12-15-2006, 02:30 PM
I have yet to be out-rushed in a regular match.
Tonight I was playin on Kai and Anu made the king of all MG spam while we were playing around Site-S. It's hard to rush someone who's backpedaling you with NYMPHE + RM3 for the start of every match. Even in Site-S, it's still possible to do that to an extent.
Delta's legs broke a whoooole lot during those matches, mostly due to the initial missiles barrages that my backpedaling foe unleashed at point blank every time. Then again, having PIXIE2 + NIX + E2 being unleashed all at once doesn't help either. Although Delta was by every means the more balanced AC in those matches, it couldn't out-race the pure spam of the opponent. I was inclined to make the same design as Anu, but there wouldn't be any fun in that for me.
Even though Delta was at a disadvantage, I still kept using it as much as I could. However, aside from my 5 - 6 wins, I came pretty close to winning in more matches despite having my legs broken in almost every round.
It's still hard to use Delta to it's fullest regardless of who your opponent is, but it's such an awesome and original AC, I'd never think of replacing it. I just need more practice with it, there's way to much potential that I haven't even started to even tap into with this AC.
What makes a good AC to me is one that has every single part carefully chosen for it, and each piece is meant to compliment the overal design in every way. The real determining factor for a good AC to me is for the AC to be designed soley for it's creator. How often do you see ACs with such care placed into them these days?
Tonight I was playin on Kai and Anu made the king of all MG spam while we were playing around Site-S. It's hard to rush someone who's backpedaling you with NYMPHE + RM3 for the start of every match. Even in Site-S, it's still possible to do that to an extent.
Delta's legs broke a whoooole lot during those matches, mostly due to the initial missiles barrages that my backpedaling foe unleashed at point blank every time. Then again, having PIXIE2 + NIX + E2 being unleashed all at once doesn't help either. Although Delta was by every means the more balanced AC in those matches, it couldn't out-race the pure spam of the opponent. I was inclined to make the same design as Anu, but there wouldn't be any fun in that for me.
Even though Delta was at a disadvantage, I still kept using it as much as I could. However, aside from my 5 - 6 wins, I came pretty close to winning in more matches despite having my legs broken in almost every round.
It's still hard to use Delta to it's fullest regardless of who your opponent is, but it's such an awesome and original AC, I'd never think of replacing it. I just need more practice with it, there's way to much potential that I haven't even started to even tap into with this AC.
What makes a good AC to me is one that has every single part carefully chosen for it, and each piece is meant to compliment the overal design in every way. The real determining factor for a good AC to me is for the AC to be designed soley for it's creator. How often do you see ACs with such care placed into them these days?
My AC Garage: