The Online portion of ACV is set to go up on Saturday Jan. 21 10:00 JST; thanks to Cleric, we now know that means it will be up in America on the 20th at 8:00PM EST
Because we need five people to make a full team, I think we should all post our times when we'll be on so that it makes it easier.
I probably won't get home until 9PM EST and won't be online until 10PM EST because I gots to eat and wash the dishes and I will probably be playing all night until 2 or something. I'm willing to do the Operator role first; don't get mad if I flail around pressing buttons though, I can't read japanese.
I will also be posting this on the other forums so that we can also get other people too.
Once online with PSN, join team ACO.
Please post your ID, as well as what days and time you will be playing and also if you are willing to Operator.
Current active teams
PSNID (User - ID)
FromCheng - LASTFARMBOY (After 10 PM EST Fri, Sat, Sun) (Position: Operator)
DarklingVladd - EternalInventor(JP), DarklingVladd(US) (2-8 PM EST Sat., 2PM EST and 10PM EST-5AM EST Sun, 3-5 PM EST Mon/Tues) (Position
Non-MV member - Ninjalchemist (same as DarklingVladd)
Falcon306 - Whitebolt
DeusVexer - ACVRAVEN (9PM EST- 2 AM EST Friday, After 1PM EST Sat, Sun, Mon)
Goat - GoatJPN
Cleric - Cleric_ACO (After 10 PM EST)
Zealous- Zealous_Midwest (After 10 PM EST)
MoonWalker4 - MoonWalker4 (8PM EST)
XBOXGT (User - GT)
Incinerator950 - incinerator451
Barilzar - Barilzar (Beginning to end, Fri, Sat, Sun)
Rogan - roganc666 (Beginning to end, Fri, Sat, Sun)
AC Garage
Current Active Teams
Team Ravens Nest
PSNID (User - ID)
Parry - ParryACO
Promethius - DeathgeeseJP (7PM EST)
Griffon - Griffon_ACG
ithilain - ithilain
XBOXGT (User - GT)
Raven Republic
Current Active Teams
PSNID (User - ID)
Goat - GoatJPN
XBOXGT (User - GT)
Ravens Haven
PSNID (User - ID)
XBOXGT (User - GT)
Current Active Teams
PSNID (User - ID)
Niji - Niji87
XBOXGT (User - GT)
Because we need five people to make a full team, I think we should all post our times when we'll be on so that it makes it easier.
I probably won't get home until 9PM EST and won't be online until 10PM EST because I gots to eat and wash the dishes and I will probably be playing all night until 2 or something. I'm willing to do the Operator role first; don't get mad if I flail around pressing buttons though, I can't read japanese.
I will also be posting this on the other forums so that we can also get other people too.
Once online with PSN, join team ACO.
Please post your ID, as well as what days and time you will be playing and also if you are willing to Operator.
Current active teams
PSNID (User - ID)
FromCheng - LASTFARMBOY (After 10 PM EST Fri, Sat, Sun) (Position: Operator)
DarklingVladd - EternalInventor(JP), DarklingVladd(US) (2-8 PM EST Sat., 2PM EST and 10PM EST-5AM EST Sun, 3-5 PM EST Mon/Tues) (Position

Non-MV member - Ninjalchemist (same as DarklingVladd)
Falcon306 - Whitebolt
DeusVexer - ACVRAVEN (9PM EST- 2 AM EST Friday, After 1PM EST Sat, Sun, Mon)
Goat - GoatJPN
Cleric - Cleric_ACO (After 10 PM EST)
Zealous- Zealous_Midwest (After 10 PM EST)
MoonWalker4 - MoonWalker4 (8PM EST)
XBOXGT (User - GT)
Incinerator950 - incinerator451
Barilzar - Barilzar (Beginning to end, Fri, Sat, Sun)
Rogan - roganc666 (Beginning to end, Fri, Sat, Sun)
AC Garage
Current Active Teams
Team Ravens Nest
PSNID (User - ID)
Parry - ParryACO
Promethius - DeathgeeseJP (7PM EST)
Griffon - Griffon_ACG
ithilain - ithilain
XBOXGT (User - GT)
Raven Republic
Current Active Teams
PSNID (User - ID)
Goat - GoatJPN
XBOXGT (User - GT)
Ravens Haven
PSNID (User - ID)
XBOXGT (User - GT)
Current Active Teams
PSNID (User - ID)
Niji - Niji87
XBOXGT (User - GT)