05-08-2007, 07:28 AM
There's not much about this one except that it is odd, the nationalities given do not match the names, and neither do the relationships given match the nationalities. It is completely and utterly irrational: ghosts from our world set in a strange and wonderful land where all concepts of time, space and even common sense are thrown bodily out the nearest handy window -- sometimes literally. If I need to make it more obvious, this is MY WORK.
There will be graphic violence and several paragraphs of purified weird of such calibre that you'll be looking around to make sure your version of reality isn't being gleefully eye-raped by a randy group of Fairy-Kings. There will be gratuitous swearing, and that's about it. Not very much, but the faint of heart should not read.
There's not much about this one except that it is odd, the nationalities given do not match the names, and neither do the relationships given match the nationalities. It is completely and utterly irrational: ghosts from our world set in a strange and wonderful land where all concepts of time, space and even common sense are thrown bodily out the nearest handy window -- sometimes literally. If I need to make it more obvious, this is MY WORK.
There will be graphic violence and several paragraphs of purified weird of such calibre that you'll be looking around to make sure your version of reality isn't being gleefully eye-raped by a randy group of Fairy-Kings. There will be gratuitous swearing, and that's about it. Not very much, but the faint of heart should not read.