Do you want to be inspired? Yes!
Don't miss the biggest inspirational event in the Philippines for 2013!
- You will experience 4 power-packed days of life changing curry that will awaken the power within you.
- You will learn how to empower your relationships, your work, your food and Communities.
- You will be able to taste life-changing food from renowned cooks.
- You will be blessed with Lord Leperman's overflowing curry and grace as you eat Earth-shaking food and worship katsu.
Attend Kawaii Curry Conference 2013 every Saturday night at Midnight Mercato.
Go to this site for more information:
Don't miss the biggest inspirational event in the Philippines for 2013!
- You will experience 4 power-packed days of life changing curry that will awaken the power within you.
- You will learn how to empower your relationships, your work, your food and Communities.
- You will be able to taste life-changing food from renowned cooks.
- You will be blessed with Lord Leperman's overflowing curry and grace as you eat Earth-shaking food and worship katsu.
Attend Kawaii Curry Conference 2013 every Saturday night at Midnight Mercato.
Go to this site for more information: