Current time: 07-02-2024, 07:43 PM
[OLD] Welcome back, and welcome to v3.
Well, it was delayed, but we're finally here, on a reliable server. Yahoo.

Everything's still not back up, but over the next couple of days it should be. Just give me some time to work all the kinks out.

There's a problem with some of the passwords like I warned you guys a looong time ago: they don't get carried over. So when you log in and you get unceremoniously kicked out because it doesn't recognize your password, just report it as lost. The board will ask for the email address you used to sign up, and in return mail you a new super secret message. Just follow the instructions and bam!, you're here.

If you're going to have problems with that (because you were, oh I dunno, using a bogus email addy), just try to catch me on chat sometime, we'll fix it. Or post in the Help Desk.

Also, there seems to be some trouble with logging out for some people. If you're one of them, just clear your cache and browser cookies. Or don't log out from the forums, log out from the portal. There's a nice quick link to it at the bottom of every page.

It's a shame we couldn't have launched v3 before my hard drive was wiped, we would've hit the ground with some awesome skins up for use. As it is, I have to recreate those first. You will all have to make do with this rather spartan blue and white first.

Oh yeah, I want to take this time to advertise this new neat (albeit rather pointless) feature:
Oooh, spoiler tags. Tasty.

That's not the only thing.

We now have quick editing, to go along with the fast reply. Yehey.
There's multi-quoting too, for when you feel like arguing and quoting tons of text.
Maximum avatar sizes are now 150x150. It's the freedom of having 50GB of monthly bandwidth.

To use the spoiler tags, do this:

[sp]Your text here[/sp]

To use multi-quoting, just click on the +Quote buttons beneath the posts you want to quote. You can select more than 1 post (of course, it's the point), and you can do so over multiple pages. When you're ready to quote them, just go to your quick reply box and press "Quote these posts now." Simple.

The other new stuff I'll leave for you all to discover. True to my word, there's now only one account for every person on the entire domain. That means: same account for portal, forums and gallery. Hell, you even log in directly into chat.

So far the only downside I can think of is that the old topic links will no longer work. To fix them, just do this:

Previous URL format: <a href="#"></a>
Current URL format: <a href="#"></a>

The value after the equal sign should be the same.

That's it. Anything else I missed, feel free to ask about. Again, welcome! Now let me go to sleep. Tongue

Messages In This Thread
[OLD] Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Grim - 09-25-2007, 09:39 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Serene - 09-25-2007, 10:20 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Grim - 09-25-2007, 10:36 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by NiX - 09-25-2007, 11:38 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Grim - 09-25-2007, 11:46 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Grim - 09-26-2007, 09:54 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Grim - 09-27-2007, 05:22 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Grim - 09-27-2007, 08:24 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Serene - 09-27-2007, 11:03 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Fox - 10-01-2007, 09:20 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by PhAYSe - 09-28-2007, 02:45 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Grim - 09-28-2007, 09:22 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Grim - 09-29-2007, 05:45 PM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Grim - 10-07-2007, 12:35 PM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by NiX - 10-07-2007, 12:39 PM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Fox - 10-12-2007, 02:56 AM
RE: Welcome back, and welcome to v3. - by Grim - 01-10-2008, 09:21 PM

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