Current time: 03-14-2025, 12:08 AM
Pet peeves
(01-24-2012, 09:09 AM)Fox Wrote: post

Just thought of this now. I think it's more about flow. A text/call on your cellphone tends to disrupt whatever it is you're currently doing, and can therefore be bothersome. But a ym/fb/twitter message happens while you're already on the PC doing PC things, so you're more inclined to interact.
I think I've been focusing on ACV too much, so I must now post real-life specs.

- Quoted
Quote:One thing I don't like in some watches is when they reach the 30th minute; can't fucking see the date. It's a small issue, but there's no difference between a small f and a big F if they're all going to end up at the same path; *uck.

- CDR-King's long ass line.


- People staring at me. Is there something on my face? Did my goatsguise fail?

- Dry skin and ITCH; ITCHINESS. The need to always put lotion after taking a shower for fuck's sake. I guess this is the consequence of always living in an air-conditioned room (usually around 20C).

- How my way of thinking currently works. I tend to be pretty random more than ever.

- Getting impatient on practice sessions.

- Food. I think I've lost my whole appetite since last year, I just find no pleasure or any satisfaction when I eat, which annoys me to no end. Weirdly, I eat more after having this 'appetite-loss' though. LOL

- My mom's laptop.

- Insomnia...? I think I should be asleep now; moved my bioclock for more than 60 clock spins iirc. Been also awake for more than 45 hours straight for the last few days. Don't want to end up like that Korean gamer who died for playing 3 days non-stop. LOL

- That fucking digiclock beside me that changes its backlight every now and then, which flashes on to my eyes.

- People who would always peek in at the window and stare at either the laptop, PC, or PS3. Next time, don't watch me play ACV or writing something at a notepad like voyeurs. Just fucking watch beside me or within the room. An idea crossed my mind; write "FUCK OFF" on the curtains with a pentel pen next ime.

- Time is so slow; I hate waiting. I want to be a fossil and contribute to future science.

- My chair. It's time I get a new one.

- A lot of short-term memory loss.

- Anything heavy. I was carrying a cartridge for a GP-6 model, which then fell on my foot. Didn't realize it was actually metal.

- The fact that I'm always unsure of what to do next; wasn't always like this. I've been staring blank for god knows how long.

- And lastly, . Reminds me of Applehead for some reason.

- Actually fuck that second (I mean third; RR has no strikethrough font. now it's fourth, fuck the millenium) fourth to the last statement; and super lastly, the fact that I had to put these fucking, LOLing smileys just to make sure my posts won't end up being interpreted as another of those self-pitying crap. LOL <--- see? this one's used to delete the potential, aggressive aura from this peeve though.

- Actually fucking fuck that second to the last statement; lastly, (You know what, fuck. I suddenly forgot what to put here again.) AGGHHH

- I have a new thing to write now; I'm dizzy. Therefore, I'm goin to sleep. Fuck that second to the last statement.
people who use the elevator to go up just ONE floor.

People with no common sense of privacy. Ugh, fuck. Seriously. Commented on Phantasy Star Online 2's FB page, and then suddenly my aunt posts IN THERE and asks what I meant in my comment. I'm going back to limiting my posts to certain people. I'm aware of how that website shares information to your feed, but I'd never expect people to be... well, that.
Hahaha middle age folks use FB completely differently. It's scary.
pet peeve

old saggy religious people, you wanna punch them in the face, but you know that there is a possible chance they might die or fall and cant get up

another one

girls that go out with dick heads then after they have been "discarded" wanna be mad and/or label every man as being "asshole whores" when they fully know that there gonna just get thrown aside like a piece of trash when the dick head gets what they want from them
what do i fight for? i have nothing to fight for but i fight i LIVE because it is my only defiance to what ever gods may be for making my life a living hell
(01-27-2012, 07:58 PM)spartansgestugatenso Wrote: pet peeve

old saggy religious people, you wanna punch them in the face, but you know that there is a possible chance they might die or fall and cant get up

another one

girls that go out with dick heads then after they have been "discarded" wanna be mad and/or label every man as being "asshole whores" when they fully know that there gonna just get thrown aside like a piece of trash when the dick head gets what they want from them

please explain the one with the girls?
because girls have a choice to be angry at getting dumped???? is thaht it? girls can't get angry at getting dumped by a dick? or girls can't go into a relationship that they want? whut?
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
I guess what he meant by that is that he hates when a girl dates a jerk then bitch about "all guys being the same" right after getting dumped, then rinse, repeat. Happens everywhere.
Haha us guys are guilty of that too. I guess it's something that just comes with youth/immaturity.
and after getting dumped, girls will just take advantage of another guy until they cooled of sort of like a rebound or something.

and so on so on..................

we could count as many stereotyping and generalization............ are we going to fill this thread with those things?
No, it's something petty, let's just move on. Smile
I use the elevator to go up one floor, but I also fart too before leaving.
i remember some female student waited in line on the elevator around 30-40 mins just to get to 6th floor
@elevator thing
some context: i work on the 12th floor. company A takes up floors 2 up to 6, company B, 7 to 11. a lot of the time, in the morning, i get in the elevator with a bunch of people going to floor 2. then at floor 2 some people get on to get to floor on and so forth. there have been times the elevator has stopped on ALL floors coz of people like this. ive been stuck on such a hellevator once for around ten minutes >.<

btw, there a LOT of fags* in company A w/c makes elevator trips all the more irritating.

*im usually fine with gay/homo/bi people, but these ones are exceptions. yung typically becky-jejemon trying hard magmukhang babae na ...aah isipin ko pa lang nakakabwiset na ~.~

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