Current time: 03-14-2025, 01:48 PM
(01-28-2012, 12:35 AM)atdsutm Wrote: can we already block RR on US access?

Unfortunately, RR is hosted on a US server, so that'd be a problem...

Basically at this point, I think everyone knows the evils of what they're trying to achieve. While there's a bit of merit in the bill, its cons far outweigh what it's trying to accomplish on paper. So yeah, I hope the day doesn't come to pass that we can't access even a simple YouTube video.
I literally can't do anything about it but pray -_-

(I signed the petitions and told nearly all my friends/teachers already.)
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
If this bill gets passed; welcome to the age of cyberpunk!
i agree with Jin make the products affordable is a better solution rather than overpricing them which most cant afford in the first place...hmm
It's like trying to a kill a cockroach in a closet with a grenade ~_~
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
(01-28-2012, 10:29 PM)HayWire Wrote: It's like trying to a kill a cockroach in a closet with a grenade ~_~

There's no kill like overkill after all, wrong method though.
'Signatures are overrated.'
^ Speaking of which, I didn't kill a roach last night when it went inside the room; I just had one good sweep and it's done. That's one free 10km, involuntary hitchhike for cockroaches. The harder I kick, the farther the distance; the farther the distance, the chances of shoving it on people's asses increases, which is up to them to fix it. Problem solved! People will only spend the right investment for what they think is the value; I don't see any reason why anyone would want to take care of something that doesn't have the right value at all. Not to mention force you to take care of it.

While piracy may be bad in a way, there's a reason why they do it. IOW, if your products are shit, some would kick them all out and pass it on to the others, in which they (the others), in response will either kill it in disgust, pass it over again, and/or say "Fuck you for passing this shit"/"Fuck your ass for kicking this garbage towards my prized food; roaches aren't good toppings you dick"/"I BOUGHT A MOTHERFUCKING NEW ACE COMBAT GAME AND ALL I FOUND INSIDE WAS A DIGITAL COCKROACH WHEN U PLAY EET. IT JUST FLIES LIKE SHIT"

Wonder which sort of society I'd fall in (goatseiety?). I'm trying to avoid my place from becoming a shithole though. LOL

Quote:The signature of ACTA by European countries does not mean the deal is done, needs to be ratified by the European Parliament. They will vote on June 2012 to either ratify or reject ACTA. Please read more how to act and call your MPs, tell them to vote against ratification. This would disarm ACTA in Europe.
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
a new challenger appears! (found it on mcblobs' owner tumblr of all places XD )

this is beginning to feel like the V for Vendetta movie although in the movie...V blow up the government....hmmmm...

i have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg and things will get much much much worse if the government still doesn't listen
@ Bill C-11
[Image: mlfw2180-13262990869097.jpg]

[Image: mlfw1748-1320070341.png]

Well, that's SORT of the reason Anon uses the Guy Fawkes mask...SORT OF.
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
"that's SORT of the reason Anon uses the Guy Fawkes mask...SORT OF. " XD i know though if in the movie the government got blown up i wonder how this "version" will unfold hmmm
(12-28-2011, 05:48 PM)Twin-Skies Wrote: The author of SOPA is a Texan.

Rick Perry is Texan.

George Dubya Bush is Texan.

Remind me again why we haven't nuked that state from orbit? Seems be the launching point of most of America's hate.

I'm from Texas Tears
Screw Capcom all their great producers are no longer there Glare
As for SOPA I can say "wtf" ryt?
Raven name: Rexzo
AC name: Propagation, Melancholy, & Gotterdammerung (Soon: Omni Seraph)
AC type:MW Bipedal or MW Reverse Joint (either way)
Favored weapons: Rifles, Machine Guns, Hand Guns, Micro Missiles, and Laser Blades
Attack Style: Either Aggressive or Backpedaling

Being born with angel wings (Propagation)
Rose after fallen from paradise (Depression) (Melancholy)
Accepted my inner devil for if I fought; I would have ultimately lost (Gotterdammerung)

Having undergone these trials I've have become an Omnious Seraph

"I'm a Mercenary, I'm used to betrayal...
But power is all that matters now...
In the end, Human arrogance will eventually usher in our own downfall... -Genobee"\

Mindlessly killing is something everyone can do; however, only a few think and efficiently complete the task at hand

[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]

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