines, I suggest you use Filipino/Tagalog words for proper names. Like instead of "EAGLE", try "AGILA" or "LAWIN" or "HARIBON" or something. That'll add to the Filipino flavor. Try using Filipino names for the characters too.
Keep in mind though that since Armored Core is about war, try to limit the comedy (this isn't Nadesico) and the romance (this isn't Gundam Seed) >_< Remember that the theme of Armored Core is always THE STRUGGLE FOR POWER.
I'll try to add to/critique the story as you develop it more.
Before you start, decide first on how long you want to go on with this manga.
If you have the time and the motivation to keep doing this, then you can probably stretch this to more than 10 chapters.
But if you intend for this to be a sort of one-shot, try limiting yourself to around 3-5 chapters with 15-20 pages each. You don't want to spread yourself too thinly. You don't wanna lose interest in the middle of it either.
Whatever the case, it'll still be best if you set a target for the number of chapters you will make. And then try to make a general story outline for each chapter so that you know what you'll be drawing.
If it's set in the Philippines, I suggest you use Filipino/Tagalog words for proper names. Like instead of "EAGLE", try "AGILA" or "LAWIN" or "HARIBON" or something. That'll add to the Filipino flavor. Try using Filipino names for the characters too.
Keep in mind though that since Armored Core is about war, try to limit the comedy (this isn't Nadesico) and the romance (this isn't Gundam Seed) >_< Remember that the theme of Armored Core is always THE STRUGGLE FOR POWER.
I'll try to add to/critique the story as you develop it more.