Current time: 07-02-2024, 11:02 PM
I'll be reviewing this within two contexts, one as a mission AC and the other in a competition context (Let's say you're entering PACT in the 2nd case).

I'll say a few things first before the actual review:

I was expecting the KONGOH/ANANDA/VULTURE2 to heat up really fast along with the HELLIOS, but I was surprised that it can be a workable booster/gen/rad combo. However, there is a high risk involved because of the low battery capacity of the KONGOH.

The AC is called Moonlight, but where's the Moonlight? Tongue

Also, we think alike in a sense that we don't tune our ACs frame parts Smile) just the internals and the boosters Tongue.

Oh, and using a blader design against Zinnaida is hard, at least for me. So yeah, it takes a bit of guts to bring a design like this and fight against someone like her.

Anyway, for a mission AC it has what it needs to fight almost any boss in the game (excluding some ACs IMO). The HYDRA2 missiles launch a fairly large salvo, which if all missiles connect, will be enough to kill most bosses such as Leviathans and some Pulverizers. The KINNARA + FUNI can also do the same job, only a bit more general purpose because of its straight flying arc, making it effective against more heavily armored MTs. The LB3 makes short work of most slow and stationary targets (at least the slow ones, and some slower ACs like Jack-O) while the PIXIE3 is used as a general-purpose weapon with plentiful ammo.

However, the design has trouble against ACs in general because their high mobility, which makes it hard to hit them with your hard hitting weapons such as the LB3 and the HYDRA2. The KINNARA + FUNI and the PIXIE3 are the only weapons that have the accuracy to hit fast AC opponents.

In a tournament setting though, this AC will have a lot of trouble dealing with accurate, and sustained firing weaponry (the 93RL and the RS come to mind) as its low shell defense leaves it vulnerable to such weapons (coincidentally, the RL was the most commonly used weapon in PACT1). Dual gunners will also be a problem since they can out damage a blader design at range. Oh, and if you think blading the AI is hard, then blading against a human opponent is much harder (well, it depends. Some might screw up their dodging and one might land a lucky hit, while others remain airborne for quite a while, making the blade useless against such opponents).

However, it does display some potential against other blader opponents. The PIXIE3 is an OK damage racer at close ranges while the KINNARA + FUNI can be used as a

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