Current time: 03-14-2025, 08:30 PM
ACV Name Formatting?
Not necessarily needed; prolly only for trading schematics between RR members.
(Edited: Revised)

Anyway, the idea sort of sparked up when Lord Leperman and I were talking about tactics in ACV. When we were talking about knowing specs in scan mode, headset for the operator, and all that shit in regards to quick thinking during battles, it suddenly crossed my mind to talk about my personalized format for my own ACs in relation to implementing this to improve quick-thinking skillz in battle. (was sort of rp'ing while making my own format when i got too hyped prior to the multiplayer demo's launch)

Rick then thought of proposing to standardize the format to be utilized for sharing/trading our blueprints to another team member. Yeah, for sharing/trading, so you can just switch the name if you're going to give the blueprints to us, whatever. Better if you use it during combat as well, for the sake of your teammates being aware of your AC's capabilities in general. Not to mention the operators can easily reassign your roles and slave you around when a difficult situation arises, but I don't want to impose.

Hahah, I feel sort of embarrassed to share this (which i wasnt on planning anyway). Regardless, here's the format in question: LOL

Quote:Section I: NAME FORMAT

1A. Total Max Characters in Name Allotment: 16

- Characters needed for unit role name: 1-2 characters (Uniform) / *pick one from II, 2B.
- SLASH: 1 character (Uniform)
- Min-Max characters for unit name: 4-6 characters / *more details in section II, 2A.
- DASH SYMBOL: 1 character (Uniform)
- Characters needed for chassis attributes: 6 characters; 1 space & slash already included; 1 preceeding space and a slash is placed between the two attributes in 2Cc.

2A. Sample Names (colored in gray)

-----C/GRFSA1-KP L/H
-----K/GRFSA2-KP M/H
-----G/GRFSA3-BA M/H
-----X/GRFSA3-SP M/H
-----X/GRFSA3-SA M/H
-----S/MGSLV0-CA X/Q
-----A/OBSRK1-TB H/C
-----G/ORKST1-HE H/H
-----G/SCHTN1-BA M/H
-----J/VCHAA1-KE L/R

3A. 16-Character Test:

The AC name allotment can only hold as much as 16 characters. Characters are represented in #s 0-9 and 10 as X; Underscores are then exclusively used for this document for an easier read (1 underscore = next character / 2 underscores = space).

-----S_/_G_R_F_S_A_1_-_K_P_ _M_/_H_ <--- A = Artillery / GRFSA1 = Grifs Astoni / K = Kinetic Def-based / P = (High) Boost Power / M = Mediumweight / H= Humanoid
-----K_/_G_R_F_S_A_2_-_S_A_ _L_/_H_ <--- K = Skirmisher / GRFSA1 = Grifs Astoni Mk II / S = Sloped-Superconductive Def-based / A = (High) Boost Accel / M = Mediumweight / H= Humanoid
-----G_/_S_L_I_D_S_1_-_B_P_ _H_/_H_ <--- G = Gunner / GRFSA1 = Solidus / B = Ballistic; Chobham Def-based / A = (High) Power Accel / H = Heavyweight / H= Humanoid
-----G_M_/_S_L_I_D_S_1_-_B_P_ _M_/_H <--- G = Gunner(Primary); M - Melee(Secondary) / GRFSA4 = Solidus / B = Ballistic; Chobham Def-based / A = (High) Power Accel / M = Mediumweight / H= Humanoid
-----K_C_/_S_L_I_D_S_1_-_B_P_ _M_/_H <--- K = Skirmisher(Primary); C = Close Range(Secondary) / GRFSA4 = Solidus / B = Ballistic; Chobham Def-based / A = (High) Power Accel /M = Mediumweight / H= Humanoid


2A. Unit Name:

- Unit naming is based on characteristics, animals, virtues, or a code, whatever; multi-language.
- Cut down all insignificant letters; leave consonants (and one significant vowel if possible) behind.
- Last character is numerical; a Mark number starting from 1 onwards.

2B. Unit Role: (Up to two roles can be selected; Primary role first, then secondary)

-----2Ba. A - (Artillery) Long range shooter/bombardier; CE-based weaponry.
-----2Bb. S - (Sniper) Long range shooter; KE-based weaponry.
-----2Bc. K - (Skirmisher) Harrasser and lurer; geared towards covering fire, survival, and defense.
-----2Bd. G - (Gunner) Harrasser and lurer; geared towards offense.
-----2Be. M - (Melee) CQC/Point-blank; any weapon as long as the melee weapon is its primary weapon. (not recommended)
-----2Bf. C - (Close Range) Firefights; no weapon basis.
-----2Bg. R - (Recon) Scouting; drones and any weapon.
-----2Bh. J - (Jammer) Electromagnetic sabotaging; jammers and any weapon.
-----2Bi. X - (Prototype) Unspecified and experimental in all fields.

2C. Chassis Attributes:

I've included the booster type, mainly because your playstyle can vary depending on your setup, kind of like how a high-accel booster can be more suited into prolonged engagements; power boosters for guerilla tactics; low-consump for aerial sniping, etc, etc. Of course, there's still a specific unit role, but this can still tell about your how unit is suited for such engagements. So yeah, it's always best to have a good G/B/EN supply combo, lest we might put the AC in a wrong situation.

Leg Type and Weight Class
Must take advantage of leg perks and know more of your AC's general classification!

-----2Ca. PRIMARY DEF: K/C/T/S/B/H/A
---------------Sloped-Superconductive = [K+T]
---------------Ballistic; Chobham = [K+C]
---------------Hybrid Superconductive-Composite= [C+T]

---------------Economical; Low Consumption

----------2Cca. L/M/H/X
---------------X (unclassified/unsure)

----------2Ccb. H/R/Q/C

sction 3: source

Quote:Described as being composed of ceramic tiles encased within a metal matrix and bonded to a backing plate and several elastic layers. Due to the extreme hardness of the ceramics used,

they offer superior resistance against shaped charges such as high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds and they shatter kinetic energy penetrators.

Sloped Armor

Quote:Sloped armour is armour that is neither in a vertical nor a horizontal position. Such "angled" armour is often mounted on tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs). Sloping

an armour plate makes it harder to penetrate for antitank-weapons, such as armour-piercing shells (kinetic energy penetrators) and rockets, if they take a more or less horizontal path to

their target, as is often the case. The better protection is caused by three main effects.

Hybrid Superconductive-Composite

Quote: Another near-term material is SWNT (Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes) made from tubes of carbon atoms ("Buckytubes"). These are nearly as strong as diamond, are less brittle, and one

type conducts electricity very well, while another is the best known non-superconducting conductor of heat. They also have some other interesting properties. For instance, being hollow

tubes they can have something wrapped inside them. Buckytubes are already being made in large laboratory quantities. At least one company is selling them to experimenters and the public.

If the right process is found, they may be much easier (and cheaper) to produce than diamond whiskers or diamond-coated wires. Buckytube composite armor would offer a protection level per

centimeter of thickness a little under that of the diamond whisker composite described above, but at about half the weight.
This is actually interesting. Prior to a match, you'll be able to choose an AC design within 3 minutes of waiting. Instead of building it from the ground up, just store a particularly effective design and label it as such, and you'd know what the AC's loadout will be without having to check back and forth.

Besides saving time, it also allows team members using the same format to recognize what each team member is bringing in the field, allowing the pilot to choose a complimenting design. That is, if AC names are displayed prior to starting a mission, which I don't recall if ACV does.
just my two cents, but wouldn't it be quicker to recognize if all the spec related stuff is at the front of the name instead of being split front and back. here's my idea for the template


A - Unit Role
B - Weight Class
C - Leg Type
D - Def Type
E - Booster Type
_ - space
* - Unit name - 8 characters

S-MQ/AE TSparkle <- Sniper, Mid Quad, All rounder def, Eco boosters
C-HH/BP Flutters <- Close range, Heavy Humanoid, Ballistic def, Power Boosters
X-LH/AA Orchid<3 <- Prototype, Light Humanoid, All rounder def with Accel boosters, lolololol

That would do too. I forgot to say in the first post to keep revising as you see fit until everyone agrees, because the document is personalized solely for me.

If you're wondering why I preferred having the name in the middle of the whole thing and used slashes, it's because I treat the / like a directory, and have a handful of names for series in my schematics, making it much easier for me to identify the general criteria of this AC. I also tried putting all the specs at the left side, but preferred to have some at the other side because I tend to look and read everywhere; not just at the left side (strangely, i get more confused when looking/focusing only in one direction, so i personalized this to adapt to how i just glance at names). Consider the unit name a huge space between the role and the classifications. LOL

I'm okay with Zero's format though.

Back then I used to name ACs based on themes and virtues, but I had a hard time tracking their abilities when my list of blueprints grew in ACFA, so I started changing my name basis gradually. I then made a simpler, but similar name format to the document at that time because I had a lot of blueprints, most of which were just used as testbeds. Worked for me in remembering their flaws and such though. Then I got hyped for ACV and found something that might help me know about my ACs easily, as I tend to have a lot variants for them.

I had a red AC that didn't follow the format in the demo multiplayer though. I couldn't resist renaming it Funerrari and my pilot as Michael Shmacker (unfortunately 'Schumacher' couldn't fit in the name entry). LOL

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