Current time: 03-09-2025, 09:32 AM
LR: Yari and Tachi
Technology Demonstration: Orchid Bladers
The high weight and calorific value of the ORCHID generator made it impractical for use in many designs that stresses on the combination of mobility and firepower - these shortcomings along with its relatively slow recharge rate have mostly restricted its use to low energy-drain tanks.

There is however another niche that this reviled part could fit in: bladers, where the high capacity of this generator would counter the usually high drain of the laser blades while allowed to recharge between blade strikes.

AC Yari (Quadruple)

CR-H84E2 5,0,0,5,0
CR-YC99UL 0,0,5,5,0
CR-A94FL 0,1,6,3,0
CR-LF71 0,0,6,0,4
B01-BIRDIE 2,8,0,0
G03-ORCHID 7,3,0
R03-LINDEN 3,3,4

AC Tachi (Light Biped)

Same as above, except replace:
Legs: CR-LH79L 0,2,4,0,4
Boosters: B04-BIRDIE2 0,7,0,3
Radiator: ANANDA 0,0,10

Tactics are simple: first use the sniper rifle to pick off small and/or aerial foes (it is possible, but highly impractical to blade helicopters and hovering Ostriches as it is likely to take scratch damage in the process) then drop the rifle and close to slice anything else apart. The fast acceleration of the BIRDIE series will make it trivial to dodge most projectiles.

Against ACs, always aim for the sides to remove weapons as only two well-placed blade strikes are enough to destroy a LEMUR arm. Take note that the blade strike of a light weight biped is angled towards the lower left as opposed to the quadruple's forward thrust, and it is entirely possible to completely miss targets to the right of the player's AC.

Happy hunting! Jason
ORCHID has never been a good idea for PvP use at all. You'll need 17k+ Cooling to tame that, and in order to do so, you'll have to screw up its parts which will make it useless anyway, unless you're wonderfullly skilled enough to make all those jousting attempts count. BTW, opponents with GLL or E2/SELENA Core = gg. LOL
Every part has its place, and ORCHID is there waiting to be used to its full potential in Missions.

I'm not ruining the fun. Actually, I want to do PvP with both players using the Gen+Blade thing. Tongue Every Circle/Triangle/L1 at close range will give that effin enjoyable thrill.

Speaking of SELENA... I can attempt to make a practical use for that inaccurate burst damage EO.
Overboost kamikaze attack Ninja
(09-24-2012, 11:39 AM)darkdragon_ycart22 Wrote: BTW, opponents with GLL or E2/SELENA Core = gg.

Have you tried the bots yet? They run way cooler than I was actually expecting initially, especially the quad that can somehow take a point-blank slug gun shot and recover in seconds (never gen-busts). LOL Anyway, technology demonstrators were never meant to have the full capability of our usual staples, so I do not mind the criticism.

There is another thing that was discovered in this study, that quadruples do not actually get the boosted blade damage as tanks do, and they do reduced damage against flying targets (try blading the Leviathans in one of the last missions: it takes two hits from the quad and only one with the light biped for one of those things to explode).
(09-25-2012, 08:42 PM)medusa0 Wrote: Have you tried the bots yet? They run way cooler than I was actually expecting initially, especially the quad that can somehow take a point-blank slug gun shot and recover in seconds (never gen-busts). LOL Anyway, technology demonstrators were never meant to have the full capability of our usual staples, so I do not mind the criticism.

There is another thing that was discovered in this study, that quadruples do not actually get the boosted blade damage as tanks do, and they do reduced damage against flying targets (try blading the Leviathans in one of the last missions: it takes two hits from the quad and only one with the light biped for one of those things to explode).
Because pretty much the only thing that can pull off a sure genbust is the 98G (dual grenade launcher), if it connects. The LX is also capable, but it's darn inaccurate.

I guess quads have lesser blade hit frames than bipeds do. Tanks have the highest frame count, and one full stab from a ELF3-on-tank can OHKO ultralight AC's.
Overboost kamikaze attack Ninja

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