Current time: 03-14-2025, 12:29 AM
New project!
Hello everyone, I want to announce that I'm gonna start working in a project soon for all the AC comunity out there, but I want to start here since this forum has a lot of stuff and a lot of players with different hobbies and such, and I'm happy for that cuz I love the diversity we have... so my project it...

An Armored Core Fan fic!

I'm going to say it already, I love to write fanfics from the things I like, I made fanfics from several online games I' ve played in the past, even animes I love and I recieved a positive feedback from my readers in every forum/blog I posted my stories, so right now I'm going to start working in this project... got the idea in my head, the characters and such, but I'm not only here to announce this project, I'm here to ask help too.

I'm one of those writers who loves to draw the characters so everyone can see how the heroes and villains looks like... the sad part is... I can't draw, in every story I made, some of my friends helped me out with the character design, but most of them right now are busy or I've lost contact with them... so here's the thing, anyone here is good drawing female and male characters? that's all I'm asking so I can start working in this project and I'm sure that everyone will love it!
[Image: nqnseb.jpg]
My vision is for the good of everyone. Mostly me
I have a fanfic section and stable of artists/writers here. I'm sure we could make stuff happen... with enough motivation. Tongue
Ya well, I'm mostly asking for help about drawing the characters for the fic, it's not a comic or such thing, I just want someone who can help me in make them for their profiles and bios... that's why I'm asking for someone who's good drawing female and male characters.
[Image: nqnseb.jpg]
My vision is for the good of everyone. Mostly me
Oooh, if you need help maybe you could ask Trace and the others, I'm here too if you need to draw characters. Mechs are a little more difficult, but I could try if ever XD

Or you could just take a pic of the machine their using so it would be easier, lol. Other than that, feel free to ask o3o
Ya the Mechs... the story will have a mix of AC's and NEXT's so I dunno how difficult it would be, but oh well... I'll figure that out soon xD
[Image: nqnseb.jpg]
My vision is for the good of everyone. Mostly me
Keeping a close eye on this one! Hope it works out well in the end!
I think acv and ac3 would mesh better ac4 seems to big a leap ... but then again why not connect the 3 of them.

one problem when using characters for acv is that other than a very few number of ac pilots, namely that bulterish dude contrasting the psycho heli pilot, and the moonlight wielding zodiac seems decent, everyone else seems to be in some variety of a murderous streak. Well thats how I saw it anyway, but I wasn't exactly paying a lot of attention to the story other than in my head Fran's voice reminds me of another character from a cartoon....

You also have to consider that ACV ACs are only 5 meters tall, while the rest of the franchise stands from 10 to 14 meters ಠ_ಠ
can i see a sample or maybe even read a sample of your work?

can it be gay fanfiction? that would interest me greatly!

the butler dude & the psycho guy can make a good pair! UWU
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
Here's an example of my work, it's from an old Anthro story I was writing but I stopped cuz it became a meh project in the end cuz I had too much work at that time, I write stories in spanish but I have a friend that helps me with the translations, all u guys are about to read it's an exact translation of what I wrote in spanish.

And yes, that's my DA, I'm no artist but I love to watch and follow some of my friends there.

Sorry but I'm not into gay fanfiction, but yeah... I can make something like that in the AC fanfic I'm going to write, after all I'm a very open minded person, but I have to see first... at least I can say that there's not going to be such kind of relationshipn among the main chars xD
[Image: nqnseb.jpg]
My vision is for the good of everyone. Mostly me

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