Current time: 09-28-2024, 03:23 AM
Okei,so someone around here wanted to see if there could actually be a useful design that uses ICURUS.So i took a whack at it and came up with this...

Type:MW Biped

head SR2 (5/0/5/0/0)
core ICURUS (0/0/10/0/0)
arms LEMUR2 (for fun of course) (0/10/0/0/0)
but if you wanna stick to the rules...
XS2 (0/10/0/0/0)
legs DINGO2 (0/10/0/0/0)
booster GULL (0/0/5/5)
generator FUDOH (0/10/0)
radiator R92 (0/6/4) (i know some are already saying "wtf?R92?"...i'll explain later)
inside none
extension ANOKU
back R none
back L none
arm R RL
arm L NIX


Okei time to explain...This design is meant to make effective use(if not whore) of ICURUS.So the most controversial of this setup would have to be the internals.GULL + FUDOH is understandable but R92?Yeah.Honestly,i checked the tuning between ANANDA,R92, and RAGORA.Basically if ANANDA was tuned to all cooling, the resulting value is equal to that of the base cooling of R92, and RAGORA is crap(doi)...Where R92 beats ANANDA is it's forced cooling.Notice the way i tuned R92 (6 for en consumption, 4 for cooling).With this tuning,i put priority on the en consumption cuz that's where R92 really blows it.With this kind of design, with the GULL and all,cooling is really important.So notice that some of the tunes on the other parts are all cooling.When i Ob with this design and get shot at, heat shoots up rather quick.That's where the forced cooling comes in(i believe it has more than 18000), and heat quickly dies down.I tried whoring this design and it works fine, except for some very untimely heat problems...But it never gen busts.The OB of ICURUS is quite sweet really,i just hope i'm correct with this theory of mine.And i almost forgot, the refresh is fine too, considering that i do my gen refresh while boost hopping.

As for it's combat tactics...Quite simple really.Why would it have an OB if you won't OB right?At the start of the match, OB right away to the side of your opponent(even better if you can get behind) and use ANOKU, then fire away.This style has been implemented many times over and i just wanna pay tribute to the beautiful art of "backstabbing" mwahahaha...And honestly,i couldn't think of a better tactic to use with the design cuz it's quite fragile(but with LEMUR2 it's not hahaha) and i rely on OB to dodge most of the opponent's shots(yes cuz i'm behind them mwehehehe...) Jousting is automatically out of the question,and other tactics won't work...So there,begin criticizing my work!n_n
To be in that extended moment...That long lasting feeling of contentment...To be alive for but a moment...That extended moment...

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[No subject] - by Juno - 09-05-2006, 09:58 PM
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